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Those which don't overlay music, where you can see their targets, have in most cases short pleasant openings, respond to comments, don't post "look at this other player" videos (clickbait), etc.


I mostly just watch Jetdesertfox milsim events and amped airsoft.

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There are a few of us on this forum that have channels - like me. Don't have much airsoft related videos yet - I am waiting until my VSR is done before I play again, and my HDD crashed recently, deleting almost 2 TB of GoPro video that I intended to turn into videos. Look in the media section (bottom tab I believe) for channels.

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I got into airsoft as a 'chairsofter' - I watched loads of 'ScoutTheDoggie' videos on youtube and they inspired me to get started, because of him I know have a hobby that I love more than any other passtime I can think of! For that I'm actually quite thankful, thinking about it...

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First heard of airsoft through Jingles then moved on to Jet but don't really watch gameplay videos anymore can't give you the same thrill as actually playing. Occasionally watch Node or some non descript speedsofters though.

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Bodgeups can be boring, but I watch him, novritsch is a fantastic tuber.


Used to watch level cap, but he doesn't do airsoft anymore

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As mentioned above, Novritsch makes good sniper videos. Matt the musketeer also makes good UK videos. My current favourite, who deserves more subscribers on YouTube is Robo Murray Airsoft, cool guy and fair player who makes great videos.

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