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  1. and on another wee update....Was my birthday on Tuesday so went shopping. Turns out TM scar Heavy's are about as hard to come across as black men in tanning shops or honest politicians! Had a real nightmare ringing around and stuff till the helpful guys at pro airsoft supplies stepped in a helped a man in need! Ordered scar and pistol but due to coming from abroad Im looking at probably over a month to arrive.... Cant wait to cuddle this gun and stroke it whilst listening to marvin gaye music! Oh and I decided to skip the TM d'eagle and wanted something slightly more intimidating. After trawling the interweb and watching films on youtube I came up with this small treat... Marushin Raging Bull or as I like to call it Raging Boner! What sold me about this gun is the sheer size and the fact its black ad red (as is my entire loadout). It also takes 8mm larger BBs which is a nice touch also. Also my Scar H will have a holo sight and EGLM so overall quite a modern look but this is nice to contrast that with a bit of an old skool look being a revolver. This may take much longer than the scar to arrive from the states but it should be worth it. Finding a holster for it is a bitch but still working on it so if anyone knows of anything/anyone place let me know. As it stands I will probably wear my right leg outside my trousers and place the raging bull in the trouser leg instead lol. When this arrives I think I may be found in a quiet corner of my house whispering absolute filth to it I think I may nickname the scar 'jugde' and the bull 'jury' Oh and Im booked in at AWA Herts on Sunday so say hello if your there and we bump into one another (shoot first say hello second lol)
  2. It's all standard at the moment, so nothing to write home about. L96 cut barrel, VSR style black bucking and a VSR style plastic hop arm, which I've added a biro ink tube nub to, since it's just two prongs otherwise. Still can't lift anything higher than .30s though. Got some .43s and the hop has to be applied to the point where the barrel jams before the BBs fly straight.
  3. I never really bother with elbow pads, I always find my self spending more time adjusting them then doing anything else. The helmet might be a good idea. or maybe a full facepaintball mask that goes all around the head. Getting teeth shot out has happened a fair amount to players. But usually I just keep my lips sealed tighter than the asshole of a con in the showers. On a side note, if you play bunker 51, you may see me at some point. Looking to start going there this year as I want an excuse to get some use out of my pistol.
  4. Been shopping a lot this week ready for my 1st taste of Airsoft. Most the Paintball gear has not seen action in 20 years and fair to say I put a few pounds on (Not to mention the few stone) since then so had to start again. New woodland camo jacket New woodland camo trousers New black Mascot trouser from work (Thanks to Ian_G for that great idea) New olive baseball caps 1 lightweight and 1 heavy also from work so cheap New Tactical shirt with padded elbows so I don't hurt my arms when I collapse in a heap as I am soooo unfit. New goggles and wire face mask (my hooter just fits in it) New gloves (Paint on the old ones had eaten them) New Scrim scalf Will use an old pair of boots for now as my feet are the only thing that's the same size Will add pic later when wife wakes up and I can get to the camera (She on night shift not lazy) Anything else anyone can think of I forgot? Thinking I wont need a vest the first few games as I on hire gun or will I?
  5. Trust me, TPI, you'd soon get sick to the back teeth of it. No matter what it is, anything involving lawyers takes absolutely ages to get done and to get this Law repealed or rewritten by a Tory Govt. would take nothing less than a European Court directive, which they would appeal... Meanwhile you have "Firearms Offence" stamped indelibly on your Police Record, which is a bummer for the old CV, but potentially far worse is anytime you happen to be questioned by Police walking home late at night, or perhaps out and about town in the vicinity of a contretemps involving the traditional harsh language and black eye, let alone what may happen if you actually are involved in something out of which they just can't keep their noses...
  6. Sorry, all this sear stuff gets me confused. The piston sear and the spring guide stopper both fit, the 1st sear doesn't. If you scroll through all the comments then most of these questions have been answered with photos or links attached as clarifiers. This is my first ever spring rifle, so you can't expect me to get everything 100% correct. Take everything with a pinch of salt, back track for clarification and ask if you can't find anything and I'll do my best. Mine is still shelved at the moment, until a full set of internals have been made by PDI or Laylax, or even ASPUK, I'm not going to bother touching it.
  7. If you're near Colchester Essex and know anything about the local airsoft scene get in touch via PM

