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Just ordered some Flecktarn, but is it a complete look?

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I've just popped in an order for some Flecktarn bits to start a German Army loadout for the G3.

I looked at UK suppliers and couldn't find anything that was within budget so I went to a store over in Poland for mil surplus gear.

This is the shop I've ended up using.



The store has only partial English, And I'm not familiar with what a full 1990's German loadout would look like. So I'll post what I've ordered and what I'm planning to order. If there is anything important I'm missing them I would like people to mention it please.

Trousers (issued good)(£12), Shirt (issued good)(£3), Ushanka cap (issued good)(£2), Field cap (luftwaffe)(issued good)(£2).

Tactical belt, with braces. Haversack case,  2x G3 mag pouches, (issued various)(£8.50) 4x G3 double pouch (issued various)(£1 ea)

Parka original (new)(£14)

Including postage I got it delivered to the UK for £70. So I don't think I've had such a bad deal there.















I still need a sling and a few other parts for the G3. Am I correct in thinking that will make a passable loadout for on the field?


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Literally cannot see why not. 


There are impressions, load outs and then there are a anally retentive stitch counter accurate looks... Guess it is up to you which column you are aiming for. 

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I looked on Flecktarn.co.uk. But it got very expensive once I started to add extras.

The G3 mag pouches for example £16.20 ea compared to £1 ea on the polish site. That is a huge saving and basically made 1 pouch cover the £20 postage from the polish site.

Same goes for the field caps £10 on the UK site £2 on the Polish one.

They also didn't have the older style belt and braces webbing. It was all modern assault vests.

I didn't think about Ebay.de. I'll have a look on there for any other bits I might need.

I want a functional look and loadout. Enough to look convincing and period. I have the right gun for the look, so I want there to be enough effort in the kit to make that look right as well.

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Might be worth finding the relevant Osprey military books title(s) if you haven't already. They're a good guide (though may not go into absolutely minuscule levels of detail).

Not sure what they've currently got in print which might be appropriate, but one I can think of would be 'NATO Armies Today', in their Elite series.

If that's out of print, secondhand copies will be around (they always are).

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12 hours ago, New2Airsoft said:

Might be worth finding the relevant Osprey military books title(s) if you haven't already. They're a good guide (though may not go into absolutely minuscule levels of detail).

Not sure what they've currently got in print which might be appropriate, but one I can think of would be 'NATO Armies Today', in their Elite series.

If that's out of print, secondhand copies will be around (they always are).


Still available! https://www.amazon.co.uk/NATO-Armies-Today-Osprey-Elite/dp/0850458226

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I'm going to have to research books as well then!

The time period is a very short one, Flecktarn, G3, and webbing rather than tac vests. Makes the time period 1990 (flecktarn introduction) to 1997 (G36 introduction).

I have a feeling the Osprey NATO book will cover West Germany, and have a cut off point at the collapse of the Berlin wall 1989. I want the look that came from the reunification just after.

Before the collapse West Germany was in OD fatigues. The webbing should be correct, so that at least is a visual start.

I might be better off looking for a more age specific book like something that goes into depth about the Bosnia conflict 1992-2004 where Germans in flacktarn were deployed with G3 rifles for NATO ops.


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Authentic or not, flecktarn is really well suited for British woodland sites, far more so than multicam (which, correct me if I’m wrong, was developed to incorporate hotter harsher climates in mind)


I use Kryptek Mandrake, but flecktarn would definitely be just as good, if not better, especially in winter.

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Ah yes, sorry - 'NATO Armies...' might fall outside the timeframe you're looking for, with Bundeswehr 'moleskin' uniform being covered, as you suggest (I don't have a copy so can't tell you I'm afraid). In which case may be worth looking at what else that's more recent they have available in their catalogue which might help.

Otherwise I am sure there will be an online resource that could give you pointers (though sounds to me like you're already well across it).

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4 hours ago, AshOnSnow said:

Authentic or not, flecktarn is really well suited for British woodland sites, far more so than multicam (which, correct me if I’m wrong, was developed to incorporate hotter harsher climates in mind)


I use Kryptek Mandrake, but flecktarn would definitely be just as good, if not better, especially in winter.


i second this opinion, i got some in germany to replace my aging dpm kit and the number of times i look round to see someone and wonder how on earth they didn't see me is unbeleivable.


the hood on the jacket is a boon as well.

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Had another thought. See if there is anything appropriate in the 'Uniforms Illustrated' series of books. They're similar in format to the Osprey titles. There was definitely a 'NATO Uniforms Today' title - but I suspect 'today' was about 25 years ago now, so unless it's been updated it may not help.

Happy hunting!

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