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Airsoft_Mr B reacted to a post in a topic: Did I do the right thing?
Hahaha when I read it back I guaranteed myself someone would jump on that. Scale up the distances, factor in real rounds. Get properly 'Real' I mean in reality a warfighter in a marksman role would not select a P90 as a sniper weapon. The weapon - and the round it was designed to fire, which of course came first - is for personal defence, for vehicle crew and artillery operators (the round also has many characteristics which make it wonderful for wetworks/special forces, as I understand it). If we're talking realism to the nth degree, I get why a guy who's forcing himself to carry a four-foot sniper weapon is pissed that I'm getting the same range and role out of a weapon no longer than my forearm (though folk tend to just complain that she's ugly! . ) which would be, in reality, throwing nerf darts at that distance in comparison to the larger, heaver or more range-oriented rounds you would generally feed a sniper weapon. In that light, I have an 'unrealistic advantage' over someone just because he likes how it feels to carry a bigger more realistically-utilised weapon. So re: what? It was a reinforcement to the point I was making in my original post. Some aspects of airsoft put us in the uncomfortable position of choosing between realism and better gameplay. I tend to err towards gameplay, at least in your average skirmish environment, for accessibility's sake. The obvious exception being the unsafe, like firing a high-fps gat under MEDs.
Nickona reacted to a post in a topic: Like scoutthedoggie?
Ack, didn't notice I'd used the word. I've made that exact response myself, Nick. Looks like you caught me red-handed in the act of being a hypocrit! There is a negative there that I was trying to point out despite lacking the vocabulary, though. God knows it's not always easy to remember /it's just a game/ when tempers get heated, but actively training your group to cheat in order to win.. It's just... Desperate? Making a pre-meditated decision - in cold blood - to be unscrupulous (in a just-for-fun game, what's more!), I'd say that is trying hard in all the wrong ways!
Haha very true NH Shooter! I suppose he could go both ways! Though the fact he took the hit from Rusty's reaction suggests he has at least a grain of honour in him. To walk away without challenging the play speaks of a calm mature player, too - I would certainly have voiced complaint to Rusty before going to respawn, myself! Besides, ignoring MEDs is a pretty big infraction - hopefully if he does elect to go that way he'll be reprimanded or worse for the irresponsible play. While I certainly agree that the realism aspect provides the lion's share of Airsoft's drawing power (particularly over it's p-word competitor), I think we can all be guilty from time to time of using 'but realism' as a catch-all reason/excuse/stance. For example some players carry a knife for melee kills, whereas others just close the distance and place a hand on the victim claiming 'knife!'. Not taking the kill because 'you don't have a knife' would be extremely petty, right? I've had guys hating on me for the way I use my P90, and true enough the 5.7 round just wouldn't do the distance job that my airsoft gat is pretending it would, but I love my gun and play how I play! Ultimately I absolutely do not disagree with the general consensus that taking the hit would probably have been the more "right" move, but I'm coming more from a sportsmanship/gameplay angle than a realism one. We're all just playing soldiers and no doubt for wildly different reasons - 'codsofters' vs milsimmers vs your average skirmisher-for-fun, even grandpa reliving the glory days romping with the young guns - so whatever needs to be the rule in order to foster fair, balanced gameplay, so be it! I'm acutely aware that this is something of a thread-jack attempt, so feel free to ignore it but on a similar note I'd be interested to hear some opinions: I once bangkilled a guy who refused to take the hit because my gun was jammed. It was, and the whole field knew it (I had no replacement so I spent the day being a dumbass trying to get into bang range) so he just ignored me and carried on. I took my hit and walked, no hassle, but on the gameplay-vs-realism scale where do you guys land on that one? I guess in theory it opens the door for people to bangkill without magazines loaded or the like, but without an alternate weapon my only options were to operate how I did or simply sit out.
Samurai reacted to a post in a topic: Did I do the right thing?
snuff reacted to a post in a topic: Did I do the right thing?
