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thats going to be a massive pain in the ass if you get an AEG lol. I think its definitely possible to program a script that takes input from the audio file and matches the count of gun shots with the ammo counter.

I don't know if you're into programming but could be a fun little project.




by the way, i really like the hud it looks good,


Thanks :)

I hope people will think the same when I get round to making videos, It'll be interesting actually, Because most Airsoft YouTubers were airsofters first, then Youtubers, I'm the other way around.


And yeah, AEGs Will be a pain, But I'm planning not to use Full auto so much anyway, it's a more Skillful play style. And No hi-caps. Mids at most. whatever I do, it's going to take ages to make the HUD.

And I'm really not a Programmer - Tried it but I just ended up making textures for someone else's project XD and I can't think of a way to do that effect within editing, It would just take longer to learn than to do it this way.

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I've fiddled around with it a little more - got rid of the 'Hits' and changed the font, also Made the map a little more readable.

I might Get rid of the 'lives' counter all together and replace it with something else, Most games you don't have lives. If I ever film a Milsim I might bring it back though. But that's waaaaaay off in the future.


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I really need to sort out some graphics for my channel


Yeah. maybe more... Professional Artwork XD

What you need is a logo.

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  • 2 months later...

Was asked to make a Trailer for Stirkeforce Badlands... So Make a trailer I did.


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In regard to ammo counting and AEGs... Get an XCortech system. They have an accurate ammo counter; I can just look at mine while editing videos and just change it off there. Simple :)

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Well I can happily strike that place off the list of sites to visit.


Watching the chubby bloke giving it legs at the end cracked me up though.


He thought it was great too :)


And what's wrong with the site?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, I just gained 800 subs in 2 days XD

(I'm at 22:42)

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