  8. The 20mm rail I drilled into the hand guard myself which was easy enough but I haven't moulded anything on. I wanted a grip but also a bi-pod , I couldn't make my mind up so I got both the silencer makes the rattle when firing on full auto quieter and more of low pitched thud instead of the thwacking of metal on metal which personally I think sounds better, apart from new bush bearings and a custom fit tight bore barrel instead of the old standard barrel everything else is stock.
  9. I think full length AK's look daft with a suppressor and the front sight pillar still on. Can't say I like those grip-pods on anything either, not even L85A2's. I would take the front sight and cleaning rod off and add either a top cover with rail or a side mounted rail for a red dot, or just do without the suppressor. For a grip I'd go with something folding.
  10. Swords? Knuckle dusters? Really? I'm going for the semi-auto 12 bore and some 42 gramme BB cartridges. They'll make a BIG hole at close range, and will slow pretty much anything down out to about 30 yards. And yes, it is another weapon that you need training to use effectively in a stressful situation. Try sticking a solid slug into a charging wild boar for stress, zombies don't even come close!
  11. "just out of interest, i take it you practice sword fighting? (this is no way intended to come across as i am having a go, i am just interested if you do)" Not really, not in the same sense as Ian does wherby I'm following a specific art form of it at least, though i have recently begun doing some training in Eurpoean medieval style weapons (primarily spear, kite shield and axe based stuff - though this is generally fighting in formation and shield wall rather than one on one). My structured experience is all in unarmed stuff. I've been an MMA instructor for about 11 years now, but spent time as a British Combat Association instructor back in the day when RBSD was all the big thing there for a while, so I've done some weapon based training through that. My interest in weapons is primarily collecting, reading about and playing with them, and I've amassed a ridiculous amount of them over the years! The difference, to a degree, is that I keep a pell to use in my back garden and did (before my son came along) have a pole with a big spike sticking out of it for attaching things to and practising cuts on or destruction testing weapons on. From my experiene I would say the problem with saying "anyone can use a sword" is that it is as true as saying "anyone can throw a punch;" it is true, but anyone who actually knows about throwing punches will tell you there's a lot more to doing it than simply throwing your arm out with your fist clenched, it takes timing technique and (particularly in a high adrenaline situation) the sort of muscle memory that only comes from a lot of training. Despite my limited explerience with swords, I'd have to say that they must be regarded in the same way; it's more than just swinging the lump of metal. When I've done cutting tests with swords (and I'm talking about cheap stuff as well as using my good expensive katanas and my Albion made European swords) I've found that I'm not all that bad and killing fruit, veg and lumps of meat - as long as they stay perfectly still and I can line them up nice and slow and really concentrate on a good cut. But would I feel confident in a 'sword fight' as a result? No! I'd start swinging like a mad man and probably hit with the flat of the blade more often than not (I end up doing that even on the fruit!), and I know I'd get tired fast. That said, I'd still rather have the sword than not when faced with zombies! Lastly, I have nothing against the idea of trapping things in a doorway - it's not a bad strategy at all - I just don't think that a katana is the right tool for the job since (unless you were good enough to drop it in one solid cut) you'd have to be significantly far away from the door to swing the sword at anything coming through several times (and the thing would have to be through the doorway before you could hit it with any meaningful downward strokes) so I just don't believe it would fall into the door as you would hope. Personally, if I wasn't going to have to drag it around with me afterwards, I'd take a large shield in that scenario, something like a Roman scutum, stand in the doorway with my body behind it allowing the undead to build up, and then take a short/medium length, relatively light straight-bladed weapon like a Roman gladius, and stab away at any heads you see. That would guarantee your protection behind the shield, the pile of bodies blocking the door (as you're now actually killing them in the doorway itself) and eliminiate any danger of hitting walls, ceilings and doorframes that you're inevitably going to face with any weapon that requires a swinging motion.
  12. I wouldn't say I was being 'obtuse' - I understand perfectly well what people were describing they think they could do - but I'll certainly admit to being very picky; and I do like to win arguments! The problem with this whole scenario for me is two-fold. Firstly, zombies that can only be killed by destroying the brain are magical and have no scientific basis whastoever. As a result the whole scenario requires us to magic up our own definition of the zombies' capabailities. If we rule out 'fast moving zombies' (I'm not going to say '28 Days Later zombies' since there are no zombies in that film) then we're left with 'shamblers.' Personally I imagine these things would still have the ability to raise their arms in defence and swing at you aggresively, even though they may move slowly. I also imagine that since their limbs, muscles and bone are magically holding them together and still moving