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Well-known airsoft team banned from ALL US Milsim sites

Dan's Ark
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Night Vision goggles: $1500

Systema PTW w/attachments: $2500 (LOL)

BDUs and other equipment: $3000

Inability to participate in an event and actually play airsoft: Priceless.

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Its on video ian, have a watch on YouTube.

Can you link it for me please? I can't find it.

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Been over a week now, and all they reply with on their Facebook page is simple one word answers and sighs.

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Been over a week now, and all they reply with on their Facebook page is simple one word answers and sighs.

Isn't it a bit ironic when they post "u mad bro"? They're the ones that got banned from Milsim events, not the people that post on their facebook page, lol.

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I wonder what they'd do if I asked them, "You mad bro?"

They'd probably block me.

So I guess it's a yes.

What a bunch of gigantic penises.

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So the situation is as I characterised it earlier: we don't know what was said between McKnight and GMR, or what actually happened to initiate that talk, right?


I'm not suggesting that they're not penises, but everyone involved on any side/bandwaggon is a yank so pretty much all of them are penises by definition.

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Touché Mr. Ian.

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Some more info on what happened from reddit. It's a bit more complicated and messed up. Video is also linked.

The text is from an eyewitness not on GMR or admin team and the video is from GMR. It's a bit sketchy since it features a lot of cuts



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I gota say actually. From that video, They handled the situation ok, And I see it in their favor. int he fact that they didnt over react like alot do.
Although after readign the full story. They were more doing their own thing. (what is with them and staking up on buildings?) instead of staying with their team for the mission.
I kind of have mixxed feelings for this really.
You have players who play the Game, and others who play the objective. It seesms with this game they wanted every one to play on a "rail" of sorts (Rail = a fixed path/route) for a very linear game mode. Which is fine I have nothing against that. But it seems they wanted to play a more active role than a passive one. (go find the action instead of the action finding you) in their ambush game mode.


But the rest of their actions are questionable. with the whole always breaching H&S at almost every game they go to. In the name of realism I understand, but putting them selfs at risk of injury outside of game area could force action to be made to make the field "a safer place" which could result in it being hard to find decent sites if that were to happen.

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If McKnight had spoken to me like that, I would have told him to fcuk off, unquestionably. I realise that a lot more happened than what we see, whether deliberately edited out or just at other times during the event, but I don't care: you do not approach customers and simply repeat, "Everyone else is over there.", until they do what you want, nor does the referee tell sportsmen/women, "You will do it my way or you're going home."


Commanding a regiment vs marshalling an airsoft event - 2 very different scenarios with skillsets which are only similar on the surface. Scratch the surface however and the stark differences are clear: making a large group of people do as they are told, regardless of what they would rather do, and with minimal flexibility for differences between individuals vs facilitating an environment in which every competitor's individual preferences are more important than 'the plan' and, minute by minute, re-evaluating the situation to try to guide the best compromise between all those preferences that you can think of, within the boundaries of H&S/insurance. What happened on that video shows quite clearly what a confusion of those roles leads to.


I also get it that GMR often prefer to do things their own way and that sometimes that isn't particularly safe, although there was nothing unsafe about their actions this time. It seems to me that the time to address that was during registration for the event - like, if OPLC really were seriously concerned about the safety implications, they ought to have sought assurances from GMR before taking their money (and for all we know that is what happened, because, in an ambush scenario, being able to see where the opposition were waiting for you would be an advantage, but GMR do not give anyone a leg-up onto the roof, which seems to me like a GMR-like thing to do).


It's also possible that OPLC consider GMR's approach to gameplay a risk to the enjoyment of other players. In that case the most sensible approach would have been to explain that to GMR members and refuse their custom, because no assurances could be given, that anyone could trust, about how people will play once their adrenaline is pumping and besides, what could they actually say - "We will pretend that we don't have the imagination to seek an unexpected approach to every scenario where doing so would give us a tactical advantage and, if such an approach accidentally occurs to any of us, we will not use it."?


That said, having watched the vid, they are all penises.

