Sorry JC, but you're waaay wrong buddy. The best most efficient system is something like a jet boil, something commercially available.
But, if you're on a budget, or in the real world, a long deployment with no option to resupply your commercial cooker fuel, hexi is the way to go.
You can carry a cooker, these now come with adaptors for metal mugs, tablets, a cooking container, mess tins or mugs and brew kit and food in a single pouch on your kit.
To heat water quickly and efficiently, site the hexi out of wind, either dig it in or in a well ventilated building, break the tablet in to quarters, light it, cover your cooking pot, mess tins with your second one (it's why there's two!) or metal mug with a commercially bought lid.
You can make a brew in about 5 mins.
While I was an instructor as Sandhurst I'd make my platoon take part in impromptu brew competitions, whenever we had a spare 5 mins in the field. At first they were reluctant, but soon realsied the aim was to build their confidence and improve their admin. The winner got a choccy bar, the loser got thrashed! The brews? If no time to drink, stick it in a small "jack" flask, they fit in an ammo pouch.
They got so good at brewing up I've seem my platoon smoking pipes, cigars and brewing up in the middle of a company attack because they had rotated round to the reserve platoon and were re bombing their mags!
Coolness under pressure, good admin in the field and the ability to be comfortable where ever you are.
Hexi ain't rocket science, it's for winners!