I love seeing threads like this. People being genuinely honourable in this our game of honour. I personally don't put much stead in the bang kill rule, I think it's a cop-out and I'd rather everyone be prepared to take a few nasty dings every now and again; especially when AEG FPS limits and general safety rules mean you should be adequately protected from lasting harm anyway. On the one hand you probably should have taken the hit to be truly sporting - as people have said, if he totally had you then it was his good courtesy that got him killed, which sucks for him.. BUT: Snipers have MEDs. Even on a no-bang-kill site, airsoft snipers don't get the luxury of playing doctor ('Injecting' you). If the man plays sniper - and clearly knows his MEDS hence this situation - then he should also know he needs a pistol or such for CQC work. What happened here is a learning experience for him, he likely has gone from thinking 'I might need a secondary at some point', to KNOWING 'if I had a secondary, I wouldn't have died there.' You are likely the catalyst for his becoming a better player. Maybe next time he'll pistol you and you'll never get the chance to wonder this.
Samurai reacted to a post in a topic: what is a DMR
Ian_Gere reacted to a post in a topic: zombie apocalypse.....would your gun do the job!?
GMR, what a bunch of losers. I really liked the teamwork ethic that I saw in their team videos, they were among the first ones I watched. Then I saw some footage of them that wasn't heavily edited and doctored (by them) to hide their dirty tactics. If you have fifteen guys, all geared to the nines and squad-rehearsed then you already have a pretty large advantage on every other squad/individual on the field. Not taking hits, having hit players maneuver to form shields for fresh bodies moving in, and verbally abusing every other player on the field, not to mention trying to ridicule them in your videos.. All of these are really faggy tactics/behaviours, and stink of tryhard. Even moreso when you have a numerical and force advantage on everyone else out there already. Then I saw their "greatest" tactic. Send one lad into a really hot room and let him get hit. He then holds up his 'hit' hand and displays a number of fingers equating to the number of enemy combatants, before flicking a pointing finger in the direction of each player. Then the rest of them pile in slinging full-auto everywhere and ignoring/shielding hits until the room is theirs. Never seen a GMR push fail. Easy to win when you're cheating out your ears. Scoutthedoggie's videos were alright when I was getting into the sport. The fact that he namechecks every weapon you see, usually including manufacturer, is something I really like. The blatantly-not-genuine cuts to people taking hits is quite jarring and frustrating, but better than the earlier ones where this editing isn't present and, honestly, he'd need to be in two places at once or get another shooter to capture that stuff for real. Not impossible, but hey. I think what's missing from scout's videos is - as has been mentioned - a greater sense of what is happening. Obviously it's easier said than done, but headcam footage from two opposing squad leaders (especially if they make an effort to lead from the rear and capture their squad moves/formations in-frame) and a bit of free-roaming camera to fill in the gaps would give a reasonable idea of the bigger picture. Fill in the gaps with commentary or - and this is something I haven't seen on ANY airsoft video - a bloody overhead map of sorts with rough positions indicated and you've got the recipe for a properly compelling video.
Deej reacted to a post in a topic: In game advice
zombie apocalypse.....would your gun do the job!?
Deej replied to Pointman PUG's topic in General Discussion
I don't think the people suggesting guns are thinking far enough ahead. Sure, you can cap the first 10-50 Zeds pretty quickly and - let's remember why automatic weapons rule(/d) the world for so long - effectively, but I think it's pretty common zombie mythology that "standby" Z's (that is, ones with no active target and thus just lemoning around) will head toward anything out-of-the-ordinary. Lights for one, but most importantly sound. A weapon report travels a good long distance, and essentially calls all the brainmunchers in your vicinity to dinner. By all means, carry a loaded weapon and be ready to use it, but also be ready to get the hell out of dodge after the dinnergong sounds! A good compound bow is an obvious tool for rural zombie killing. Most of the benefits of a firearm but with no noise output, and fletching an arrow is easier than finding the materials to refill casings, or going all Metro and sharing powder among rounds. Finally, if you're carrying an automatic firearm and a compound bow you're already travelling pretty heavy, so a light yet hardy bladed weapon is all you're going to be able to manage without lowering survivability through sheer fatigue. Forgive me for picking the over-used and potentially underwhelming Katana option, but a properly forged katana (you know, the genuine article forged with the most modern of techniques yet truly built for war - a rare item