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  • Guns
    G&P Bottle opener
    G&G TR4 CQB-S
    APS ACP601
  • Loadouts
    mk4 osprey
    mtp all the way
    Light weight webbing (for the hot days)
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  1. its a basic setup to convert one of my guns to HPA and hell no space raiders are the best closely followed by spicy tomato snaps lol
  2. Wolverine Inferno Premium Balystik CNC V2 Trigger First Strike Guerrilla Air 48ci X2 CNC Split gearbox v.2 with int. Hop Up Ninja LPR V2 Regulator with 36" Wide bore braided line Pickled onion space raiders multi pack
  3. G&P Bottle Opener and a VFC Hard Case from Evike
  4. I have used them before really good to use fast response and very fast delivery I will be using them again and also very friendly thanks Phil keep up the good work
  5. It's not to heavy at all well till you load it up with all your carrying that is lol
  6. I just ordered form then come to £85 including p&p I got the well mb01 will let you know if there is in port charges or anothing else when it comes on Tuesday
  7. I'm 6"7 and of a larger build and I find the mk4 osprey fits me like a dream for your build the 200/116 should be perfect for you
  8. agreed there me and my team were dead and walking to the dead zone so we cut through the village this was about 14:30 and there was about 100 bravo in there setting up to defend and when we got out the other side and down a bit we come accros about 200 of the others getting ready to hit the village the good bit about it was there was loads of mashels (sorry for spelling) in the area ready for it so that it would of been a fair fight with people taking hits and not cheating as much
  9. when you account for the p&p compared to the transport to the shop and back the 4p more expencive one works out the cheapest in the long run
  10. i wasnt complaining as such was more for the amusment factor of it as even without the 4p discount i would prob got with the other seller as its only a few miles away from me and like most people i like to look for a bargin can any of you honestly tell me you dont shop around for the best price
  11. it was 4p off the others seller price i did it befor with them last time i got a gun from them and they knocked £15 off the other sellers price so was expecting a little bit more
  12. got an email today from zero one about there price promiss as i found an item they were selling cheaper else where so as with most of us that look for the cheapest price around i sent them the info and url of the site that was selling it cheaper and today i got the price promiss back and i was shocked at the dicsount they have given me for it now brase you self you will never belive ho much have have given me off a massive 4p yes thats wright 4 pence i think i might just order the expensive one out of the pure and utter piss take of an offer they have given me
  13. i left soon after that but had to take my own flag so me and 2 others out my team that you shot went and took the OP and left that with some french guys then packed up and left didnt want to stay to late or it would of been a nightmare to get out and would of got home after dark
  14. ground zero is good and loads of stuff to do there the urban site is closing down as the site has been sold they have been given till i think november to get all there stuff out but can still use it till told they cant H was saying that hes trying to talk to the developer to see if he can get another year out of it so watch this space to when it closes
  15. yep seen a couple of 6 month olds lol there was a good mix of age groups young to old surprised of of the older generation didnt shell out for that mobility scooter with the m249 mounted on the top lol
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