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  1. I don't think it'll be anything to worry about. When companies like WE's can take steel bolts then I doubt something from TM will struggle too much, even their aluminium ones are known to have a number of issues. TM are one of, if not the best when it comes to reliability and unlike many airsoft companies, they tend not to sell stuff that will break easily, their stuff tends to be made so that it's not taken apart often or so that the user doesn't have to constantly replace parts so long as it's used as intended.
  2. It's called a jezail, my father was gifted one out in Saudi, more of a decorative sniper than anything else, and the metal work tended to be of a very low quality. Ruddy murderous in the right hands though.
  3. If your friend is skirmishing he has a defence. You don't need anything like a 'UKARA' to own a RIF, you don't need any kind of permit to respray one if you are skirmishing. If he has sprayed it black he doesn't need to respray it to any other colour. There is a some bad info being passed around in this thread. A site shouldn't be asking you any questions about where or how you got your RIF. It's nothing to do with them. If he has a defence he can spray his two tone any colour he wants. .
  4. Just recently bought myself an SR36 series rifle when I bought the rifle it said the FPS was 300/330 but when I was at a skirmish two weeks ago it was firing at 3:50 is there anything I can do to slow it down I am very new to Airsoft so would appreciate any advice thanks
  5. Maybe I should be a little clearer; I'm the one in need of help and advice. If you clicked here hoping I could help YOU, I apologise. Now, on to my problem... I'm looking for my first tac vest, my rifle is a Tokyo Marui G36c. After looking around, I decided I didn't want to go the webbing route due to lack of knowledge, waaaay too many options and of course, price. So I found a couple of all-in-one vests but really took a liking to the ones with a cross draw holster. I ordered, a day later there it is. Chuffed to bits but alas, the main magazine pouches can only take an M4/M16 size mag. The G36 size mag simply wouldn't go in. So that vest went back. After hunting around some more, I cannot for the life of me find anything that states it is able to take this size of mag AND has a cross draw. The closest so far has been from flecktarn.co.uk. It's a web tex cross draw in black. I was just wondering if anyone has actually encountered this problem themselves or if they know of something that fits my wants and needs? Your help is greatly appreciated. ( in advance)
  6. At my local site I am certain they would be asked how they got it. Some guys on their first game out got questioned about their Combat machines just this week gone. Turned out the marshall's hadn't spotted they were actually transparent so all was well but they do question that sort of thing. I think it would be a good idea to tell your friends they have committed a criminal act that has a fines and potentially hefty jail time sentences associated with it. Taking these to skirmishes would not be a good idea. If the friends aren't likely to do anything as a responsible individual you need to explain the VCRA to the parents so something can be done.
  7. You WILL need a LiPo specific charger anything else is likely/guaranteed to write off either the battery or the battery, patch of carpet underneath and any nearby objects.
  8. Pretty sure 99% of sites have that rule, never been to one where you weren't required to remove mags before leaving the game area and entering the SZ. I very much agree with keeping fingers outside trigger guards at all times you're not shooting at someone deliberately during a skirmish, there's just too many potential factors at work. Apart from anything else it's literally the easiest thing to do just about ever, possibly a close third after breathing/absorbing light through the eyes in this thing we know as vision. No matter how good a site's rules are you can never prevent some f****** morons putting loaded mags in AEGs and thinking "oh I'll just have a quick test fire in the safe zone.. it'll be fine". I've seen it, I've f*cked up myself in my own house (which I'm very ashamed of but when the ricochet goes real close it teaches you a lesson for sure) and I've met very few players who haven't seen someone do something like ping off a shot in the safe zone. I always bring at least 3 sets of eye pro to every game anyway, largely just because they're permanently stored in the bags I take. The plan in future is to wear my preferred set of eye/face pro for the playing then a quick switch to some nice, dry shooting specs once off the field. Military and airsoft folks alike are all largely shocking when it comes to safe weapons handling, I've seen it from every service, rank and every type or skirmisher without exception at some point or another. Most brits (mainly softers) hate the 4 rules that the yanks like to use, but having tried them extensively they're what I employ at all times with RIFs and guns. I personally find they give far more confidence and safety than the military and airsoft attitudes of "it's unloaded"; however I'm not the king of airsoft by a long old stretch and I do not expect the vast majority to agree in the slightest. It'd just be nice if people would respond amicably on the very odd occasion I ask someone to not point a barrel straight at my face, rather than getting pissed off and instantly massively defensive over a simple, politely worded request.
