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OP: Shining Light @Copehill Down FIBUA Village VENUE CHANGED TO SENNYBRIDGE

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Good afternoon Ladies and Gents,


Unfortunately we have just been informed that we have had to give our allocated booking for Sennybridge to military operations and there are no further dates available at this present moment in time.


Rather than trying to find another FIBUA Village to use on or around those dates and cause more disruption’s to our customer’s, we think it would be more beneficial to all parties to postpone the event until we can get a booking back at Copehill Down which we hope will be around August time.


There are two options for you to choose from:


1: Receive a refund for the event, if you wish to receive a refund, please inform us by the 12th March via email [email protected] requesting the refund, please include the transaction details from your paypal payment. NOTE: Refunds will only be returned to the original payee.

2: We can hold your deposit which will secure you a place for OP: Shining Light at Copehill Down.(Once a date for Copehill is agreed, we will honour any refunds that cannot make the agreed date)


We are extremely sorry and disappointed at the inconvenience this has caused you all and we look forward to seeing you all soon.
Please understand that troop training always takes priority and the use of these facilities is given to us as a privilege, and we have to respect this.


Kind Regards


Charlotte Bowskill

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Yeah, I just noticed that in my inbox too. What an assault to the rectum with a frozen cod! I mean yeah, the troops and all that, definitely, but when you've been bumped already doesn't there come a point where just 48hrs that is a weekend becomes a commitment around which other arrangements can be made? I mean soldiers are soldiers 24/7, it's not like it matters to their commanders whether they are there Thursday 06:00 to Saturday 23:00, or whatever, or Sun 18:00 to Tues 12:00, just so long as they get the required amount of time in daylight/night/etc. Piss poor planning and all that :lol:

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Nor me, mate. There's an RD-54 Soviet backpack/chest rig available which I could buy if I knew the OP: Sh'ight money would be in my bank in a couple of days, but I might still be able to get it if I wait until I have some other money and, for the sake of £25, I'm thinking maybe it will help them keep the dream alive to just leave it with 'em...

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In order to get a weekend off work, I had to actually take a whole week of annual leave. I cannot reschedule that.

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Apparently they needed somewhere in Wales to train these guys:


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In order to get a weekend off work, I had to actually take a whole week of annual leave. I cannot reschedule that.

Bummer! Perhaps we can find another event to congregate at that weekend?

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Did wonder if WAH64_Man would want some guineapigs for his new business that weekend, he said he planned to have his 1st event sometime in May :)


Otherwise does anyone know of any interesting events?

I did see this: http://www.ww2airsoft.org.uk/php/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?f=98&t=17656&p=241582

It's a beginners WW2 1 day event so kit requirements are pretty relaxed, just no modern camo.

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I'd quite like to check the Bristol softin an ting. I used to live there in the mid 90's and I've seen the interior of New Bridewell St nick several times. It would be great to go back and skirmish the place, especially if any of the regulars turn up in UK Police loadouts! Having said that, unless their 328FPS limit includes the standard +5%, my only option will be my Skorpion AEP and by May even that may be touch and go... There doesn't seem to be any easy way to fit a trip to Bristol Airsoft CQB and Spartan woodland into the same normal weekend trip either...

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I'd quite like to check the Bristol softin an ting. I used to live there in the mid 90's and I've seen the interior of New Bridewell St nick several times. It would be great to go back and skirmish the place, especially if any of the regulars turn up in UK Police loadouts! Having said that, unless their 328FPS limit includes the standard +5%, my only option will be my Skorpion AEP and by May even that may be touch and go... There doesn't seem to be any easy way to fit a trip to Bristol Airsoft CQB and Spartan woodland into the same normal weekend trip either...

Site is very strict on the limits, sometimes they even dust off the chrono and actually bother to check :)

It's not actually the police station, although the police station is just the other side of a locked door downstairs, its the old magistrates court.

I bet if we got a few of us together we could get Bristol Airsoft to open on a Saturday for us and then do Spartan or Black ops on the Sunday.

TBH though I was looking forward to a weekend away so staying in Bristol doesn't appeal much.


It occurs to me that the ww2 intro event is between Portsmouth and Brighton, a trip to Combat South would be possible on the Sunday (or Combat south Urban). Would make a very different mix of airsofting for a weekender :)

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Yeah, I know that locked gate - the Dickensian stylee arched tunnel with the bars floor to roof and a wicket gate let in them. Passed though it a number of times :lol: I feel like singing... sod it, you'll just have to imagine that it's me:

I spose a south coast jaunt isn't beyond all rhyme or reason. It'd probably be less expensive than getting from Nottingham to Ringwood for NAE12 on public transport and I managed that. It would depend on camping being cheap/free mind, because transport, travelling food, walk on fees and a sten will add up...

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But you want an excuse for a Sten though :P

Or they will allow a modern gun covered in hessian. Actually I'm surprised you aren't after a PPSH with your love of all things Russian :)

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Don't even go there, mate! How much do I want a PPSh41...!?!


Back in the mid 90's I almost bought a deac one just to hang on the wall! Actually, thinking about it, that was in Bristol. The shop used to be across the road from the top of Christmas Steps iirc. TBF, given everything else that was going on at that time in my life, it's just as well that I didn't :lol:



On the original note, I decided to get a refund. I can do with that money right now and they can have it back off me whenever they get a firm idea when they can go ahead again.




Edit: Funnily enough, I have just bought some hessian sacks, because I couldn't get just 1, to make a cover for my SSh68 helmet. So I have some for sale, btw.

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So I better not link this then: http://www.airsoftworld.net/hexagon-ppsh-41-mk-ii-airsoft-aeg-in-stock.html

and should certainly not show you the video review: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xbuhec_review-hexagon-production-hp-ppsh-4_sport


or theres this one: http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/product_info.php?products_id=6767


TBH I just think that you would probably prefer a ppsh as you probably have stuff that would pass for WW2 Russian uniform. Just sell your furniture, according to the video you can use the PPSH as a seat :D

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You're an arse!


My furniture isn't worth £300. I really hate most furniture: there's just no real thought gone into most of it but, in the absence of brilliance technically, I'd be happy to go with expression, not so much of an artwork that its function is overly compromised, but nonetheless something which says more than, "I don't want all my stuff on the floor." These days I can't afford what I would choose, but I do need objets de fonction, so I refuse to spend money on franchise store bollocks when 2nd hand bollocks will do the job just as well and offend me no more and no less.

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I might start a new thread regarding a meet up. A lot of people won't read this thread but may be up for a meet up weekend.

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I might start a new thread regarding a meet up. A lot of people won't read this thread but may be up for a meet up weekend.

Yeah, call it Operation Anybridge!

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Hopefully by now you will have all seen the email or read the pinned post regarding being bumped from Sennybridge:

Ladies and Gents we now have the re-scheduled dates for this event, now re-located back to what will be a newly refurbished and updated Copehill Down. Dates will be 22-24 August

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I was just thinking FFS I cancelled my ticket after the move to Sennybridge and Copehill is much better so I would be able to make it. But I realised it's the bank holiday weekend so I'll be going to GZ this year.


Never mind.

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Ahh, I'll be in Turkey then. Guess the map won't be needed anymore. What are the dates for GZ?


22nd to 24th of August

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Yeah, I'll be at GZ too. Not a good date to have picked really. You know, going up against Europe's biggest airsoft event and all... :blink::wacko::angry:

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I'd have thought it was the date they were given, not one they picked. At a guess they wanted to run the event ASAP so as not to mess everyone around too much?

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