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Everything posted by clumpyedge

  1. Seems a lot is going on airsoft wise with rudeness and people generally being a bit of a knob at the moment. Facebook seems to be awash with people just causing flame wars for no real reason (that's not directed at you ed or the guy that posted about milspec) There was a massive hooha about the sandpit not allowing two tone guns the other day from "no nonsense airsoft" which spiraled out of control pretty quickly! Not sure what the problem is with a lot of people these days, were all supposed to be in this together not being arses to each other.
  2. what size do you wear im wondering if i need to go a size bigger?
  3. mind me asking where from? mind me asking where from?
  4. anyone have any recomendations? i found this and have used the site many times and havnt been let down so far... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/261407828407?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
  5. they have a place, much like other things in airsoft. if your doing the right scenario for the equipment then they are fair game
  6. at present i'm making a detonator box for a game scenario and also some surface to air missile props also for use in a game scenario! thinking of making actual panels on the rockets with some circuits in with maybe a removable board (kind of like spec ops mission of recovering the flight guidance chips)
  7. one thing i did thing of is if your moving and holding the gun like that and you have for instance optics on your weapon then if you did fall that is going to go straight to your eye socket... where as if you were shouldered then it wouldnt... i knew it would probably be only me that gets annoyed by it (i say annoyed but its more a little niggle really)
  8. thing is ive seen pictures of what most would call "hardcore airsofters" and even they do it... like i say its probably just the perfectionist in me... but dont even get me started on trigger fingers haha! (i dont know why it annoys me, it just does.)
  9. i really cant understand the people that have it any other way.... im slightly confused about how many people i see doing odd stuff like this.
  10. Question... I've seen a few photos from all over of how people like to hold their guns (gun discipline i guess you could put this down to). More and more im seeing people putting the stock of their gun on top of the shoulder as if to get some sort of view advantage of where their shots are going? I guess my question is when using your guns do you use it how you would a proper gun or do you just do what feels right at the time/comfortable? I guess me being a bit pf a perfectionist the butt of my stock 95% of the time locked into my shoulder (when firing)
  11. could you not dip dye it? i dip dye alot of clothes when they start to fade so i cant why it wouldnt work for plate carriers.
  12. the MODI plate carrier is what ive just picked up! awesome bit of kit
  13. just waiting to hear back on some details and i should be on SOF
  14. ive already been told that when we get our new house i can build a man shed that i can do whatever i like with and in.... think shes trying to make me live outside in all honesty.
  15. ive been banned from testing anything that goes boom anywhere near my mrs lol....
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