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The 'Quick Questions' thread.

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I need booties yo.


Need to sit high on the ankle


Need to be light for a stealth and running about like a nutter playstyle.


Don't necessarily need to be leather


Good quality


Preferably not chinese made.


Budget is 45£ max.


I've seen a lot on websites but don't know anything from the quality,I remember some para style boots being posted here for a good price but I've forgotten which country and the website.

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Should leave you with enough for postage and stay in budget!




My bad, they say EU 43.. you can't be a 9 then mate lol!

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If you're after something like the German paraboots you can get Issued British Assault boots for really cheap. £20 in grade 1 condition, I'm sure they can be found cheaper on ebay aswell. I've got a pair and they're tough AF.

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People have since suggested to me that I try a Serpa designed for a Glock chambered in .45 ACP, the Glock 21, 30 and 36/37, I think?

Since it's a chunkier round, the real one ought to have a wider slide by at least 2 or 3mm, which means that the holster for it would also be wider by 2 or 3mm, which coincidentally, is more or less right on the money to fit a WE Glock.


Thing is, Serpas cost a lot and I've already got one that I've made fit, so I'm not going to be the one to take the gamble.

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Has anyone ever used a Modify Hybrid TBB?

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Cheers.those are the ones I saw,also got a peek of them at a Bazaar over here,will try pick them up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd say the people who say that have either only tried the really old WE products, or just pass on hear say.


newer WE stuff are pretty good. may not be flawless, but I've seen TM slides explode after 2 hours of use. nothing is perfect.

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They're types of spring, changing the spring will change the kind of FPS you get from your gun. I wouldn't bother changing it on a Combat machine, they simply don't need it!

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You'll be needing an 8.4 crane stock style battery for the raider series, the battery comparment is in the stock, its a bit awkward to use but you get used to it.


It is indeed a good choice, anything from the CM range is good for a first timer.



*Edited for grammar.

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Does anyone know where I can get some "Thunder Bs"? I can only seem to find them on eBay in America but I don't want to risk them getting stuck at customs

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Answered this on your status but for other people, Airsoft World have them in for £25, Zeroone sell them for £40 but should price match AW if you ask them.

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