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Everything posted by ronin677

  1. My scope has arrived now just waiting on my custom build wooden kit
  2. I used this as a base layer. Very well ventilated and does exactly what it says on the tin I ditched the hood in favour of a separate cap and scrim I think I know the stuff you are referring to, is it the cam net that they use for vehicles?
  3. and another just because I like this one hehe
  4. Aha and finally someone has guessed the correct answer hahahahaha
  5. Thats exactly the sort of thing what I'm talking about. So I post a photo of my mate serving in Afghan to give people a taste of the current British loadout, only to be told it has been mentioned in a previous thread (which is like 20 pages long) I mean, pleasssssssse. Are you freakin serious. Some people are complete knobs
  6. I just used sandbags. It takes time to shred them but its quite therapeautic really hahaha
  7. Thanks for the positive comments though guys, I feel that I am on the right track now
  8. Levelcaps video??? Not seen it I had an old ghillie lying about and just stripped it back to the Webtex Mesh and then layered it with jute and hessian strips I'm not sure whether to spray a few bits of it with darker earth tones?
  9. Here is the first test fitting of my ghillie. There are a few patches here and there but my friend in the marines has said this is good as it creates a 3D object rather than a 'smooth' covering of jute. The photo's are not tactical as I wanted people to be able to see the ghillie clearly. I would appreciate people comments and views I have not cam'd up my Dragunov yet, so hence it isn't in the photo's
  10. It would be cool if the switch was attached to the trigger and then remote to a receiver in a pouch or something. That way you wouldn't need an awful huge attachment on the gun
  11. Cheers RR01 Acutally got one being custom build by a local craftsman. Should be an exact copy of my plastic set but made from quality hardwood and then I can stain it which ever shade I wish Happy boy
  12. I love psychology and yes its really interesting to know there are others who have studied this wonderful subject on this forum. From a psychotherapists point of view, in my opinion there are no right or wrong answers to this subject and what ever works for the client to achieve positive goals is absolutely fine (after all we are all individuals even if most of use follow familiar behaviours). hehe its the one subject where you can write "in my opinion" in any essay and expect to have it passed
  13. good to meet you on here. Yes I agree with you, there is something deeply therapeutic about running around the woods stalking people. Oh dear what would Jung say about that lmao
  14. Interesting point sitting duck and I agree with you about new guys being too vocal. In this case I was just sharing the great results I've had with a hop up unit . But I suspect because I'm new on there the Mods don't have much time for me or my experiences. Such a shame
  15. It defo isn't Zeroin. I won't mention names as I said but to be honest I won't be losing too much sleep from not going on there again. Just wanted to vent initially as I found it so frustrating
  16. Its a real shame as I was trying to offer my experiences with the AirsoftPro hop up and telling people the great results I've had. As a pyschotherapist I could point out to them a few negative behavioural issues they may wish to reflect upon but I wouldn't be so petty hahaha
  17. Well my wife is from Berlin and trust me this website makes her look like a pussy cat I mean the other website, not this one hahaha
  18. I think I'll stick to this forum from now on. Jeez, without mentioning names another forum I'm on is just doing my nuts in. I start a new thread and they say "can't you place this in a thread already running" and then close my thread. Well my answer is NO I can't. It was a new topic that I thought deserved a new thread. What is it with some people when they get a little power, please get over yourselves. Arrgghhhhhh ok rant over thanks for listening and I apologise if this is in the wrong section hahahahahahaha
  19. Just fitted this to my A&K SVD and wow. Not sure if its altered the fps but it shoots as straight as a die now Testing it at about 60m and its bang on the money every time. I am sure that I can get another 20m out of this thing but my garden isn't long enough lol. I'm hoping for 80 to 90m consistent on target shots.
  20. No mate I wasn't based at Woolwich, although I did all my HGV training there. I also done part of my NCO cadre there. I still have nightmares about driving an HVG in London central and through the Blackwall Tunnel hahahahaha
  21. My old gun crew. Number 5 gun, 202 Battery, 106 Regt RA
  22. Here's me back in 2003, prior to deployment
  23. Stop it or you'll make me cry!!! lol But seriously, those are really heart felt words and I for one appreciate them. Good to have guys like you on here also mate
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