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Everything posted by Russe11

  1. Just found this web site: http://www.cobbatoncombat.co.uk/sales/webbing.htm May be the solution to all the webbing issues. They also have British kevlar helmets for Ian from £7.50. I feel a day out may be in order.
  2. BTW, my other pass-time ins cycling. So I've been looking at these: Its the BSA paratrooper bicycle, they dropped them with the troops so they could move to their objective faster. They come apart in the middle for transportation. Unfortunately they cost a fortune but one day I might afford the Pashley replica and attach fake connectors to the tubes They were apparently a very common choice of bike in certain areas of Holland in the late 40's-50's, can't think why
  3. Webbing can be post war as long as it's P37, no-one will notice black steel fasteners instead of brass. Troops used to let the brass tarnish and even blacken it over a fire in warzones anyway. I was going to cut corners on the clothing to start with to save money. The webbing, helmet, helmet net, sling and puttees or gaiters would be the important bits atm. I might make do with some modern No.2 uniform trousers and shirt from britishmilitarysurplus.co.uk for now, I bet they haven't really changed the design much of the non combat uniform since WW2
  4. The new love of my life, the ASG Sten MKII Click photos for larger version If you look at Youtube reviews, they all have a plain box and single side of A4 manual, well not anymore apparently. The box even has the text of Winston Churchill's 'fight them on the beaches' speach Stick battery fits in the stock (8.4v comes with it, room for at least a 9.6), a brick lipo would fit inside the body of the gun by removing the piece with the ironsight. The stock then bolts back on with a single allen bolt. Magazine release is externally mounted on the mag well (push to release) There is also a catch visible on the left which allows the magwell to rotate vertical for easier transportation, this also gives access to the hop adjustment, which is done with an allen key through a hole in the top. Note the BSA markings, this is an official replica. Also note the simplified controls, the fire selector switch has for ease of use been incorporated into the trigger. Safety mode is achieved by not pulling the trigger, full auto is obtained by pulling the trigger and semi auto would require reflexes of superhuman level to release the trigger fast enough. Everything is steel, except the very tip of the barrel where theres a bit of plastic to keep the inner barrel in place.
  5. http://www.gunmanforum.com/index.php?showtopic=12012 This may be fun if we can get a few ppl for it, I believe they do a lot of this sort of thing though so I probably won't commit to it until I get my loadout sorted.
  6. Shopping list at present: Sten gun sling WW2 para helmet (or RAC helmet), I have been told about £50 is the going rate but can only find them at Soldier of Fortune for £80. Pattern 37 Webbing - Belt, cross straps(long), MK3 ammo pouches, small pack, L straps for the pack (long), Water bottle and water bottle holder. I'm told it should be possible to get all this for about £30 but everywhere I look it seems to be a lot more. Gaiters or Puttees to cover the fact I'm wearing size 11 soldier95 boots. Battledress Trousers (possibly denim due to my wool allergy) Battledress tunic (not at all important as it goes under the smock)
  7. I sent armysurplusandtoys a pm, telling him to look at this thread. Maybe as he sells this sort of gear he'll either be able to supply us or know more about where best to get it.
  8. £80 on soldier of fortune, though I'm told that's a bit steep and I should only look to pay £50. You planning to do this build too? Hmm if only we had someone who deals in WW2 gear on this forum *cough*armysurplusandtoys*cough* Further research tells me that the smock I ordered may actually be a Norwegian post war smock. Doesn't matter much, the camo is about right. I notice armysurplusandtoys is selling a denison smock if anyone else falls into remus's trap
  9. if I get a paratroopers MK2 helmet, I could easily get away with a layer of craft foam under a dpm cover and use it on modern builds as a Mk6 though. WW2 airsofters will spot a fake, normal airsofters won't care
  10. Might have come up with a money saving idea for the helmet. If I take a plastic M1 helmet and reshape the brim and change the strap, then by the time I add netting and scrim it may be close enough to get by. Not sure yet. Or might this: Pass for one of these: If I have enough scrim attached? 50 years later and all they have changed about the chin strap is the colour???? A Mk6 helmet is actually rather similar to the MK2 airbourne helmet, if I can pass one of as the other I can use it in multiple loadouts.
  11. nope, its from a german web site which may have confused you. Tbh, where could the idea for them have possibly come from for the smock, they saw german paratroops with their camo and copied the idea.
  12. I may go for Polish airbourne. Main reason is that there is evidence that some of them didn't bother dying their webbing. This means that if I decide to get some khaki drill and do a North Africa loadout, I can use the same webbing.
