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Baz JJ

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Everything posted by Baz JJ

  1. Yes, you will get takers. Whether the income you can generate will cover the investment in land and fitting out costs is not something that will get answered by a forum. I know of sites that have over 100 players paying £25 each every fortnight. Whether you will get the same income is another matter. If you are serious and not just indulging in some daydreaming as we all do, you need to do a very serious and unemotionally involved business plan. With Airsoft, its very easy to get carried away in excitement. Hobbies that become businesses tend to stop being hobbies. The enjoyment of Airsoft for me is to get away from the realities of working in the real industry.
  2. I thought there was a site just outside Colchester ?
  3. No I don't run a site. Wouldn't want the time commitment TBH. Im interested in milsims and setting up theme games so Ive spoken to quite a few site operators and my comments are based on snippets Ive picked up.
  4. If you look into it, I think you will find that there are planning application issues if you play more than 26 times a year I think it is. That is why most organisers just rent land that can be used for other things the rest of the time. As to game content, you could fill those 26 events - its just a question of the mix you adopt. I suspect most organisers go for ordinary skirmishes because running themed games every two weeks takes a LOT of planning and preparation.
  5. Yes its a good idea but don't underestimate whats involved. If you want to sell places to others to cover the costs, its a big commitment as you have to turn out on every game day and plan it all out in advance, plus your need public liability insurance, etc.
  6. A flavour http://www.precision-panzer.moonfruit.com/british-airborne/4536165061
  7. I find most airsoft game videos boring. The problem is the guns make a whining noise and there's no muzzle flash. Also people don't fall over like the movies and theres no blood... Seriously though, its natural to compare these against war/action movies. What do people find exciting about watching Airsoft games on You Tube ?
  8. Hi Joe If you have Facebook, you might be interested in the airsoft sofsim group which focuses on this type of game.
  9. I found that a lot of the unknown brands on Ebay weren't so cheap when you discovered the reserve prices. I bought a PAYG LG from Tesco in the end for £45. The main criteria is that you need a compatible OS like Android, GPS, Internet Data access, an electronic compass, picture rotation for landscape and portrait and an optimally sized screen. Im sure you can get phones for less than £45, but be careful to make sure they do what you need. Ive also ordered a joggers neoprene armband for a phone so we will see how that works out. Only £3.
  10. Thanks Ian. Bought a cheap Smartphone and it works well. Just looking for a wrist mount now.
  11. Im thinking about buying a cheap PAYG Android based smartphone to run Battletac and a few other things. There seems to be a few phones in the £40-60 price range with a 3 or 4" screen. The reviews for phones are not very consistent on sellers sites. Can anybody recommend anything suitable ?
  12. The thing with all these shops is that anybody can build a website, take an order and despatch a gun. This proves nothing. The real measure of these retailers is how they respond to product enquiries i.e. timely, interested and more importantly, what they do when things go wrong i.e. warranty claims, lost packages, etc. Saying I saw, I bought, I got doesn't mean very much.
  13. on Airsoft SOFSIM on Facebook

  14. Even more reason to get a team up and take them. If you have the right teamwork, you can outgun them with stealth and tactics.
  15. Why compete with them ? Clothes and fancy guns don't make winners.. Flank em and nail em.
  16. I think the difficulty is recognising in yourself, what you want from Airsoft and then acting accordingly. Picking loadouts and weapons for yourself is relatively an easy choice if funds permit, but finding the right site and playing style is something else. As you well know, I have found in a relatively short space of time that the 'up and at em' style of skirmish is not for me and I am trying to do something about that by getting more into low end milsims. Starting the Facebook group and trying to set up some games is that first step. Anyway, Im now well off topic so will withdraw.
  17. Also I am starting to realise that there are many different types of airsofters. Airsoft ticks a number of boxes for different people but the Airsoft gun is what binds them together. For example, there is a group of airsofters who don't really see it as anything to do with war or the military. Its just a game like playing tag. They know nothing about the guns they carry and they are looked upon as a fashion accessory. Others like to dress in authentic BDU, others like tactics and so on. There is nothing wrong with these different variants, but they can be quite different. These groups overlap in places but not totally, so you get splinter groups who want different things. I guess what happens is that this evolves so people gravitate to the site that gives them what they want. The problem starts when people want to have a serious tactical game but you have people, often kids, running round with orange guns charging everything down. This is often used by the serious regulars as target practice. Does it matter providing everybody enjoys themselves and nobody gets hurt ?
  18. The other issue is that many parents bring their kids or vice versa. I know quite a few dads who use their sons addiction to Airsoft to get into it themselves. The answer is education. Some sites like Special Ops up in MK offer training days and I know that Mac up there teaches the kids to use compasses and NVG and so on. To many sites just want the cash and don't develop the sport.
  19. The problem is I suspect that many of the players you are talking about are young people whose first introduction is via gaming. If you are reared playing games like COD, your reality is warped. When I was a child, many, many years ago, we would play war, based on largely WW2 movies that we saw on TV. 30-40 year old films denoting Audie Murphy charging Japanese MG nests in the Pacific. (At least he had really been to war). We would run around a field or park with invisible guns making machine gun noises and if your mate didn't lay down when you shot him, you made damn sure he went down. Now technology allows children to play with a variety of deadly weapons in gaming and remotely kill hundreds at a time. No hand to hand combat, no staring your opponent in the eye. Is it any wonder, they take this attitude on to the Airsoft field. Generally, Ive found young players to be pretty good but they really have no idea about fieldcraft, tactics, stealth and real life. Why should they - they are 12 or whatever ? They stand, talking loudly, usually next to where Im hiding and they generally enjoy themselves. The problem is when their behaviour starts to encroach on you enjoying yourself. The answer ? Either try to educate them by setting examples and explaining what they are doing is wrong or play somewhere else where there are less children. Unfortunately, the site owners need their parents cash. Are there any adult only sites ?
  20. By the way, Fire Team Zulu are staging a charity game there on 9th November in aid of the British Legion. http://fireteamzuluairsoft.blogspot.co.uk/2013/10/november-9th-charity-game-details.html
  21. Ive played with it a bit more. Its an Airsoft version of the real steel Blue Force Tracker used by the US forces. Im quite interested in uploading a map of the site to use instead of Google mapping and I wonder what the cheapest platform for such an app might be? If sites like spec ops are renting out NVG, I wonder how useful it might be to rent out a small tablet in a rugged case for BattleTac use in a milsim ? Wifi might be difficult in a woodland site, so would have to rely on 3G. The use of a site map instead of Google Earth would reduce the bandwidth necessary. I "patrolled" the site for a couple of hours tonight getting used to the menu. Quite easy to use.
  22. On BattleTac until 2230

