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Richie Boyle

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Everything posted by Richie Boyle

  1. i got my spring loaded M1911 yesterday and removed the slider when i got home. It is accurate enough and works well but there is signs of scraping inside the pistol where the slider moves. Should this be oiled?
  2. i took but didnt use the magnums. the safety boots were much better and the added bonus was that the mud just fell off them which doesnt happen with swede the problems i had with the magnums were solved. logs, ditches, mud, ruts, everything was so much easier using safety boots plus stomping through mud instead of going round or jumping over didnt worry me. within an hour the mud had dried and fallen off leaving the boots clean again.
  3. kneeling is a very good point. I think wearing the safety boots but taking the magnums along is the way to go. At least that way i have a back up plan in case i do struggle with my apparent oversight
  4. i bought my kit within a week of ever hearing about airsoft and the natural choice was CS 95 since that is what i wore in service. the main exception was the footwear and i went for what was regarding as nice kit at the time which happened to be a pair of magnum boots instead of assault boots i did notice last week that i wasnt really getting on with them at the POW site due to the extremely uneven terrain with lots of fallen trees and natural ditches everywhere. these boots didnt offer the support i would like under the arch of my foot. is anyone else having this problem? i did buy a pair of safety boots last week to try out on sunday. steel toe capped but more importantly, the underside will not bend as much as army boots and they are brown so still tactical without having the urge to polish them every time i use them
  5. wear them under your trousers
  6. this is very true. i bought CS95 thinking 'Scottish woodland, dark browns, dark greens etc so CS95 is ideal. it isnt! the trees have very little greenery near the bottom, the ground is more beige than green and the bushes are so thick that you see or shoot through them anyway. MTP is probably better for the site i use. have a good look at the environment first and then work out what to go for
  7. they dont slide up or down but they do twist round a little bit. the biggest problem i had was the knee support i was wearing underneath. that was eating the back of my knee because of all the kneeling i was doing. i get on fine with the webtex though http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_odkw=knee+pads&_osacat=888&_from=R40&_trksid=p2045573.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.H0.Xknee+pads+webtex&_nkw=knee+pads+webtex&_sacat=888
  8. the one that annoys me is ANYTHING hitting including hitting a branch above you and dropping on to you. that counts as a hit which is completely unrealistic. a real bullet wouldnt drop out of a tree so why should it be different for a BB just because it wont stick into the wood?
  9. 2 x speed loaders scrim net leg holster monocular pocket scope
  10. i use webtex DPM knee pads. the velcro straps are pretty good and adjustable. i wouldnt go to a game without them although they did need some attention a couple of times throughout the day but i like to roll around a bit
  11. that may be it but they are pretty hot on keeping records on a database of who attended on each date. i believe they do have a membership but they know their members by name so a card seems unnecessary. how do i get my UKARA number? will the site simply tell me the number or will i receive something by post?
  12. i was told that the skirmish site will have my UKARA card for me in 2 weeks which will be my 3rd skirmish (the one i need to complete the criteria)
  13. £30 but i cant have it until a fortnight today when i get my UKARA defence. i didnt buy it as a serious weapon since i will be looking for an AEG rifle as a main weapon. i bought it as a back up/novelty but there may be upgrades available. i havent looked at spring before so i know literally nothing about them
  14. i dont physically have it yet since today was only my second game but i have pre-bought a 1911 springer which is seemingly an old skool pistol. single shot and pull the slider back between shots any advice on this RIF?
  15. i have watched Band of Brothers twice since i stumbled across it a few months ago. I love watching anything about WW2 but Pacific isn't as addictive. I think i have managed about half way and that's over time. I watched disc after disc of Band of Brothers. another series i got hooked on was Colditz. Another lucky find that i was immediately hooked on although i really don't like the theme tune
  16. i had to drop out of a game today due to fogging. i literally couldnt see a team mate 5 feet away from me so i borrowed a set of mesh goggles to try on the next game. i wasnt comfortable with them for reasons already stated in this thread plus visibility is seriously reduced compared to the wide angle revision lens has anyone considered trying something like rain x? it is designed to prevent water sticking to a glass surface so presumably it would work on the materials used to make goggles
  17. i loved the first medal of honors and do have them but GTA 5 is still the only game i play just now. they are hardly retro games by the way. Not compared to things like paperboy, bomberman, street fighter, joust, manic miner and those games. Well before consoles came out. Amiga, atari, spectrum, commodore 64. 5 1/4" or 3 1/2" discs, cassettes and cartridges. They were retro games
  18. i wont be putting anything on any equipment that i get but i did sew onto my shirt on Wednesday and the smock will be the same when it arrives. I could see the reason if you joined more than one team but i don't know if that happens
  19. is that the relevant section of a rifle with all the non important bits left out Dex?
  20. thanks mate. i will do. mainly about the weapons now since i really dont understand how they feed the BBs from the mag to chamber then propel them across that kind of distance. real guns i understand, these things are totally different though
  21. first skirmish booked for 27th april. i will be hiring equipment as planned but wearing this little lot: 95s SAS smock revision goggles mesh half mask (hopefully it will be here by then) mechanix gloves magnum boots web tex knee pads the battlefield with be POW http://playersofwar.wix.com/players-of-war
  22. in the last 5 days i have bought this little lot, most of it has arrived 95 trousers 95 shirt twisties web tex knee pads revision goggles half mask patrol hat mechanix gloves magnum boots longback bergan SAS smock i wanted the bergan for work but it might be ok for airsofting. i may get an army holdall for this instead though since i seem to remember them being padlockable and big enough to take all this kit plus a rifle and pistol
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