  9. haha no i am over 18, a 24 year old student, so i have very limited funds, rental guns will be good for me dont wanna rush into getting anything just yet. So would you recommend buying some extra bb's? im sure they'll have some on site but bare in mind i have no experience with airsoft or airsoft guns so loading will be confusing at first. Haha i sound useless! Thanks for your tips so far! i've got some cheap surplus camo, boots and face protection getting delivered later this week so hopefully i'll be all set and wont stand out too much as a newbie haha! Any in field tips? other than dont walk out in the open, and always call my shots (i can understand that getting extremely frustrating if not done)
  10. Its becoming a fashion that when cropzy posts anything the thread gets very weird or very stupid... Are you the new frizzle? *Love you frizzle*
  11. I can personally vouch for the guys at Matlock Combat Games they are a belting bunch of guys. If the woodland site is anything to go by the Gaol will be amazing, but as it's still a new site things will improve as they put a lot of thought into their days. If anyone is near by to this place I strongly suggest you jump on board, it's just a shame I'm a bit too far away as I'd be all over it
  12. Couple of updates, it seems that i was incorrect on my opening statement the gas in question is predator 144a gas which i understand is something different to green gas? I phoned Wolf Armouries and basically got the run around with the guy on the phone saying without knowing the temperature of the days when the pistol was chrono'ed he couldn't say anything even though i told him the second skirmish day was noticeably warmer than the first and the gun consistently chrono'ed at around 160fps on both days.
  13. I see what you are saying here and having read the advice on offer, I will most likely not tape the gun up now, but there are issues here that still perplex me. Still the question persists that whether taping a gun and painting a gun are the same thing, whether they are both classified as "manufacturing" an RIF. If the law states that 51% of the gun must be VISIBLY an approved colour, then the taping is indeed an infringement of the law, but if it is stated that the gun must BE 51% an approved colour, then technically, covering up that colour does not go against this - as the gun beneath is still of that approved colour - and we're back into a grey area. I have seen people also ask if they are OK to add rail covers that would drop the visible percentage of the two-tone to below the 51% mark and that seems to have come across as acceptable, so how does covering up the two-tone in that way and covering it up with tape differ? Both are temporary and easily revertable. However, the VCRA does state "modification", without adding any qualifiers for what "modifications" are under the law, so perhaps that means any such "modification", even if it is temporary or easily removed. I don't wish to sound interrogatory or argumentative, it's just a strange and difficult thought, really. Again, after everything said and done, it doesn't seem worth it to run the risk of messing about with the law, simply for aesthetic pleasure. And at this current moment, as someone who only wishes to go to a skirmish (our next local event is on the 25th of May, which I may well go to, but as of yet have not made any bookings or such to do so), I do not have a defence should anything arise.
  14. If it goes below minimum voltage then it looses some from the maximum capacity (1100mAh in your case). If the battery is way below minimum voltage then there is risk of fire, etc, but if it's only slightly below the minimum then it's not going to happen. Of course you should watch it for that few minutes of kickstarting. I've successfully revived a handful of lipos with this method. Both of those chargers are lipo chargers meaning that they are "smart". A dumb charger is something that just gives a somewhat stable output voltage and doesn't check anything. Those always have the output voltage and current written on them.