them that they would also be relatively strong if they got their hands on you. Most people on here, however, are imagining their zombies as moving as slowly as possible, with no head movement at all and having bone and muscle that is paper thin and therefore requires little to no strength to cut through or pierce. I have no idea how such a thing could still move or stand, but since it is a magic thing I'll happily concede that, in this case, any idiot could stand there with a £150 piece of moulded metal that has an edge on it (and a laser etched hamon for good effect) that they want to call a katana and could, given the fact that they have pretty much unlimited time to kill the zombie (as it now seems to pose no significant threat) simply hack or stab it up and then drag its corpse to wherever they wanted it. Secondly, and what actually annoys me more, is that people have no experience of fighting in the style they claim they would employ yet think they could do it because someone in a work of fiction did so. Why is nobody saying "I'd stand 10 foot from the doorway just throwing throwing knives into the eye sockets of any zombie that came through!"? The answer, I imagine, is because people (probably having attempted to actually throw something sharp at a board at some point and realising it's not actually as easy to do as it looks in the movies) accept that they couldn't do it with any reasonable level of power or skill unless they had practiced it for a very long time. Yet when it comes to swords in particular everyone decides that they could easily use it the way they do in the movies, with no practce whatsoever, despite the fact that they have never actually tried to cut anything with their swords. Indeed if they had ever taken a sword to anything that remotely resembles a human limb they would realise that it is not easy to cut apart in a single stroke at all (though again, I'll happily concede that when fighting a paper thin zombie this of not going to be such a big issue). Furthermore and finally (finally! ) if there was a horde of zombies to deal with you'd have to be cutting over and over again and also probably doing so in a situation of high stress. It's at this point that people with no experience of fighting whatsoever realise that continous combat is very tiring and requires trained muscles - especially if it's combat that involves wielding a big lump of steel! Moreover, adrenaline is a great thing if you are used to dealing with it, but will mess you up completely if you're not (as most people who don't train any fighting style at all or train incorrectly often find, to their detriment, when they end up in any real confrontation).
  13. Well, in that case PUG... I'd just stand no where near a doorway with one of my large metal poles with a screw driver on the end, after having extensive, weapon specific training! (Officer, problem?) Ain't no zombies getting through around that area then! Airsoft guns vs 28 Days Later style rage-zombies? You are fucked my friend. Walking Dead style, been rotting for a few months, you'd probably have a fair chance against them. Though, not as fair a chance as you might get from, say... A hammer. Or really, anything else. W... Wait a second... I think there's a glitch in the Matrix! D=
  14. Let's break this down: "So you're telling me that an ultra sharp sword isn't capable of cutting through rotting flesh (or anything else apparently) unless the person holding it has been trained? It's a slashing weapon... Yeah, and what? Last time I looked they have pointy ends. Next you'll be telling me I need training to stab someone with a screw driver." No, I'm telling you (for about the 10th time) that the katana is a weapon that cannot be utilised the way it should be - as a slashing and cutting weapon - since you chose to stand in a doorway with it! Then I'm telling you that if you want a stabbing weapon you'd actually be better off with the screwdriver since it is light, straight and only about 6 inches long, and is therefore easier to put where you want it to go, as well as being easy to retract quickly. A katana on the other hand is far heavier, curved and about two foot long, meaning that you are highly unlikely to put it where you want it to go with any degree of accuracy or force (when you bear in mind that you target here is a brain which will present itself as a target of about four inches wide and three inches high from the front) and also meaning that it is far likely that you're not going to get it back again the first time you screw up and embed it somewhere in the zombie's jaw. "Care to let me attack you with a sword whilst you amble towards me at 2mph? I'm fairly sure you'll realise it's not going to go well for you, even if I was a 2 year old, short sighted toddler." At 2mph a zombie would be over the 6 inch threshold of your doorway in under a second. This means that you have basically one chance to stab it (since we've established that only an idiot would try slashing through a doorframe) through the skull and into the brain forcefully enough to stop it completely. As also already established, that's probably just not going to happen. Moreover, even if you weren't so badly positioned in a dooorway I still doubt that you'd be anywhere near being effective at stopping this zombie because, as has been bought out here by several people who know more than you on the topic, doing it with any degree of effectivess requires skill. You would have to litterally cut the thing's head in half or off to stop it. This requires cutting through both flesh and bone, and your katana can be as 'ultra sharp' as you like but unless you land it exactly on the point of the sharp edge with the weight of the blade following correctly behind it (something