in and of itself perhaps, but we're doing theoreticals, right? . ) Would probably be my pick. I agree a Katana isn't built for hacking and smashing through hundreds of skulls, but isn't the method of kill "destroying the brain or severing the spinal column"? I'm sure you could behead thousands with the same blade if you simply aimed for severing necks. Before I get screamed at for not being well-trained enough to hit a neck consistently... As previously mentioned, Zees have no self preservation instinct and would present a pretty uniform target. Stay away from built-up areas as much as possible and don't go taking on crowds of shamblers and I think this would work. The firearm is also a useful tool in drawing - when you need to raid a gas station or somesuch for supplies and the area is infested, firing a single round from a good distance away then circling right back will allow you to ransack the store while expending as little ammunition/blade-durability as possible. Stay mobile, keep a low profile... I figure if the flesh is dead, it should rot as a corpse would. Even the 28Days zombies would eventually go from sprinting to a world-beating faceplant as their decaying knees fly off at a dead sprint. Stay alive for a couple of months and the job is all but done for you, then y'just saunter around executing crawlers! Edit: Oh, original question: No. RIFs are toys at the end of the day. Take a real weapon, or even a bat/rebar/crowbar would be better. -
DMR is a bit of a buzzword in airsoft. Essentially an airsoft DMR is an accurised and (importantly) more consistent version of a standard AEG. So you get your gat; you do some gearbox goodness so that you're always generating the same power; you pimp your hop in your chosen way and stabilise/accurise your barrel assembly with barrel spacers and the like. At some point during this process, your weapon will begin to be a 'dmr' in the sense that most airsofters think. The most important aspect of airsoft DMRing is locking out your full auto option. Going semi-only will allow you to go by a skirmish site's DMR FPS limit rather than their standard AEG one - generally around 400fps rather than 350fps, which if handled right can give you an extremely slight distance advantage, but really it's the consistency and accurisation that makes a DMR great - like a jedi with his own lightsaber, loving and getting to know your weapon and it's habits makes the two of you more effective automatically. If you want more information on DMR-ization, google 'The Holy Grail of airsoft DMR', there's a wonderfully in-depth thread out there somewhere. Disclaimer: I seem to remember some (often Milsim) sites don't care if your AEG is semi-locked, so upping it to 400fps could make it illegal at /some/ venues.
By any chance could somebody post the basic text link for the above-discussed video please? The device I use to browse this forum can't load embedded media but I'm dying to see this!
CaptainSwoop reacted to a post in a topic: Rifle maintenance/cleaning
Dutch reacted to a post in a topic: Rifle maintenance/cleaning
"Don't be scared to take charge of a situation" <== This. It's remarkable how many times your entire team will stack up on a main route, get contacted and bogged down and NOT try to innovate, happy to just sit and duckshoot. So what it's your first time? Try tapping the rearguard on the shoulder, politely get a few people's attention and suggest "looks like that route will get us around this", it might go wrong or you might instigate the clutch play your team needed, or hell the regular you ask may simply tell you that way goes OOB or won't work. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. This leads into my tip: I've noticed a lack of will to take the messier, muddier paths amongst my fellow airsofters. I love 'softing on shitty English days, cause I can usually count on the bulk of enemy players taking the 'easy' route and clumping up ripe for the ambush. IME the road less travelled is the road less bloodbathed, and sure you'll have to clean up your boots afterwards but not before you've cleaned up their whole team with a wicked flank attack!
I'm surprised you didn't get a more emphatic version of this already: DO NOT USE WD40! Keep that stuff well away from any part of your gun. Petroleum-based lubes will degrade the rubber parts of your weapon, as Swoop mentioned. Earlier posters have covered everything, I just wanted to drop a +1 on WD40 thing.
With regards to the whole Tactical Fez thing... I ran it past the seamstress I work with today and she's happy to put a few together should anybody want in but not have the requisite crafting skill. I know it started out as a joke, but these could be a hilarious unifying feature for all those AF-UK members attending Op Shining Light as HAS-MAD, I figure many of us will be rolling together anyway?
Deej reacted to a post in a topic: Whats the worst experience with 'Cod Softers'
Isn't P&J the 'make' of the BBs Taiwangun sell too? Their middle-weight ammo works out considerably cheaper than other vendors and I've been trying to source a place to bulk-buy from. Anyone have any experience with P&J rounds? Specifically .28 - .3 would be perfect.