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radical feminism

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What do they want? I

From what I understand in their ideal world men and women would be completely equal. This is understandable. But when a man in Vienna puts up posters at a construction site saying men are humans and should be equal they follow him around tearing down his posters and shouting abuse at him. Why? How in any way does that relate to their objective? I think some feminists want more. When the site manager turned up and said he could put up the posters they beat the sh!t out of him. The police arrived and then they played the victim and got away with it. The posters didn't say men should be superior to women. It didn't say men were gods. So what's the f*cling problem. The Müller Greek style yogurt advert depicted a woman sitting on a man using a man as a footstool and using men as electric fans and drink holders, giving me an overall impression that the woman was better than the men who were barly wearing clothes. The men were made objects just like feminist hate but only if its a woman. If the roles had bern reversed im sure the advert would be banned. What a hpocrocy. Women seem to have better rights anyway. For example woman beats up man, man one hit knock outs woman. Man gets jailed woman goes free. Man beats up woman, woman one hit knock outs man. Man gets jailed woman goes free. Men can be charged with rape but women can't?! Thats positivly retarded. feminists seem to want to stomp out masulinity in men and replace it with estrogen. Being a real man is barbaric and unfair apparntly. i love girls they contribute the "same" as men. But none should be greater than the other. I'll link some news below. Feel free to discuss.









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"I think these people are feminists in the same way the Westboro Baptist Church members are Christians." My favorite comment on those stories.


Feminists are a bunch of hypercritical idiots. Its like an Black man with an IQ of 60 saying he didn't get the Specialist job because he was Black. Too quick to jump on the racist/sexist bus when they get told no like children basically.


"Equal rights come when we can have equal fights."

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*I'm not sexist*


I personally think that feminist groups aren't asking for equality, but more for women to be treated as a kind of "superior" gender. Seriously p**ses me off

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There's a period joke here, I can sense it, I just haven't found out what it is yet.

Why don't men trust women?


Well would you trust something that bled for 7 days straight and didn't die!?

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Feminism: "making the sexes equal by making one superior"

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I have a couple of feminist friends (well, they used to be good friends, then they went to uni and have become feminists, trying to engage in any meaningful conversation is becoming increasingly hard) one of them brought a couple of friends along to a meet up of us all old school friends. Awesome I thought, I don't meet nearly enough women!

One of them had a Tshirt on which read:


'This is what a feminist looks like'


I NEARLY questioned her choice of Tshirts. Thought carefully about the possible outcomes in which every scenario I imagined I lost a testicle and decided against saying anything.

How shallow and boring of a person do you need to be to become a one policy person. someone who cares only about 1 small thing (and yes, it is a small thing, I have not once encountered any anti-women anything IRL)


TBH, feminists are incredibly easy to troll, both online and IRL. Without them my life would probably be less entertaining.

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I've met people who are atleast More Ageist than Sexist... i mean my friend's and i Make jokes about females but our female friends do the same to us and we all have a bloody good laugh about it because A LOT of it is True about both Sexe's for example one of the girl's Jess know's so much about engine's compared to a few guy's in our group (Myself included) Myself i'm damn good at the ironing compared to her! can't use a washing machine or the other thing but i do it by hand if i have too :D


Although the Chick's are against Gay's publicly displaying their sexual preference. My Male friends? we couldn't be bothered so long as you'll discuss the hottest chick's are we'll discuss who the hottest men are (& Fupping Loudly too!)


In short Feminism has no respect for itself anymore

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With the whole equality thing, for everything not just sexism I personally think that as soon as you start having over political correctness, equality laws stating that companies have to employ women or minorities etc it suddenly becomes unequal as you're overly benefiting one group to give them representation and however harsh it may be if you want everything to be truly equal you have to get rid of all of all that and give people an equal standing.. for instance voting rights, there used to be a genuine campaign for feminism with womens votes etc however now women have the same opportunities as men do in life (largely and legally speaking) I feel and further campaigns by radical feminists is just to bolster their own sex and give themselves more advantages over men.. this leads back to my earlier post

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lol at most festivals ive been too, its just women pissing in the mens urinals while half stood up half sat down kinda thing.

But back on topic, most feminists mistake kindness and generosity for sexism. a lesson I learnt, never hold a door open for them its like eating a burger near a vegan it would seem.


Amount of times ive just been casually nice as I would (a little thing called manners I guess) Hold a door open, then I get a ten minute lecture how I just want to stare at her arse,(which is kinda true) and that she is perfectly capable of opening it her self (Was half tempted to slam it in her face at this point)


but what is worse than a feminist? a vegan feminist employed by peta They seem to have a a ready made power point presentation on their phone just to show any one who is happily eating a tasty burger.

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Thinking about what you just said:


"Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime.
Teach a feminist to fish and she will accuse you of patronising her, claim she knew how to do it anyway and that even if she didn't, she could easily work it out without the help of a man.

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Peta: People eating tasty animals


Say that to them next time you see them.. and be sure to be wearing a carbon fiber cricket box :D

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I KNOW this cow suffered, how else could my steak be so tasty!?


Also, what you were saying sheriff, about holding doors open.

I hold doors open, say please, thanks and give PEOPLE a hand if they are struggling It doesn't make a difference if they are male or female. if a man is walking up to the door, I will hold it open in the same manner as a woman - it's just common courtesy.

If the person doesn't say/show thanks for it I just say (usually loudly) 'Don't mention it, mate!'

If they start having a go about how a woman can open a door too, simply grab them by the arms just below the shoulder, walk them back through the door and shut it. make them open it themselves if they are going to be like that.

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