which does require skill and training) you're most likely just going to find that you just keep smacking chunks out of the zombie's arms (at least until the blade dulls, as it will after the first few times it hits any bone) and that the zombie just keeps coming. The best you could hope to achieve would be just to smash its head in through repeated heavy blows with your piece of metal, and, again, there are far better bits of metal for that job than a katana. None of which work all that well in a doorway. "I'm fully aware that to use it properly takes skill and training, but hacking shit up sloppily is insanely freakin' easy and zombies are hardly elite warriors from Feudal Japan." Except (for the 11th time), you won't be hacking anything up in a doorway. "Unless I missed that movie?" I've already told you that they've never made a movie where anyone hacks anything up with a katana in a doorway; that's how stupid an idea it is. Even Jason Statham turned it down. "Also, unless you're autistic and have to take things literally by definition of your condition, I think it's fairly obvious that I mean for them to be killed ahead of the door, so they fall into it on the floor and pile there." So now you're not killing them in a doorway, you're just bascially stood outside a building? You're also still using your katana I assume, which is a weapon that is going to need about four foot of space minimum to wield effectively. So now you're four foot away from a doorway, the zombies attacking you can easily surround you and (here comes that magic again) the ones you kill are now apparently not just falling down four foot from the door (as the laws of physics suggest they would) but actually helping you out by taking themselves over to the doorway and lying down atop one another (moving a little bit to let you pass when you're ready to head inside I assume?). And if, at this point, you're thinking: "yeah but I'd be walking backward while I killed them so that would create a pile up as I moved through the doorway!" No (for the 12th time) as you walked backward you would once again find that you are in a doorway and so can longer wield the katana. FINAL RECAP OF YOUR PLAN: 1, Stand four foot from a doorway. 2, Hack wildly at approaching lead zombie. 3, Have trouble getting its head because of its outstreched arms which aren't flying off like they do in the movies because you have no skill with your katana, which is also now basically blunt. 4, Hack even more wildy as you realise other zombies are now surrounding you. 5, Luckily smash the first zombie's head and then look confused as it falls sideways, nowhere near the doorway and leads to no sort of 'pile up.' 6, Retreat back toward doorway. 7, Swing at next zombie. 8, Wonder where sword has gone and realise it is now stuck in the doorframe. 9, Piss pants. 10, Run through doorway and manage to actually retrieve sword as you go. 11, Try to stab zombie. 12, Miss. 13, Try to stab zombie. 14, Miss. 15, Try to stab zombie and manage to drive the sword through its cheek where sword becomes lodged. 16, Shit pants. 17, Run away (provided you have entered somewhere with another exit). 18, Find new pants.
  15. I did some bo and jo training when I was a teen, but with my current sword all I've done is chop up wood for my fireplace. It's quite an odd instrument - guard like a katana, double handed varnished wooden grip riveted with brass like a massive steak knife, heavy bar of 316 Stainless Steel which is straight and single edged - it's not that sharp for most of its length, only the tip and 6" or so down is properly sharp. So its legal... its main problem is no ferrule. A good sword does cost a lot, but it depends what you need it to do as to whether the job takes a good sword to achieve. Cutting rotting flesh wouldn't take a good sword. The point about getting the edge caught in bone is a good one. Not in my case however because most of the length isn't sharp enough - it would just shatter any bone under a good swing of it, like a 'kin broadsword lol! Bear in mind too that light-ish imitation katanas and fantasy swords are not made from folded iron and steel, just any old mid-carbon steel tempered more for spring than hardness, even if the surface of the blade has a pattern resembling a swordsmith's hand placed mud stippled edge or a grain like a damascus steel blade: they are just patterns stamped/etched onto the metal. It would turn after the 1st cut that hit bone, but thereafter it would still be sharp enough to cut rotten flesh but not to jam into bone. The problem for most of these blades is, like mine, they have no ferrule, so if you did stick 'em with the pointy end and ran the blade even just halfway through, it could be very difficult to pull back out, because flesh sucks tight against a blade unless it's flat sides have a trough or raised hollow ground peak so that air is sucked into the wound as the blade is withdrawn. My sword was made in Pakistan - it has no frills, it's just a bar of steel made for fcuking people up by chops that crush muscle and shatter bone. Decorative swords probably wouldn't last chopping through more than a handful of zombies - you'd be better off with a machete, parang, or bill-hook, or maybe a full size kukri. James is right about 28 Days Later stylee zombies though, except I've never seen a zombie film where the survivors have used Molotov cocktails. You'd have to imagine that burning saturated solution of sugar in petrol with a dash of washing up liquid for that extra splash-ability would put paid to the gnash-ambitions of pretty much anything...
