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Everything posted by Lord_Metile

  1. http://www.gear4music.com/Guitar-and-Bass/Denver-7-7-String-Electric-Guitar-by-Gear4music-Black/J16 Any thoughts? I'd quite like a 7 string but if this is really crap then I'll go with an ESP or ibanez 6 string.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lord_Metile


      My budget is about 200 max.

    3. GiantKiwi


      You won't be getting a 7 then :)


    4. Lord_Metile


      That's ok. I'm only 13.

  2. You're talking about Albert and Ross (the guy who owns the place) To be honest, the site is good, the marshall's are friendly . I'll agree with kids. The kids are honestly really good players. The ball game is repetitive, tbh it's still a great site. I'd contact them on Facebook.
  3. It's people pretending to be soldiers. Seriously. To be honest nobody normally punches someone in the face over a roleplay game. He might be bipolar, that could explain the light ban.
  4. Do you reckon I could take an ipod into cqb? Listen to Iron Maiden while I shoot people in a mall.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. M_P


      You'd probably be fine but I'd not bother. In CQB listening and hearing what's going on around you is a great help. Music would just lower your effectiveness.

    3. two_zero


      Then again.. acting in an unexpected manner can get you far as well XD

    4. Lozart


      If by "a Mall" you mean "The Mall" in Reading, I doubt the marshals would take very kindly to you having music on that might stop you hearing instructions properly.


  5. I agree, I just think that the public should be made aware as it is about violent crime reduction, hence the name VCRA.
  6. From what I understand, the public need to be educated and the laws need to be more clear.
  7. Hi, just been thinking, if there is no law on ownership. Then why can't you buy a two tone gun and spray it? I mean sales wise it makes sense; but if you can own one, why can't you spray paint a two tone gun? Sorry if I'm being really dumb but I'm curious.
  8. I know what it is. I keep thinking of it as an FPS slider even though I know it's not. However, people have said they've gained/lost 20+ fps by adjusting it.
  9. Yep, I've tried the poor mans chrono. It doesn't make much of a difference.
  10. I'd like Ainsley Harriot engraved on my gun. Anyways, I just got the SJ4000 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97E_hNvnRFw
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      What did you use to edit 360superfourfiveainsley?

    3. Lord_Metile


      After effects; not pitrated or anything...

    4. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      Oh okay, cheers :) haha

  11. I'm crying :'( Apologize or I'll get my mum on you!!!111 Seriously though, I'm not that bad at accuracy. Just the range is lacking. I get lots of kills in a game. Just the range.
  12. No, I've got good aim, it's just that I have to point the gun upwards to hit something because of the range. RANGE!!!!!1111
  13. I have a question. Does anyone with a GoPro or an SJ4000 know if you can get the base off the sticky mount?

    1. team flex

      team flex

      i believe you can because there are lots of different attachments for go pro

    2. Lord_Metile


      I just checked. You can't however, it comes with loads of base mounts. I'll use those. Or I'll buy more.

  14. I have an idea. Considering ICS guns have a quick spring change system. I could keep my spring for CQB and garden. Then I'll get a 340 fps spring for field.
  15. I'm not just playing CQB. I find it hard to hit targets in field games.
  16. Yeah, I've got my hop all the way down. Will a spring upgrade do?
  17. More info: My gun is shooting approx 305 fps. I would prefer if it shot 328 as I'm probably going to take it into CQB soon.
  18. I don't tend to spray on full auto as we have a rule on that. However, I will stick to a 7.4v with a high milliampage. Anyways, what would you suggest on the range?
  19. Alright, first things first I know the charging equation. Also, I know that Range =/= FPS. So my range is alright but I'm not too good with it. Also, my battery died on me in the last game. So I died and I just spoke to some guys at the dead zone. So anyone know any good battery's and chargers? I hear that MaH = Battery life. Voltage = ROF. So, I found this: http://www.surplusstore.co.uk/bb-guns/bb-gun-accessories/batteries-chargers/li-po-batteries-chargers/vp-li-po-balance-charger.html I don't want to spend too much on a battery but what I plan to do is to take my gun to Surplus store and ask them to put a new spring in. Any ideas?
  20. Ground Zero Weekender is is august 22nd - 24rd.
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