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  • Guns
    G&G Predator converted to HPA
    Dytac M4 Mk18
    A&K Winchester
    WE Glock 17 & 18
    TM M870 Breacher

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  1. cs? which shop is that for the uninformed?
  2. Thanks for this. although it didn't go into the depth that i required i managed to find a suitable video from another user.
  3. Hi all, I took part of my G17 apart to swap out one of the parts in the rear hammer part and forgot how to put it back together as once the last pin came out it all fell apart and i couldn't catch it in time. Does anyone have a dismantle video or pictures on how the gun goes back together? I've checked out some that are listed on you tube but the rear looks to be slightly different
  4. has there been a "public" statement/release of this? can't see anything listed on their facebook page or web page?
  5. another person / team who uses the baofeng radios. combination of the 888's and the UV-5R's not had any issues apart from being too far apart at times.
  6. I'm sure when i had mine to begin with and stuck it through the chrono with and without the silencer it was more with the silencer. Could be wrong as it was some time ago
  7. iirc the B&T silencer is a barrel extension and increases the FPS when connected.
  8. I've got a walkera quadcopter which i find hard to fly. i've got prop guards on it as well and seem to hit everything in sight. Already broken one shell and one set of props.
  9. Hi all, I've been hunting around for a TBB for my M4. I've measured it and it comes up as being 274mm in length. I've searched around and the only one i can find in this length is for a Systema PTW which has a different end any ideas?
  10. do you know when this new site will be up and running? Looking to get a Wolverine kit early next year.
  11. Does anyone know what type of gearbox the Dytac Invaders use? I'm wanting to have a play with it and wanted to check if it uses a V2 or V3 gearbox?
  12. If your charger is new, it should come with an adapter from large tamiya to small tamiya
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