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EoTech Clone help

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Hello All, im searching for a EoTech Clone for my TM 416D but id also like a 3 or 4x magnifier with it so im looking for recommendations as i cant seem to find out what the good makes are, id prefer if they was not £100's but im looking for a good quality product.



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I can't help with magnifiers but I have owned a few Eotech clones from various "brands". They all performed exactly the same. Go for the cheapest, or spend the money on a certain model. Doesn't matter, they're all just rebrands of the same product. 


I did hear that some magnifiers don't line up correctly with eotechs, or that the glass is too dark to see through when behind a red dot so just bear that in mind. I imagine you'll need to spend a fair bit in order to get something that's not utter garbage. 

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I've owned a couple of knock off magnifiers and been tremendously disappointed, even behind real optics I find they're too dark to be of any use.  


If you're after the option to go from 1x - 4x quickly then the vision king short dot is a great option, really nice clear glass for a cheap scope. 

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The lenses on the clone eotech’s ive had have a tinted/mirror coating on the outside that make them a little dark in unlit areas. With a magnifier they are very dark.


I’d highly recommend a visionking. It’s good as an all round optic. For a cqb only gun I’d suggest a red dot, but for normal use the visionking is brilliant 

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