  16. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=not+sure+if+meme&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&authuser=0&ei=TP6sUc68Laqu0QWjv4CIDg&biw=1280&bih=581&sei=Tv6sUfv_HenV0QW1toGwDg#um=1&hl=en&authuser=0&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=not+sure+if+joking+or+serious&oq=not+sure+if+jokin&gs_l=img.3.0.0l5j0i5l3j0i24.160947.163074.0.163969.,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.47244034,d.d2k&fp=a10a04a5587ca0d7&biw=1280&bih=581&facrc=_&imgrc=Q1SbVHj-gRUg6M%3A%3BZfY8Gby34gIGWM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fiheartguitarblog.com%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2012%252F05%252F1w58.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fiheartguitarblog.com%252Ftag%252Fnot-sure-if-serious-or-just-joking%3B600%3B450 So you're telling me that an ultra sharp sword isn't capable of cutting through rotting flesh (or anything else apparently) unless the person holding it has been trained? It's a slashing weapon... Yeah, and what? Last time I looked they have pointy ends. Next you'll be telling me I need training to stab someone with a screw driver. Care to let me attack you with a sword whilst you amble towards me at 2mph? I'm fairly sure you'll realise it's not going to go well for you, even if I was a 2 year old, short sighted toddler. I'm fully aware that to use it properly takes skill and training, but hacking shit up sloppily is insanely freakin' easy and zombies are hardly elite warriors from Feudal Japan. Unless I missed that movie? Also, unless you're autistic and have to take things literally by definition of your condition, I think it's fairly obvious that I mean for them to be killed ahead of the door, so they fall into it on the floor and pile there. Not to magically hover upright in the center like Jesus on a cross.
  17. This all just further compounds my earlier point about people who own swords (read: shaped pieces of metal, because as Tariq points out they are not the same thing) thinking they know how to use them when they clearly don't. You think you would "stand in a doorway with a katana," a katana being a sword which is primarily designed as a slashing weapon and which requires long slashing motions (and therefore space) to be effective, and even then requires a hell of a lot skill to (a) angle the blade correctly and strike with the right technique to achieve the cut and ( not just end up with the blade lodged into your opponent (who in this scenario would then just see you as some some of treat on the end of a long metal stick and eat you). Have you ever tried to actually complete any kind of cutting exercise on a solid target with one of these swords? Or will this skill set just materialise magically? Moreover, since most of that skill set comes from watching movies, have you ever seen any movie where anyone 'stands in a doorway' whilst effectively wielding a katana? Even Hollywood suspends the suspension of disbelief when an idea is that bad. And what kind of magical doorway is this anyway? Surely after you somehow completed the amazing space-defying cut that fells the first zombie it would just collapse into the room, rather than somehow floating all over the place and blocking anything at all. At best it would cause a lump on the floor that the next one would just walk across. Moreover its fall would likely just further push you into the room, thus defeating the whole object anyway and possibly trapping you in the room, and all of this is if it didn't just yank the sword from your grip as it fell. I'm sorry for the rant, but If you need training to see how the 'tactics' you've described in utilising such a sword in that way to aid you aren't ridiculous then you'd have to have been immensely dense beforehand.
  18. I'd just stand in a doorway with one of my katanas. Ain't no zombies getting through there then. Airsoft guns vs 28 Days Later style rage-zombies? You are fucked my friend. Walking Dead style, been rotting for a few months, you'd probably have a fair chance against them. Though, not as fair a chance as you might get from, say... A hammer. Or really, anything else.
  19. I probably could to be fair, but there's no guarantee that the same set of parts would work as well in the Ares. Plus, the best thing about the ICS for me is how easy it is to take apart for tweaking. The Ares is the most pain in the arse AEG ever to take down, arguably even worse than dismantling a Version 2. The way the hop, barrel and gearbox are fitted together is all different too, so I'd probably not get the same results. Also, the trigger is really nice on the ICS, they made it entirely mechanical to better replicate the feel and pull of the real one, apparently. But I really like it. Lastly, all the parts for the ICS are stocked at Fire-Support and everything is an easy drop in replacement for any time anything breaks. So that maintenance factor alone gives the ICS the win in my opinion. I can keep mine up and running for years. I could completely replace every single internal component that has a part to play in the firing mechanism for less than £150.
  20. You do realise these people read forums, mate? Next time you want anything Famas-related... Kerrrrrrrrrrrrrrr-CHING!
  21. Hi guys. I posted a thread on General Discussion regarding using AF-UK's loadout pics for my Sunday Airsoft feature on my FB page. If you have any loadout pics, reviews, events or anything airsoft related to submit, I will consider them for the page. Email is [email protected] Thanks!
  22. L85 lives! You stick your head out at 55m... Sucks to be you! Headshots all day. I'm hitting 2x4 inch targets at 22m with practically every shot. Configured my ACOG to compensate for about 2foot of drop too, so ultra long range shots are going to be a breeze, with the red dot set up for 25m - 55m. Anything under that I can just snap shot reactively. Next weekend ought to be fun! :P

