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Everything posted by Adam3088

  1. Very cool! Was it due to fire dangers that they banned turbines? Seen a couple of videos of similar aircraft catching fire mid air.
  2. Yeah the airing cupboard would do the trick. On a regular AEG I cant think of much that rain could do to the gun components, most should simply run off the externals and the odd drop which makes it inside should run off the outside of the gearbox/hopup/whatever without getting inside. The main thing I'd be concerned about is the battery + connectors, if the housing is somewhat open to the elements and water made it's way inside the battery itself, I'm sure you can imagine the issues that might cause. Or a mosfet, doubt they mix well with moisture.
  3. Never buy tacticool gear from normal shops, they'll shaft you every time! Yay for father ted references.
  4. As far as I know standard AEG internals are fairly water resistant, so long as it's not being submerged in water everything should be fine. Leave it somewhere it can dry out properly afterwards though, you don't want rust to start forming.
  5. I've never bothered taking any special precautions when in the rain, do normally remove my eotech but that's because when the lens is covered in water you cant see bugger all through it. But it does depend on where your battery compartment is, I'd not be too keep on having that get soaked.
  6. I've used the Desert Eagle, it's very fun to play around with but if you want something a bit more functional and with better upgrade potential, get the glock.
  7. Surplus dutch assault vest. Can get them for all of about £10 from Ebay, not a huge amount of molle space but enough for a good number of mags, solid as anything. Doubt it'll fall apart any time soon. Can also attach a sling to the shoulder bits, works great.
  8. I cant see how a 7.4 lipo could possibly fix this situation, also not sure why you've made two threads on the same subject.
  9. You sure it's not just the fuse has gone? If it's not turning the motor at all with the fuse in the loop, then that seems like the most likely explanation. Or one of the connectors is just knackered.
  10. That's a 2 cell battery, so your charger will be fine. Airsoft Lipo's never go beyond 3 cell. As to whether it'll fit, not sure as I'm yet to see a firehawk outside of pictures.
  11. Very cool! Shame it doesn't stand out quite so much on the 228 due to the grip texture but the rifle looks awesome. Is it expensive/difficult doing hydro-dipping?
  12. Need a good holster for a KSC G19, any recommendations? Cant be a chest one, lack of space on my vest.

  13. Thanks guys, I'll aim to crawl around in the mud more from now on! Might still get myself some of that czech M95 at some point, but more because it looks awesome rather then for practical reasoning.
  14. Well, that issue seems to have gone away now! Perhaps the silicon oil has worked it's way in a bit more over the last couple of days as I just emptied both magazines and other then the slide failing to lock back on one (meh) both fired fine. Only other problem I'm having now is the gas-in valves are leaking, any idea what size o-ring is needed for these? Tried the oil trick without luck, seems like new rings is the only way.
  15. Gave it a spray of oil and kept pressing the knocker valve, doesn't feel stiff at all. Could it be the striker is worn as well? Although I suppose that wouldn't cause it to vent.
  16. Better! Fired much more consistently, it did still vent after a while though. Mag was extremely cold afterwards but I presume this is just a side effect. Another problem that I seem to get is that it misses shots, mag is loaded correctly without gaps but every few shots it will stop loading bb's into the hop up even though it keeps firing. Cocking the slide back again forces the next shot into the chamber so I'm not sure why it's not doing this as part of the cycle!
  17. So the new loading nozzle fixed the first issue, now I've got another one. One of my magazines just doesn't seem to fire very well, either doesn't cycle fully or after a few shots vents all the gas. Could this be the valve is getting stuck? Is there a way to fix this without buying a new valve?
  18. Likewise, cant see how anything on the gearbox end could have any effect on this. Does it sound any different to normal when firing? Other then that all I can recommend is recording it firing and upload it somewhere for people to have a look. Also when you say firing out at angles, do you mean left + right as well as up + down?
  19. Yup, that's the one, black plastic tube coming out of the gearbox.
  20. Hmm, what about the air nozzle? If you fire into something soft do they really come out of the barrel shattered?
  21. If the barrel is fine and the nub is working properly, only thing it could be is the bucking I guess? Might be worth double checking it's on properly.
  22. Checked inside the barrel to make sure there's no crap in there? Might be worth giving it a clean just incase. If you turn the hop up fully off is it any different? Edit: bah, ninja'd
  23. Can you link please? KWA and KSC are essentially the same thing. Tried searching but cant find them! Edit: Cancel that, found them They just call them 'nozzle' I was trying every variety of gas/loading nozzle but not just the one word.
  24. Unless other manufacturers are compatible it seems like you cant get them from the UK, balls. Only one I can find is from 'airsoftglobal' http://www.airsoftglobal.com/shop/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=634_1053&products_id=18822 Never heard of them before..
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