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New to Airsoft help needed :)

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Me and coxy might see you one day on the battlefield. With or against you. If your against us be sure to run ;) lol

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  On 29/07/2013 at 07:53, Kaza66 said:

Ah Nottinghamshire area here.

don't see why we cant do there too ;)

probs do finmere aswell!

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Ah right and that's in Nottinghamshire?

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  • 4 weeks later...

It was absoltly amazing!!! Defo going again. Very soon to get ukara. Despite several injuries haha

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Wear your bruises with pride :P:D

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  On 26/08/2013 at 18:56, Ian_Gere said:

Wear your bruises with pride :P:D

Ill try. I got a nice purple dot on the side of my jaw line haha.


So this Sunday will be our second so starting to look into equipment.


I've found the gun I want.

S&T Tar-21 or SRC XM8.

Where can I buy extra mags and a chest rig to fit the mags in?

I found a nice grenade launcher that fits on the XM8 ;)

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Check this out.


Generally speaking surplus British kit with ammo pouches will take 3 STANAG mags or 2 G36 / XM8 mags / pouch, but some of them have spacers inside to cut down rattle. You need to take the spacers out to fit the G36 mags in though. It's not difficult - just cut the stitching carefully (a proper sewing seam-ripper is best, but nail scissors will do).


You really don't want to spend money on a 'nade launcher before you get stuff which is very useful. I mean a launcher may look cool but the amount of times you will actually use it are limited.


I'm planning on being @Skirmish on the 7th and hopefully the 15th, but this weekend coming I'm still too fcuked from NAE13 and a bit skint.


Mags are probably best bought from HK sites like ehobbyasia or rsov, or gunfire.pl because they'll be cheaper. That said, if you're going to buy a box of 5 or 8 it could pay to buy them from a British retailer and save on P&P. Worth speaking to Stef @Skirmish mind, because he'll do his best to beat any genuine British price you can show him.

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Just wanted to say thanks for everyone for there help. Me and Craig well on our way now to nearly getting our ukara and getting equipment. If your on facebook search special ops airsoft for our local site. The display picture is a badge red and blue with a skull on it :)

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I know I'm a bit late to this, and holy shit this was the longest welcome thread ever... I can't believe no one else has said this yet.



Since you're both based in Milton Keynes, have you heard of the shop "Action Hobbies" they're very close to you, in the same city in fact. If you're looking at buying guns you could check out their warehouse to cop a feel of something before you commit the money to buy it.

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Okay one last thing would having a two-tone AEG be a bit strange at a skirmish?

And what age do you have to be to go airsofting?

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  On 07/09/2013 at 12:37, ZommBoss said:

Is this http://www.justbbguns.co.uk/home a good airsoft website ?

That isn't an airsoft website at all! It's a site to rip people off for mainly plinking guns by making exaggerated claims about them and outright lying.
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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 07/09/2013 at 12:52, Airsoft-Ed said:

I know I'm a bit late to this, and holy sh*t this was the longest welcome thread ever... I can't believe no one else has said this yet.



Since you're both based in Milton Keynes, have you heard of the shop "Action Hobbies" they're very close to you, in the same city in fact. If you're looking at buying guns you could check out their warehouse to cop a feel of something before you commit the money to buy it.


Jesus lol, I got my guns now through the person who runs my site, he got them from pro airsoft and I got a good deal.


G&G tr16 raider gen3, we pit bull 3px4, 2 crane stock batteries, charger, green gas, and few badges for £360.


Me and Craig have been to action hobbies and had bad experiences there, due to poor customer service, and I have heard were to the only ones in the area. I don't want to go into to much detail, but its because we don't play at his airsoft site, he was bad mouthing the site we play at saying we use be special needs, and calling us names and stuff. So we now avoid that shop lol.

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  On 07/09/2013 at 13:44, ZommBoss said:

Okay one last thing would having a two-tone AEG be a bit strange at a skirmish?

And what age do you have to be to go airsofting?


Hi there ZommBoss.

I am fairly new to airsoft myself, if I was you i would get your ukara first. You need to attend a site, three times in two months to gain it. From that you can purchase guns that are not two tone. (Some places charge you to two tone your gun so you save money on that too)




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  On 25/09/2013 at 17:08, DazMK5 said:

Hi there ZommBoss.

I am fairly new to airsoft myself, if I was you i would get your ukara first. You need to attend a site, three times in two months to gain it. From that you can purchase guns that are not two tone. (Some places charge you to two tone your gun so you save money on that too)





You also need to be 18 to buy your own weapon

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