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Hello, Welcome to a thread I thought I'd make for my Channel.

I may post videos here that I think would be popular with the Airsoft community, Or If its simply is refusing to get many views XD

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A Short Clip I made, Just to experiment with editing techniques. (Namely, Tracking)


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Glad to see someone else interested in Person of Interest. Seems about no one has heard of it!


Yeah, It's pretty great :)

There isn't a single character that isn't cool.


I do miss the smaller stuff though, from season 1 & 2, Atm it's all 'Save the world' stuff.

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Yeah it's a great show, I don't understand why they cancelled it.


Yeah... it's better than it becoming a trailing rubbish story like with Chuck though...

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Made a Prototype for my HUD :D

Not going to be doing actual Gameplay for a little while, Since I haven't even got a gun yet, let alone a camera (This one is borrowed) But This looks pretty cool.

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Glad to see someone else interested in Person of Interest. Seems about no one has heard of it!


I Am actually working on a Script for a Pilot Episode of 'Person of Intrigue' Atm, I'm hoping to do something with it in Collage, But It's a long shot.

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Good stuff.



Why not use a hire gun?


Well, I do, But the money adds up, and atm I don't really have the time to go Airsofting enough to get footage (Or more accurately, My Parents don't have enough time to drive me down to Airsoft, not their fault)

I'd rather spend my money on guns for a bit, rather than cameras, and do the whole customization part of Airsoft before I do Videos, that way I'll have a Personalized style for my stuff when I do make videos, and I'll have some time to actually learn to play in the mean time (I've still only been to one game!) I can also do Reviews on said gear as well.


I'm also in a transition period to Collage, and It's a little more... Challenging than most's Unfortunately. It's a little unusual for me... I have 'High Functioning Autism' Which is the new way of saying Asperger's. It Makes Social situations extremely awkward, And a list of other things I could be here for ever with... For example, I'd certainly never bring up that fact outside of the internet XD


I won't go on a rant about My Problems, I'd end up writing 5 pages. :)

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what if a Airsoft Pistol used Shells?

Highly impractical, Expensive to run, but really cool.

Not the most technical, but the idea stands.


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Not pistols, but the Hwasan double-barrel shotgun, APS M50, PPS shotguns and Tanaka shotguns use that system. As do grenade launchers. :)


Yeah, But I'd love to see it in an automatic, With the shells ejecting :lol:

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There is a shell ejecting M4 too. Highly impractical.


Yeah, I think it would work better with a pistol though, since their more collectible than rifles, and cheaper. But well, It's not gonna happen.

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That is cool, But I'm not a big fan of 1911s, and it could be more realistic... But it is extremely impractical, whatever gun it is.

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A cz75 as well


That's cooler, But I still want a SIG :D Plus it would be nice if the Casings were Brass, But I guess you could paint them. You'd need to be rich to use one in a game too!

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Sneaky little Signature edit, No more blue gun for me :3 Thank god for GIMP colourize tool.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Done a Bit of editing to my HUD Prototype - I decided I didn't like the LED Futuristic look. Not going to do a Video with it until I have some footage to test with, Plus I'm focusing on getting my First AEG atm :D


Thinking of removing the 'Hits:' text and just having number/number with a key in the description.

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Hi in regard to your 'hud' video. Your ammo counter, are you manually editing that frame by frame or did you program a script to listen to the sound of the audio file? interested.

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Hi in regard to your 'hud' video. Your ammo counter, are you manually editing that frame by frame or did you program a script to listen to the sound of the audio file? interested.

Just frame by frame, I made the Hud Overlay in an Image, Then Made the Layer of the BB icon invisible and re-export it each time, Here's a screenshot of the Editing File.


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thats going to be a massive pain in the ass if you get an AEG lol. I think its definitely possible to program a script that takes input from the audio file and matches the count of gun shots with the ammo counter.

I don't know if you're into programming but could be a fun little project.




by the way, i really like the hud it looks good,

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