  13. Yes, lots of useful stuff on that site. Am using the Basic airbourne and 2nd South Staffs impressions are a guide, have joined the forums and have emailed Sabre Sales as they seem to be the best bet for all the gear I will need at a reasonable price.
  14. nope, look at my previous post in this thread and it will all become clear. I have started a separate thread on my loadout for the sten now. The partisan idea is becoming more and more appealing. The gear is so complicated and it seems that if I want to do some WW2 airsofting, I need to get it right. So in case anyone else decides that a sten looks cool, I thought it best to chronicle the hell I am having to go though so they can skip the hours of research
  15. I have sent an email to a company called Sabresales, who seem to stock just about every concievable bit of webbing asking for prices on everything I need now. Hopefully they are significantly cheaper than Soldier of fortune. I have also joined ww2airsoft.org forums in the hope of a bit of help. Apparently denim battledress is a possibility and would be 'allowed for most events' in WW2 airsoft. Sounds like these guys are a bit strict! I just want to shoot people with my sten gun! This project may well bankrupt me before it's finished
  16. It's not Fallschirmjager, it's a denison smock. Note the brush stroke camo pattern. As for the beret, all the airbourne toops used maroon berets. It's only after WW2 when the number of parachute trained regiments was reduced that it became a Parachute regiment thing. I may have to get the helmet if I can though.
  17. It's not too late, its what credit cards are for Trust me, the sten is worth it. I did my usual method of testing a gun, by shooting into a pile of pillows. I now have a load of holes in my pillow case, thats never happened before. The rate of fire on the sten, with just an 8.4 NiMH is insane. Oh and its not a repro smock, its the real thing. The British army sold a load to the Belgians after the war so they could use them in the Congo, the design had changed slightly by then. The surplus ones are still obtainable, it just took me hours of trawling the web to fiind one.
  18. So I succumbed to temptation and bought a Sten gun due to Remus's post in the 'spot a bargain' thread. Now I have to build a WW2 loadout. If you haven't guessed from the title of this thread, I'm thinking or an airbourne loadout. There are 2 reasons for this; I am allergic to wool and standard british battledress would be rather uncomfortable and I love the film a Bridge too far. The starting point then is the ASG Sten MK2 http://www.landwarriorairsoft.com/acatalog/BSA-STEN-MKII-AS16758B.html#.UtA07tJdW0Q This is an all steel beast of a gun. It is full auto only and is amazingly accurate when you consider how short the barrel is. The rate of fire with just an 8.4v NiMH is insane (stick battery goes in the stock if you wondered). The sights are actually very easy to use compared to most iron sights. Basically I love it. Next I need spare magazines, so a bit of research tells me there are 50 round magazines available or King arms does a 110 round magazine, which no-one has in stock. I have emailed swindonairsoft and they will be getting back to me with a price. The Denison smock: This is the key to the whole loadout. I trawled the web and found several on ebay for stupid money and various places selling reproductions for stupider money. I considered looking for something that looks close enough and was almost tempted by the bagadi rooivalk smock for only semi-stupid money. I have persevered though and a little research told me that after the war, the Belgian army bought a load of them for use by their troops in the Congo. Although these would be a later design, its close enough. https://shop.strato.de/epages/61431412.sf/sec5d56bb1771/?ObjectPath=/Shops/61431412/Products/200007/SubProducts/200007-0001 Now I just need some trousers, gaiters or puttees, a beret or helmet and some webbing.
  19. Due to my recent acquisition of a Sten, I have made a start on a WW2 airbourne loadout. Starting with the Denison smock: https://shop.strato.de/epages/61431412.sf/sec5d56bb1771/?ObjectPath=/Shops/61431412/Products/200007/SubProducts/200007-0001 I also have Swindon airsoft finding a price for some King arms MP40/Sten mags (110 rd capacity).
  20. Remus is kinda forgiven, the sten has arrived and its a thing of beauty. I totally love it! All steel, weighs a tonne, very solid.
  21. My ASG sten just arrived :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jay83


      jus sick in my mouth a little bit

    3. Russe11


      omg, battery charged and the ROF is insane, quite powerful too.

    4. AirsoftTed
  22. Damn you Remus, I am now the owner of a Sten, now I'm gunna have to get mags and a ww2 loadout and it's all your fault
  23. Couldn't resist. http://landwarriorairsoft.com/acatalog/BSA-STEN-MKII-AS16758B.html#.Us6hF9JdW0Q Won't even be allowed to use it at Bristol airsoft, now I'll have to go to outdoor sites
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