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Has Anybody Ever Had Problems With Replica Weapons

Baz JJ
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In 2007 a work colleague of mine, who was a James Bond fanatic, ordered a Walther PPK replica from a French website. Alerted by a friend that the UK rules regarding imitation firearms had just changed, he cancelled the order.


A few days later, he was woken by a police team with a large enforcer smashing his front door down.

They handcuffed him face down in his hall in his underpants. A sleepy wife came down the stairs in her nightgown to witness this.


He was taken down the local nick and questioned.


After some time, the mess was sorted out and the police were slightly embarassed. My colleague was released without charge and the front door was repaired.


Have any of you ever had any problems with Airsoft RIF ?

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For that kind of response from the police I would seriously doubt it was purely an order of an imitation weapon that instigated it


I have never heard of any kind of action of that nature about imitation or Airsoft weapon


May have been your work collegue had a few darker secrets than he let on to gain that kind of attention

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Always possible I suppose. I can only tell the story as I heard it.


On the other hand, it was around the time that the law changed and I did hear that there was something suspicious about the source in France, so maybe the issue was more to do with them - wrong time, wrong place..

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I assume replica refers to an actual replica rather than an airsoft gun. Apart from the lack for a striker, that the barrel isn't drilled and that it's made from rubbish metal, there is very little difference between a replica and an actual gun.

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Brother and i got reported for carrying weapons bags and bandoliers of ammunition into a house by the wonderful old grouch that lives across the road...


What they did in response, was to put an armed response car at either end of the road waiting & sent a rather nervous looking community officer to go knock on the door. Ended up inviting them in and a few pictures were taken posing with my brothers bren gun.


All our Rifs are bagged, as are the mags etc, but some grumpy old sods do like to stir trouble from their front room. Maybe there was nothing on the tv...

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Wasn't let on to a coach once because the driver thought he knew the law better than someone who just happened to have an actual copy of the law on them at the time. Wasn't refunded either. For future reference travel by train or put your guns in bags that aren't proper gun bags, as the driver had unwittingly already loaded 2 l85s a sig p226 and an M93 before getting to my actual gun bag.

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Brother and i got reported for carrying weapons bags and bandoliers of ammunition into a house by the wonderful old grouch that lives across the road...


What they did in response, was to put an armed response car at either end of the road waiting & sent a rather nervous looking community officer to go knock on the door. Ended up inviting them in and a few pictures were taken posing with my brothers bren gun.


All our Rifs are bagged, as are the mags etc, but some grumpy old sods do like to stir trouble from their front room. Maybe there was nothing on the tv...

Sounds like a fair thing to report and a fair reaction from the police. I'd be more worried if I had neighbours who saw this and didn't report it or if the police did not investigate it.


Wasn't let on to a coach once because the driver thought he knew the law better than someone who just happened to have an actual copy of the law on them at the time. Wasn't refunded either. For future reference travel by train or put your guns in bags that aren't proper gun bags, as the driver had unwittingly already loaded 2 l85s a sig p226 and an M93 before getting to my actual gun bag.

I never carry rifle cases, more because I can do without 7 bullets in my head thou.


Guitar cases are a good thing to use :)


....or a guitar shaped rifle case. less discrete than a normal rifle case, still wouldnt carry it thou:




Violin case is a must for tommy users!


My other half wasnt thinking and put these into the locker storage at a train station... They scanned them and turned a little pale lol.




'least' fugly tippman I've seen so far.

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Two_Zero, the only only thing that wasnt bagged and completely encased was an old 4 pouch canvas web... I think he was a tad over zealous as the gun bags arent the conventional ones and just look like long rectangular black bags.


The un-fugly is an A-5, i wish airsoft guns were are reliable and durable as that is... You can literally leave it buried in mud and water for weeks and it will still work.




M_P : Not all paintball guns are hopper fed or require external tanks, i prefer the tanks though as you know how few shots you get to a gas mag in airsoft (Also, the gas systems are much more reliable ((gonna get flamed for that one, but i see it as an accurate observation)) and dont turn the accuracy into mush the moment you go full auto)...


The polar star system is a good start for airsoft being dragged kicking and screaming into the modern gas era, but it still has a long way to go. My paintball pistol gives me 75 gas shots per mag, shots accurate to about 100ft at 280fps ( about 60% within a 25" target area).


I am working on converting one of my markers (an sp-8, incase you want to youtube it) to fire bb's at the moment, yes, it will be firing at 340 fps (regulator control is the easy part).


I suppose it is really a tomAto, tomato thing & doesnt help that rental sites usually use rather poor examples as their field paintball guns (just as airsoft has some guns that are pretty poor).


I love both paintball and airsoft, play more airsoft due to site locality and cost of rounds, but paintball would always be my preferred choice.

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External.gas isn't the 'new era' though, gas mags is. Airsoft guns used to run on gas tanks but don't anymore as that's the old way of doing things, electric and gas in mags is what people want as its more realistic.

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Wasn't meaning external gas, was meaning the actual gas type and the way they work.


There are quite a few "realistic setups, but tbh, i prefer to have enough air to last if i need to get heavy. Much the same way as people use high cap mags instead of going with accurate counts. Just as in the same way we use 220+ round hoppers instead of magfed and tac caps...


This "Realistic" enough? : http://www.rap4.com/paintball/

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This "Realistic" enough? : http://www.rap4.com/paintball/

Not really :lol:


Don't get me wrong I understand having extra air/gas or whatever, I just expected that the majority of realistic guns would have done away with tanks and hoppers by now, otherwise I dont see the perk of it having the appearance of a real gun :)

But this is for another thread anyhow

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I was arrested over a black water pistol shaped like a WW1 Webley pistol. To be fair the old bill suspected me of other offences, but when they soon discovered that, if I was actually guilty of anything, "you may as well tell us what you did because we already know and it'll go easier for you in court if you're helpful" wasn't going to get me to confess and that, since it was obvious that i knew that the CPS would not proceed with a prosecution based on nothing but circumstantial evidence, the whole exercise had become pointless, they decided to go balls out to try to get me to say something about "the firearm" for which they could prosecute me. It would have been hilarious if it hadn't gone on so long...

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