  23. i played here today and felt the need to write a review. Also known as Com's Site 3, this is an ex WW2 RAF site which is now well concealed by woodland that has sprung up in the last 70 years. Certainly the Luftwaffe would have difficulty seeing it from the air now. It offers a great mixture of open field, derelict buildings, trenches, bunkers and woodland. RIFT have put a lot of work into the place and the site team pride themselves on quality airsofting and zero cheat tolerance. This was evident in many small ways such as the level of detail and preparation. For example, the site team move in on the day before a game and stay overnight in order to prepare and the signage is excellent e.g. minefield signs to denote site limits, large map boards at regens and so on. Games are held every two weeks on a Sunday and they have a covered safe zone with hot food and a gear shop run on game days by Pro Airsoft Supplies. Marshalling is firm and fair but low key - they don't interfere with the game play which I like. I never saw or heard any moans about hit taking. There is a private car park which is due to be extended. Its located right next to the safe zone which makes it easy to pop out to the car for things. The entrance gate is locked once games start for added security. Many of the tracks around the site are a hard surface and the buildings are on a concrete base so this site doesn't become a mud bath in heavy rain - something I was grateful for when I played (it rained incessantly). One thing I particularly like is that red or blue team armbands are worn on different arms which makes it possible to distinguish friend or foe, even in low light. Also, regen areas are formed by fenced deadzones, which are clearly visible and allow you to take five, in order to reload mags, catch your breath, etc. A site rule is that you raise your weapon above your head when hit, to provide a clear visual signal. Very effective but tough if you have a SAW - Im joking :-) They also have a distance marked shooting range which is great for zeroing weapons as it stretches out at 30, 40m, 50m intervals. Unfortunately, it is at the edge of an open field so you tend to get a little windage which can throw the settings. Access is open at any time of the day to players and its use doesn't interfere with gameplay. Hot drinks are 50p unless you buy a RIFT mug for a tenner after which you get free hot drinks. There is a real flushing toilet for the ladies and the lads get to use a portaloo. Free camping on site is available by arrangement if long distance players want to arrive the day before in order to meet the 9am start time. Although Ive not tried it, there is apparently a good pub in the village (walkable) called the Griffin for Saturday night and they are used to strange people in combats. This site has a good community feel, with a loyal membership following but its not cliquey. I definitely feel RIFT is going places with lots of exciting plans for the future. The games are well organised and props are used. We had bars of bullion and a trolley in one game and flashing beacons in another. The site is large enough to hide but its not so big that you have long walks to find the action or regens. Even I didn't get lost and thats saying something. Ive been known to use a compass in woodland sites before. The same organiser runs a smaller woodland site at Cottenham near Cambridge. Cost is £25 with discounts if you are a first timer or bring another newbie with you. Site membership is optional at £25 per annum but gets you discounts. For example 3000 .2g BBs are £5 to members. You also get a nice uniquely numbered membership shield with a velcro backing. They also have their own forum which is used to communicate details of games and take bookings. In summary, the level of thought and care that go into this site make it a winner for me. The extra game level that the ex military buildings bring just lifts this site into another Airsoft dimension. Would I go again ? you betcha.. http://www.riftairsoft.com/content.php?134-site-pictures
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