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Guest PT247

DayZ loadout?

aye mate:-)


How did the hpa run in the end then?


It still needs work, getting an engineer friend to adapt a prommy tightbore barrel, then it is just fine tuning. Today was the first time I have skirmished the gun and although it was good.... almost 3 x the range of my AEG, it wasn't very accurate (got at least 5 kills with it tho) I am hoping the new barrel will help, but it is the hop I think that needs work, it is a crap design as standard so need to see if I can swap it out for something more reliable.

That rifle is beautiful...

Thanks mate :-)

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The axe came from www.larpinn.co.uk


Ouch, not the cheapest but it looks bloody good so I suppose it's worth it!

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Eastmere Village, part of STANTA in Norfolk,


Are you part of GreyFox? I started following No1JimmyPie on Instagram a few months ago


Good lot of guys!


Cracking loadout to - was it a good weekend?

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Have you got a link to info about the events, ie uniform requirements, routines, costs etc

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Are you part of GreyFox? I started following No1JimmyPie on Instagram a few months ago


Good lot of guys!


Cracking loadout to - was it a good weekend?


Haha, no, my kit's nowhere near good enough for Gray Fox. I was attached to their callsign for the weekend though. Really nice bunch of guys, know their stuff too!

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Have you got a link to info about the events, ie uniform requirements, routines, costs etc

Stirling Airsoft did the one at STANTA:



There's also Tier 1 who do 'serious milsim', haven't been to one of their games but I've heard they're very good.



Stirling was a lot less 'hardcore' than I was expecting, no stagging on at 3 in the morning or having watch routines etc.

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Cheers, I always want to go to them but I don't do US/UK SF kit anymore so don't have the right stuff


I would go as militia but not really sure what they do and seem a bit like glorified extras, although doing the event as a news reporter would be quite cool! (provided I didn't have to pay as much as those doing the shooting :D )

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I dislike them already



Haha, no, my kit's nowhere near good enough for Gray Fox. I dislike them already




Just because people have good kit doesn't automatically make them elitist dickheads. Sure, you do encounter a lot of them, but there are still decent guys who like their kit, play fairly and treat everyone equally

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I do hate the reverse snobbery thats starting to appear in Airsoft.. its seems that anyone who decides to buy nice or expensive kit is automatically a dickhead and thus fair game for abuse.

I know people who have very little kit and run whatever I want loadouts who are complete arses and I also know people who have lots of kit who are complete arses!

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I'll second what's been said above. While I don't personally feel my kit is good enough to become a member of one of the more serious reenactment/milsim teams that doesn't mean I or you would be treated with any kind of contempt for having lower quality (or more specifically, less of a coherent 'impression') equipment.


There's certainly a lot of reverse elitism in airsoft and it boggles my mind, if someone's priorities are different to someone else's and they choose to spend X amount on a flash plate carrier or mil spec night vision... So what? They've bought those things because they want them and because that's the game they want to play.

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well yes, don't judge a players attitude by his kit...


Thou for me thou it's more a case of say racing an old vuaxhall vs a spanking new ferrari. In most cases, it's not so bad.. someone has a slight better kit, face it, it's a sport! What does really grind my gear, and is in my humble opinion little less than cheating, is when its some non camoed young newbies using ironsights on their stock jing gongs, vs a team of grown up experienced players, all geared up, fully tuned guns, fancy aiming devices, radios, etc. who refuse to split their team for the game.

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That only really happens here with small sites, large site with 60 or 100+ people you won't notice it and there are many ways of changing games to suit people being stubborn like that while making everyone else have a lot of fun (Rourke's drift games, fall back games). I don't see why people should be forced away form their friends if there are plenty of ways it can be solved.. but at sites with only about 20 people, it can be an issue.. also just because people have good kit doesn't make them better.


I think saying its nearly cheating is a bit harsh, some days you come up against a better opponent and some days you come up against a weaker one.. would be like F1 teams complaining Mercedes have a better car just because they have more money. Its part of the sport and there are ways and means of getting around it and dealing with it

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