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    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Sitting Duck in So after just 7 days of the hobby....   
    Must be the Viagra version - smutty chuckle
    soz derailing post again
  3. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to team flex in So after just 7 days of the hobby....   
    xD you can't help it can you, made me laugh out loud though!
  4. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to team flex in So after just 7 days of the hobby....   
    wow mate, missing my gun already but good to see it in good hands, and I am sure it will be well looked after
    different paths, hope you have a lot of fun with it
  5. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to V2K1 in So after just 7 days of the hobby....   
    Not that I need to explain myself to the keyboard warriors out there but...maybe my post was slightly misconceiving - I DO have a game Sunday but with my OWN guns I brought this week, previously hiring from the site.
  6. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to SeniorSpaz87 in So after just 7 days of the hobby....   
    I fail to see the issue here... He looks to be over 18, and as he said, he's skirmished before using rentals... So how do we know he isn't registered?...
  7. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Sitting Duck in So after just 7 days of the hobby....   
    I retract all I said.....
    soz to OP for jumping on bandwagon
    helmet is the bellend type though
    if he dealt with one or two peeps on here....
    One is a very upstanding person so that settles it for me the OP is above board / defense etc....
    (post was misleading - one week and all that - RIF stuff, implies you just started)
    soz for being a dick and jumping to conclusions - my very very bad
    but yeah get a better helmet to go with ya good stuff
  8. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to team flex in gaming pc build   
    right ordered the case, nzxt h440, so I will build next week, I have everything but an SSD which I might get next week, or if i don't another time
  9. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to V2K1 in So after just 7 days of the hobby....   
    Previously hired weapons....
  10. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to V2K1 in So after just 7 days of the hobby....   
    So after a week of the hobby....

    EDIT: To Clarify - I have previously hired at sites and have taken the plunge (MASSIVE plunge and expense) to buy my own weapons

  11. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to team flex in gaming pc build   
    ^^ haha yeah, hopefully will get a few more fps than a type writer, worth the £900 then.
    Anyway, I have good news. I might be getting £70 on top of my phone selling, which hoepfully means I can buy an SSD with the money. I have to buy a desk as well but I have found one for £20, so that means about 50 quid, however I may be able to conjure up 10 quid off of my dad meaning i will be able to buy the samsung. If not i will stick with the corsair ssd for about 50 quid
  12. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent got a reaction from team flex in gaming pc build   
    Who needs a gaming pc when you have a type writer? Nah, nice stuff mate, want to build my own PC but chose building an RC plane when I receive parts.
  13. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Sitting Duck in got my first gun G&G ak47 black version   
    Good Mask - a must
    extra mag if possible & some duct tape
    (tape them together - yeah cheesy COD/BLOP but it works and ya packing nearly 1k bb's)
    Some ol boots & Get the hell out there !!!!
    all the pukka loadout stuff can come later - get shooting
  14. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to OliC in got my first gun G&G ak47 black version   
    so it came a few days ago and im over the moon with it cant wait to test it out at a site but still need some stuff for satey

  15. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to CES_williamson in Gun picture thread   
    The family! From left to right: ICS L85, Custom made M4 (for sale soon), TM recoil . Pistols: 1911 custom made (being sent off soon as its sold) then a WE XDM :-)
  16. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Ian_Gere in The Balshoy Bolshevik Bash   
    We can only hope so, but this is only the 2nd and, of course, whether it continues will depend on how popular it is - if all places get filled, the budget for the event will work as the organisers have imagined; if it falls short of numbers, then they may end up losing money, which will obviously be a bad omen for future events.
    Have you read what people said about the first one? Apparently it was such a laugh charging into battle against NATO on the back of a BRDM, but this will have even more vehicle stuff plus other Russian drill
  17. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to masadanator in Gun picture thread   
    My 2nd PTW:
    08 base
    Eagle Eye HK416 kit
    Shortened board (lipo mod)
    Orga barrel
    Orga flat hop
    And a multitude of external bits
    Also a dusty tan/snakeskin paint job

  18. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Sitting Duck in Noob Incoming!   
    welcome aboard sir,
    all of us are complete hard core players who study techniques and tactics whenever we are not out in the field
    winning is everything and if your K-D goes negative your are fined heavily and continuos whimpy losers are booted out
    NNNNNNNNAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH can't keep this bollox up no more......
    Airsoft is just a load of us refusing to grow up and enjoy messing about with toy guns really
    Some like any sprt are a little more serious at it than others but there is a massive mix of us
    All ages - youngsters still at school, right up to old farts who are 6 months away from retirement homes (moi)
    Some have all the kit(s) - different style loadouts as they say, higher end Automatic Electric Guns
    Others have lower end stuff but still do more than ok
    Some on here are rather good and compete, me I just have a laugh, get out and realise how unfit I am
    Apart from myself I have never really met a miserable sod, nigh on all have been really friendly
    There are mainly 2 things that airsoft really requires - well 2 main ones I can think of
    Safety - yup a toy gun in effect but can still lose an eye so eye protection plus don't be a dick and take gun outside
    the area - keep eye protection on at all times, remove mag + clear gun returning to "safe zone" listen to marshals
    respect other players - basic common sense you could say....
    Play fair - take your hits, if you even think you have been shot call it, hand up and go to dead zone/respawn
    without this the game just falls apart and if we don't at the very least try to play fairly then we may as well go home
    or just do target shooting instead - you may not see the guy who shot you most of the time but call it
    (one shot = loss of life, it ain't COD a shot in elbow or head shot all the same your hit)
    the other things is to not take too too seriously it is just a game and perhaps a budget that you will deffo won't stick to
    if you get grabbed you will be like a kid in sweet shop always wanting more guns n stuff to play with
    Really is a right mixed bag of people on here, some ex-services enjoying it and "keeping their hand in" so to speak
    but many are just ordinary people young & old, but all with a friendly attitude and passionate about this sport/hobby of ours
    Only thing you may ask yourself like most of us here - wtf didn't I get into this sooner ???
  19. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent got a reaction from Ian_Gere in The Balshoy Bolshevik Bash   
    Looks great wish I could go Maybe next year...
  20. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to OliC in hi, form the north east   
    hi there new to airsoft but not shooting, normally use an air rifle for hunting but decided to have a go at airsoft looks awesom. i have a few bb guns s ill just post a few of what i have some arnt bbs though.

  21. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Sitting Duck in bbgunsforless are they a good sight to.buy from   
    yup true, but GiantKiwi had beaten me to listing numerous good sites or alternatives
    and so I was giving cold & possible harsh or stern warnings about the site in question for OP
  22. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Lozart in bbgunsforless are they a good sight to.buy from   
    Serious point to be made here though.
    Not directed at you specifically SD but to all and sundry that pile on in these things -
    When a new member comes to the forum and asks for advice, how about we keep the ming mong ping pong to a minimum and stick to actual, helpful suggestions instead?
  23. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to Ian_Gere in The Balshoy Bolshevik Bash   
    For more details join the FB group Russian Military Airsoft Loadouts UK. Those who went to the first one all say it was a great day - this time it's going to be a longer event
  24. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to cavninja in Green Party banning airsoft   
    Seriously??!!! WTF??!! That's like have paras who've never been trained to jump and just giving them a chute and expecting them to crack on?!! Insane!!!
  25. Like
    JamesAirsofterAgent reacted to two_zero in Gun picture thread   
    excellent pictures! AK thread?
    I think you just won this thread!
    makes me wanna start a build!
    *left the pics deliberately
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