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Pyro accident @ The War and Peace Show

Zak Da Mack
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Was looking on Skirmishers-Direct facebook page and saw an article about a woman who lost her middle finger after trying to disassemble a thunderflash at the war and peace show, and the paper is trying to say it's the retailers fault!!


What do you think?



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It is not clear why she bought them or why she was taking one apart but she does say that they were supposed to have had any explosive removed and that was true of the others she bought.


I would have thpought that something called a thunderflash was supposed to make some sort of bang - are they rechageable?


The article says the police are not taking any action but health and safety are looking into it.


difficult to apportion blame without more details.

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A slightly different version of this story on the BBC website. It's now being called a "Grenade" and not a pyro.

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First and foremost its completely her own fault!! shes clearly not a pyrotechnics/explosives trained person....so why the hell was she taking it apart?? if you take apart something like that you clearly void the warranty and the company will laugh at you for trying to blame you. she clearly didnt buy them with the intention of using them properly as she was sat in her tent cutting them apart!

her own stupid fault and she was lucky to not actually do any serious damage.

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I agree with Moose, its her own fault. Why on earth would someone try to disassemble what is in effect a firework!

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Her own fault, all explosives, or guns for that matter, are considered live unless proven otherwise. Why the hell she was taking it apart is anyone's guess. I would suspect that it had something to do with a display, but as she does not posses an explosives licence she could not actually purchase or hold the correct pyrotechnics required for the display, hence dismantling thunderflashes to get the powder out of them.

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Her own fault, all explosives, or guns for that matter, are considered live unless proven otherwise. Why the hell she was taking it apart is anyone's guess. I would suspect that it had something to do with a display, but as she does not posses an explosives licence she could not actually purchase or hold the correct pyrotechnics required for the display, hence dismantling thunderflashes to get the powder out of them.

Apparently, she wanted to see how they work, as she used to deal with pyro before. So surely she should know not to mess with it?

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well she claimed not to know that they contained some sort of explosives?? can you she put on pyro displays but not know about the explosives they contain? also if she knew what she was doing, she would have had protective gloves on and wouldnt be doing it in a tent

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Well thankfully, there's no "Airsoft are bad, lets ban it!!111!!12" talk flying around the news, so I don't care.

She acted like a tit, blew the end of her finger off. End of story.

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Pun intended? :D

Eh? I hadn't - and still haven't - even realised I'd made one lol.

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It's the kind of dick move I could have easily made when i was young. I once emptied out an airbomb that failed to go off and, while sat right next to the little pile of powder partly leaning over it, dropped a match in...



...I didn't actually burn my hand or face, but it did take my eyelashes and eyebrows off, plus I couldn't see anything but bright colours for about 10mins.


The difference is I knew I was a dick. I didn't blame anybody else for it, ffs!

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Had plenty of 1st degree burns from stoves in my youth, not had any pyro accidents yet and hopefully I won't in the future either...

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If we're sharing pyro accidents... When my dad was a kid (1950s-60s) he took apart some fire works, put the gun powder in an ink bottle with a fuse and cork then lit it. He put it down and run away but nothing happened. When he came back to inspect it, stupidly taking the cork out.... Oxygen was introduced to the equation and it blew up in his hand, completely shrivelling it for weeks :D

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Shes a complete tool and should not be allowed to EVER organise a pyrotechnic display.


she is trying to pass the blame to the company why? for compensation obviously!


stupid bint deserves a slap..not a cheque

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"Light humour" - OMGonads that's bad :P


I blew my hand up by accidentally leaning on a live BFG yesterday. I blame Tornado. They clearly should have made the case too uncomfortable to lean on!

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Don't mean SWAT? Tornado grenades are those crappy gas powered ones that dribble BBs out in a "tornado".

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