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Profile Information

  • Guns
    G&G - MP5SD6
    WE - M1911
    TM - PX4
  • Loadouts
    Military Contractor
  • Sites
    Milton Keynes
  • Gender
  • Location
    Milton keynes
  • Interests
    Skiing, Video Games, Airsoft, Audio

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  1. Fortunately I am still young at 25 and can fit it in after work on thursdays... When I can actually go! I haven't been in over 2 years because I have been busy or it was just too far. I have had to ditch other hobbies such as my guitar and archery already. I don't fancy like ditching another hobby so I will make this work
  2. I had two 9.6V NiMH batteries that I use in my G&G MP5 but I haven't actually skirmished for about 2 years. I went to test them after leaving them on charge (with a really cheap charger to be fair) for a night and testing it just before skirmish I found they were pretty dead. I could not even get one shot out of the thing! Very sad I had to skip the skirmish that was supposed to be my glorious return to the field. Turns out it was just a balls charger and I got an 8.4V battery as a backup now.
  3. I believe tomorrow the site is open from 6pm for an airsoft skirmish? If so I will be returning to the field after 2 long years! I'll look like this. Apologies for the bad pictures... This was a rush job. I need to charge the batteries for my MP5 too!
  4. Unfortunately due to a bereavement in the family I will not be attending tomorrow. I will post a loadout picture at some point so you know who to look for next time. Have fun guys!
  5. Great! I am away this weekend so I won't be able to go either. But it's handy they do thursday evenings!
  6. The next airsoft skirmish at Special Ops seems to be on the 6th August. I will be going along to that. I will post a picture of my loadout once I have finished it (Currently attaching my head gear into an all-in-one unit) so people can find me.
  7. Funny, I was just watching doctor who, Raggedy Man! I just go tback from the Masters of Rock festival in the Czech Republic but I do plan on checking out special ops airsoft within the next week or two. Didn't realise the site was open on a thursday! But I have all of my own kit, although I am putting the finishing touches on my head protection. I'll let you know when I am going.
  8. Since I am going to be rejoining the world of airsoft I am in the process of updating my loadout to suit both my tastes and my size (since I have grown a few inches wider in the last 2 years... On the bright side at the start of the year I was a 38-39 waist, and I have gotten it under control and back down to 36). On order are: RTC US M65 Style Combat Cargo Trousers - Multicam - £19.95 Generic Half Face Mesh Guard - £8 PJ Type Fast Helmet - £23.80 Smith Optics OTW Goggles Field Kit - About £30 (from USA) I am a little worried about the goggles as I do not want them to fog up, but I think I can modify them to get some decent airflow and get rid of the problem. I have yet to buy a Multicam UBACS. I also need to swap out my M1911 Serpa Holster for a PX4 holster. And I would also like another primary, maybe a M416. But these are for later down the line. EDIT: I have changed my mind about the primary. I have fallen in love with the TM Scar-L EBBR... It's so beautiful and sounds like a badass.
  9. I saw Special Ops Airsoft. I wonder if it's any good as it looks quite small and restrictive. Worth a try though. Should be easy enough to go to three times to get my UKARA defence back. I will check out the Outpost as well. Thanks for the suggestion!
  10. In a CQC game I shot a guy about 15-20m away. I was sure I tagged him but I never heard him shout "hit" or put his hand up. So I kept firing thinking he was a cheater. Turns out I just couldn't see his raised arm because it was hidden by a tree... He was not a happy man and I still feel a little bad about emptying half a magazine into him.
  11. Hi all! It's been a while since I have come here. Due to various reasons I ducked out of airsoft for a while but the whole time I always wanted to keep going, and now I seem to be in a position to do so. I recently moved to Milton Keynes for work so I was wondering if anyone knows what the airsoft scene is like around Buckinghamshire? And if anybody lives close by then let me know if you fancy a pint down the local. Will be good to have an airsoft buddy to go and skirmish with. Hope the forum has been well in my absence (and it looks like it has been)
  12. iAcorn

    battlefield 3

    I finally finished my arrangement/music video for Battlefield 4. I do something music related to battlefield every time a new game comes out. It's kinda my tradition. A young tradition, only been in effect since BF3, but a tradition nonetheless. Anyways, enjoy Oh, also I do think BF4 will be more like BF3.75 but I'm not jumping on the hate train until I've put at least 24 hours into the game ah ha. Still excited about it. More excited about Bad Company 3 or 2143 though, if they get made.
  13. This TM - PX4 is AMAZING! Not used many side-arms but this is going to be very hard, or impossible to beat!

    1. Rock-climby-Dave


      Once you go TM you never go...not...TM....


      Not a fan of the PX4 myself, sits too far forwards at the rear of the slide, bought the XDM about a year ago now (if not longer) and my god, what a pistol.

    2. iAcorn


      I know what you mean. I have a feeling the realiablity of this thing is going to be off the charts. My WE1911 failed every game I used it. Either through jams, or gas problems. I am however a bit annoyed that the aftermarket metal slide costs MORE than the pistol itself... Thats retarded. Im going to keep the plastic slide and save on gas!

    3. Rock-climby-Dave


      1 tip for making this run better than everyone elses, regardless of any upgrades they have done:


      no really, don't even think about opening it up, just lube it and it'll treat you well

      I put an AS loading nozzle in my XDM as it stuck if it wasn't swimming in lube. Boy do I regret that decision.

  14. Here is my VERY late xmas present (to myself). The beautiful Tokyo Marui PX4 Custom. My god this is such a fun side-arm! I know this is obvious but in terms of handling, looks and being awesome; this blows my WE1911 out of the water! I will do a review tomorrow or something. If anyone is getting rid of a PX4 serpa I'll gladly take it off your hands
  15. Just ordered my favourite pistol, A Tokyo Marui PX4 I need to earn a bit more cash before I can buy a spare mag and serpa holster though Anybody got one for sale? I might make a post in the classifieds section, but I might put a torch on it... hmmm. Pics when it arrives either tomorrow or monday
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