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Hello from Sunny Scotland!

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Hello folks, thought I'd join up here to keep in touch with whats going on in the world of airsoft. I've been playing for around 6-8 months so still a pretty new player - but very much enjoying it! I'm starting to try out different sites from my usual one now, and enjoying seeing all the different styles of play. I've built up a nice little collection of gun now too which is giving me difficult choices as I cannot play with them all at the same time :D


Normally play around Dundee but had great fun on Sunday at the Depot in Glasgow, will definitely be back there! 

My two primaries: 





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Welcome :).  That is some interesting paint work on the G&G Wasp, certainly makes it personal and stand out from the crowd.

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Thanks for the welcome. Yea the paint on the wasp was the outcome of a Sunday afternoon a while ago when there was no airsoft on :rolleyes: It's loosely inspired by Fallout/steam punk.


No need to wait for the sun Rodger, playing in the snow a few weeks ago was ace! 

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Welcome! :)


How does that stock work on the wasp? It doesn't look very comfy!

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  On 20/02/2018 at 15:45, Gepard said:

Welcome! :)


How does that stock work on the wasp? It doesn't look very comfy!


As far as I know, AR pistols are not built to shoulder.

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I dunno how you lot play in the snow and cold and wind up that end of the country.


You're extra mad.



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The snow is great fun! Ice... Not so much. 


The "stock" on the wasp isn't really to be used as a stock. It just holds the battery. 

I use it like a big pistol mostly. 

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Fair point, I actually prefer activities in the cold as you can always put more layers on, but there's a limit to how much you can take off before the police get involved.


Arwen, have you tried Section 8?  I've done Nomad out in Fenwick and am half tempted by Section 8, but it actually looks it might be too big a site, and you'd spend half the day orienteering.

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I've not done Section 8 yet, although a know a number of folk who have been / go there regularly. It's apparently very good, but there are a number of bottle necks on the site during game play as parts of it are narrow. It's on my list of sites to visit over the next few months. Nomad is on my list too, it's near where my mum lives so I may end up visiting her a bit more... :rolleyes:



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  On 21/02/2018 at 12:37, Arwen said:

I wasn't even aware of that one @Sako... First site I have seen that it's mandatory for all to wear full face protect to :unsure: 



Yeah I jus wear safety glasses and lower mesh, which I don’t mind as it saves on a dentist bill.


its not a bad site, lots of decent scenarios, only potential downside for some is the mandatory biodegradable bb use, as stipulated by the land owner.


...you could bring your own bb’s but make sure they are not plastic ones that are packaged in a bio container...cough

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Oh... bio-bbs only :huh: I've not actually tried them yet, but my partners guns are incredibly picky about what bb's they will feed with. 

Looking at the science of bio-bbs, I'm not sure I want to spend the extra on them for them to then cause issues... We do live in a rather damp country :lol:

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  On 21/02/2018 at 13:22, Arwen said:

Oh... bio-bbs only :huh: I've not actually tried them yet, but my partners guns are incredibly picky about what bb's they will feed with. 

Looking at the science of bio-bbs, I'm not sure I want to spend the extra on them for them to then cause issues... We do live in a rather damp country :lol:


At present there is no one that has a ‘testing kit’ or anything else to determine the bb’s you bring to site are infact bio or not...just sayin’ 

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