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I have no dog in this fight, but FYI, here's a link to an article with the GMR podcast on their side of the story.


Every story has three sides and all that...



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Just watched the Video if i was GMR i'd have gone Green Man Imma Kill you if you are not out of my face in 2 seconds Ranger another reason why FilmSim should not be Dressed up as MilSim!

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TPI, if you had said that to an army vet he would most prob laugh in your face and say "Son, Ive already killed people for less" (Its what my old teacher always used to say at least)

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that's not the point Sheriff, Mcknight and his Bum Brigade at the OLCS went off on GMR and got physical aswell as abusive before GMR did yet OLCS claimed it was GMR!

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Regardless of how this incident happened they're still knobs.

They have a hugely bad reputation from.all the other stuff regardless.


Tpi, i don't see why you still like them, in this particular incident maybe they were the innocent side, maybe they weren't but as a group of individuals who break the fundamental rules of the game, I don't see why you would support them.

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I still like them because people in airsoft claim it's for the 'Realism' yet play like its Xball, They then cry like little girls about it not being Real enough and Bag on Manufacturers for not making something more realistic while using High Cap's (Almost double the amount you carry in a PB Hopper!)


I like them because their not pussy footing around and being afraid to get hurt (Seriously when I was 6 I was climbing out of windows on the second floor and jumping onto sun baked earth sure my ankles hurt like fuck if I messed up but I still learned from it and avoided making the same mistake twice I've even crawled through broken glass when I was younger with no shirt on while playing games)


I Like them Because their not telling other's what to do or putting them in danger apart from people who copy them with absolutley no idea


I like them because they think outside the box (Collapsible Assault Ladders, Collapsible assault bicycles are the thing's in which you are refering to M_P or rather which OLCS had problems with in the past)


I like them because their not all boring as fuck PC Be safe patronising Zombies


I like them & Still support their reaction to this OLCS incident because it was sold to them under the Pretence of MilSim not FilmSim

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I dont hate them because they do that stuff tpi. I support it.

What we mean, is that by them doing such, on a public site where the insurance is a pain in the ass as it is. When they go beyond the area they are allowed. and yes while they do it in the name of realism, if they get hurt, or some one copies them in what they are doing and get hurt. Their actions could risk the site getting shut or further restrictions made to the sport on H&S grounds.


Fcuk, If I had my own private land, with no need for insurance cover Id probably set up massive landmines made from C02 cans, build stuff I could jump off and other stuff to make for one epic game.

But the world is a fucktard of a place, so you have to take into account of what BS will happen when people dont follow the rules at offical public games.

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Just thought I'd point something out: GMR (people with 0 real military experience most likely) using proper military hand signals in front of a real Army veteran...............just looks wrong in my opinion. :blink:

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Granted Sheriff H&S is an Issue, Then again when your aware of how to do something properly H&S become's pointless because you have Limited the risk it's the Moron's who Copy them with absolutly no Fupping idea! that need to be told not to do thing's not those of us who do!


@Adam i thought you are aloud to push away from a tiny road in the Military to Crush OpFor? & Watch the Video and Listen to the GMR PodCast aswell as the OLCS Interview and statement's before telling me the 'Chain of Command' was fit to lead a piss up in a brewery! aswell as GMR Following it when told to!


@Dan I do believe some of them have Served aswell as a few Original Members having Served

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Granted Sheriff H&S is an Issue, Then again when your aware of how to do something properly H&S become's pointless because you have Limited the risk it's the Moron's who Copy them with absolutly no Fupping idea! that need to be told not to do thing's not those of us who do!


@Adam i thought you are aloud to push away from a tiny road in the Military to Crush OpFor? & Watch the Video and Listen to the GMR PodCast aswell as the OLCS Interview and statement's before telling me the 'Chain of Command' was fit to lead a piss up in a brewery! aswell as GMR Following it when told to!


@Dan I do believe some of them have Served aswell as a few Original Members having Served

if your commander is telling you to get to the front and stop messing about at the back of the convoy you do as he says in the army so if they really want realism then they have to take orders.

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