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. geoffreym
    3. M_P


      Pretty sure the 249 one was out a while ago now. I believe they've done a v3 too.


      Where would you get the air from.in the UK out of interest?

    4. geoffreym


      I think you could buy just a basic/specialized air compressor, or ask you local "Heretics" (paintballers)

  23. While not the whole loadout, SADF M83 vest arrived Very good rig, so much better than the cheap copies! (apologies for the crap phone pics) There's also two names with soldier numbers written in it.. I know Claassen is an Afrikaner name, but no idea on Lesmit, can't find anything on google about the name
  24. I need a Dislike button for anything to do with Z1.. Where is it Dev?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. two_zero


      tariq: 'like' the 'jbbg is da sux!!1!one' posts? sucks to join here to ask about jbbg, then get 32 dislikes on your first post^^

    3. M_P


      Two zero is right on this I think, it could be abused, if you dislike something, post about it- its a discussion board after all, so long as its an opinion and shown as such (not just slating) then I'm sure that'd be fine.

    4. sp00n


      not defending them, but i havnt had any issues with them

  25. Hubert

    World of Tanks

    Another victim falls to World of Tanks! I can only apologise mate, if you're anything like me, this game will take over a ridiculous amount of your time. I've finally reached my first tier 10 tank. FV4202 British medium. I'm now also bankrupt, so can't afford to buy ammunition for it...
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