  15. I heard about that, not many reviews. The agm scar, have you had one or know anything about it?
  16. Just taken the gearbox apart again to have a look for any signs of the issue but can't see anything that would be cause for concern. However, I now have a strange noise of the motor after a Burst every so often. I took a video of it. AEG Problems: http://youtu.be/LEhwzzeuSgQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPYobtxWlVY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9wQ3pINN5M
  17. Thanks for the comment! Glad you liked the review I wrote this review quite a while ago, and nowadays I have to say I'm more inclined to going for proper mil-spec pouches rather than anything cheap from airsoft-club. It's still quite a good website, but if you have a look around on eBay / Flecktarn etc, you could find some very nice stuff and still not have to pay too much. I would strongly recommend UKTactical too. They also has a sale on at the moment for Warrior Assault Systems pouches, which are all real mil-spec quality. Will no doubt last you ages if you are prepared to pay a bit more for them. Actually...that said, I got a WAS triple magazine pouch in the sale for £12.50 posted and that's still a lot cheaper than airsoft brand ones would cost.
  18. What spring does it have? If it's anything under an m120 you're looking at a pre-engagement issue with those 13:1 gears.
  19. Can it be used for anything else?
  20. My hat and Jacket have been dispatched, delayed by the fact that Paypal are dicks and won't allow me to use my card so I have to use the direct debit method. After a lot of searching I have found a possible contender for easier to source Aussie boots: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/121138205596?var=420153311515&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 They are a bit pale but at this price they will do. If I use darker polish they will darken up a bit. Then I can just add leather laces. My 1st WW2 game was epic. I was surprised to learn that the weapon that Jerry fears the most is the Sten. Apparently it outperforms anything they have in terms of range, accuracy and rate of fire. I do want a rifle though so may take a gamble on an Ironairsoft/Matrix SMLE.
  21. Too true!! I'm going to try and deconflict as best as possible with other events. Might take a rain check on August, it's probably better for us anyway to be honest as it gives us more organisational time , plus my business partner should be settled in his new job by then and be on a settled rota back in this country. Completely understand about the MoD policy and thats a risk that everyone takes when using their training areas, but it's worth it when it all comes off. From what I've just had explained to me over the past couple of weeks they have had a rethink on how they treat civilian users now and whilst they can still be bumped, the opportunities are fewer, which can only be a good thing I suppose. Should have a few dates by Friday anyway so I'll do some research on other events and try and negotiate a date that doesn't clash with anything
  22. My local sight has a remote control car with ~9 remote dets & smokes on it and front and back cameras- really is awesome, I've not seen anything like it elsewhere.
  23. I have a medical condition which causes me a lot of pain, so I spend a lot of time waiting for meds to take full effect before I can do anything IRL. The meds I take and pain between them also screw up any chance of a sleeping pattern, so times when I feel ok will be as likely to be in the middle of the night as during the day, so there's only some things I can do IRL without becoming the upstairs neighbour from hell.
  24. Getting some VFC Scar. I have the obvious choice between the heavy and the light. I know there's huge differences in real life, but not so much in airsoft. I know the L is a bit more compact, and that it uses standard M4 mags. Is there anything else, and which of the 2 would you choose, and why?
  25. I haven't really done anything on this as a project per-se and these are the very initial stages (nothing here is dimensioned correctly, just traced pretty poorly from images - the original designers would probably pull their hair out to see how butchered their designs have become here) but since I was thinking about AKs and the lack of RIS rails on them generally, I came up with a little idea. Seeing as I have seen many examples of people carving their own AK furniture and integrating things such as foregrips into the design, I thought to myself "maybe it would be interesting to see an AK handguard design with a magpul AFG built into the design. Not as an attachment, but actually integrated, the handguard and AFG from one piece of wood. So, being trained in AutoCAD, I hopped on the computer and churned out these few prototype ideas in a few hours. If I can get proper dimensions of things somewhere, maybe i'll take a stab at carving the furniture myself. I'm just curious to see what others think of this idea, as utterly mental as it might be. (I realise this is a little out of the ordinary for the DIY section as it usually involves something you have actually done, but I didn't want to start a whole new topic for something that might ultimately just be long forgotten about in weeks to come. ) Edit; Bottom one should read "AK74 W/O DETAILS". D'oh!
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