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Camouflage Advice

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26 minutes ago, Davegolf said:


Yeh movement is picked up for sure, but ive had on many occasions people literally stood a metre in front of me unaware of me, that's down to being still and the camo working :)


yeah there is an art to camo and movement....someone posted it up a while back :)


last game at tudders, a few guys decided to add 'grass / twigs/ to their equipment to break up the shape

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Forget about Italian vegetata, all the companies that make it are crap, and the pattern itself is meh here in Italy 😂

Want something exotic? A-tacs iX, a bit on the pricey side but you'll surely be the special snowflake!

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Funnily enough I would say MTP would have been better this weekend in parts of Eversley.  Lots of chest high light green ferns, thought I must have stepped out into  Land of the Lost.

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38 minutes ago, Dentonboy said:


Forgive me my ignorance but that just looks like Russian Digital flora that it slightly lighter colour https://grey-shop.ru/Camouflage/Russian-Combat-Uniform/Russian-Army-Suit.

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5 minutes ago, Sniper780 said:


Forgive me my ignorance but that just looks like Russian Digital flora that it slightly lighter colour https://grey-shop.ru/Camouflage/Russian-Combat-Uniform/Russian-Army-Suit.

Looks similar but US made camo for Belize is exotic in my book! 

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I switched from MTP to DPM + boonie and in woodland it's fairly common for people to /look straight through me/.


Flecktarn is a good, and I';m also fairly partial to MARPAT although I haven't used either myself, I imagine they would work fairly well.

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2 hours ago, Gyrocile said:


Looks hella exotic. Something tells me that getting matching webbing and trousers might be a little bit difficult tho ;)


Listing is shirt and trousers, no?! For webbing I would do an OD vest. Job done. 

Flecktarn is, for me, just about the most effective pattern I have *not* seen whilst skirmishing. 

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2 hours ago, steakandpotato said:

I switched from MTP to DPM + boonie and in woodland it's fairly common for people to /look straight through me/.

That would explaine a lot then , must stop wearing DPM the next time I want some customer service then , they always look through me as if they can’t see me !

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1 hour ago, Dentonboy said:


Listing is shirt and trousers, no?! For webbing I would do an OD vest. Job done. 

Flecktarn is, for me, just about the most effective pattern I have *not* seen whilst skirmishing. 


Oh yeah so it is, I must learn to read some time 🤦‍♂️

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