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Lozart last won the day on September 24 2024

Lozart had the most liked content!


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  • Guns
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    A bunch. More chest rigs than can strictly be called "necessary".
  • Sites
    Red Alert, Newbury
    Ironsight, Andover
    Gunman Camp Bravo, Eversley
  • Gender
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    In your base, stealing all your kills

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  1. Big discounts on the Warhead UK site for motors at the minute!
  2. I was all excited by that until I found out it's 170 Euros!
  3. Hawai'i 5-0 styley MK18 Like this one, innit:
  4. Obligatory "I painted a carry handle" pic...
  5. It's the reason I now use a Deadly Customs Universal holster.
  6. I believe the AR308 version with the beavertail should fit (YMMV of course, airsoft tolerances being what they are).
  7. I see no reason why not. I assumed you were having a problem with the beavertail not fitting the curve at the back of the receiver. If you use a grip without a beavertail then it should be a non issue.
  8. I'd say Ergo grips because I just like them. Search for AR 308 grips and you should get the righ kind of profile. https://www.brownells.co.uk/epages/UK.sf/en_GB/?ViewAction=ViewFaceted&ObjectID=14584&FacetValue_PreDefString_en_2390542=AR+.308&CurrencyID=GBP
  9. Cool, I may take a punt then. As far as Syrian rebels go, there's been quite a bit of Russian "activity" in the region for a long time so there's every chance their gear is *ahem* surplus.
  10. I have a couple of mounts like this. One of my Eotech clones (a G&G one) just WILL NOT tighten onto a rail as hard as I try. I do have a Spectre DR that has seen some heavy use to the point that the little plate that grabs onto the rail has become bent out of shape and also won't grip. Mind you, that weighs a ton so I'm not entirely bothered! Edited for brevity.
  11. Genuine question - why? Is there an actual functionality that the LPC doesn't have or is it just to flex on the poors? Both are equally valid answers by the way.
  12. Less than 200mm is going to be less than accurate (yeah yeah "muh MK23" I know), as for longest? Much more than 300mm depends on what FPS you're running. I'd rather haver a decent quality 300mm in whatever length outer takes my fancy than trying to match the inner to the outer on a full length M14. Remember that the volume of the cylinder/swept area needs to match up with your barrel length whatever length you do go with. What's the use case?
  13. Check the shimming. If the gear is too high then the sensor will struggle to see the cam/break.
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