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hi guys,


totally new to airsoft and i have no idea what kinda gun i want aslong as its not a sniper. all i know is i want an electric smg or AR and a gbb pistol that looks great aswell as shoots great. Also any companies you would recommend also ones i should stay away from. im from cumbria south lake district so nothing really around me for a 2 hr drive.


thanks guys



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  On 28/06/2014 at 23:18, joshrose04 said:

is this fully metal? and what is the max fps i am allowed? im kinda a tart when it comes to looks haha

The G&G Combat Machine is mainly plastic, but it feels really solid, and for approx £110 its a darn good value for the money.


Do not go on material alone, metal alone is no indicator of quality. but if you really want metal and you are prepared to spend, get a G&P, they are great. assuming you want an M4.


I also always recommend to have atleast two working AEGs before you get a sidearm. it sucks when you can't play because your gearbox doesn't work.


The max legal FPS for something that can go full auto is 1J, which is generally what sites allow. Most AEGs shoot more powerful than that out of the box, you will have the have the spring downgraded to a m100 or a m95/m90 if you want to be on the safe side.



Also consider that until you have a UKARA number, most likely anything you buy will be two tone. and until you skimish regularly it is also illegal for you to paint over it. and if you're under 18 you're not allowed to buy any AEG, nor to pass money/services/anything to anyone to get one for you. A 18+ person (parents) can buy one and *gift* it to you (bday/religious holidays).


hope it helps, welcome to AFUK and to airsoft!

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I had the ICS Sportline (Plastic) MX5A5 and it was cracking rifle for £130~ and the high cap mags supplied with it fed well :) They do a proline metal version that includes a burst fire option but I've never used it so can't comment on that.


In terms of effectiveness it's down to how you play. For CQB I'd personally take an mp5k since they're shorter and are a lot lighter. If I had some spare cash I would have one of these just for a CQB loadout:



For longer range games a full length mp5 would be better since a stock will increase your accuracy. Like this:



Both of these are high cycle guns so you'll be hitting up to 30 rounds per second on a lipo battery which is a beastly rate of fire.

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Then you really should go combat machine if you're planning some heresy.

I don't own one but have used one as my Sig Saur 556 took some "downtime" and was surprised how good it was.

Plenty of rails for attachments, good ROF and accuracy (although it was some what modified)

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  On 29/06/2014 at 13:43, joshrose04 said:

Not a bad idea tbh any views on an mp5 full metal? Good or bad

Classic Army B&T. had two, superb!


some players regard it as one of the best airsofts out there. I don't have the knowledge to back that, but they are darn good!

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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