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Mannequin Challenage - The Mall Reading 2016

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I'm the one in the thumbnail, having a knife duel with my pal and pointing a pistol across the Mall. Around 0:55. Was pretty good to be a part of, would like to see the unedited footage though!

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Of those that were there, couldn't tell you, but had I been there i'd have been annoyed. How long did it take?

Only a few minutes to be fair. A lot of people enjoyed it so it was fair play to be honest just not my sort of thing. Not sure where I am in it as I watched it when they showed it on the day but couldn't really see the screen too well.


Its probably just because I am getting old and grumpy.

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All these social media things seem pretty pointless to me, someone suggested we do it at work I was like "dont mind me walking through the shot to put the kettle on then"....


It didnt happen :D

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