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Status Replies posted by Monty

  1. Got matilda to shoot (yay) but the valve still leaks and fps with 144a gas is 472fps! Oh and I can only get 3 shots out of a mag full of gas. Still it's a sign of improvement :D

  2. Beginning of December and someone might be airsofting again ;)

  3. Marui M870 Breacher; worth it?

  4. Some people needing a reality check again

  5. oh my god, my local site just shared justbbguns post on facebook, advertising good rates on some awful two-tone line of guns. if enjoy 'the mall' then will never step foot on that poisoned soil again

  6. Why is it so hard to find these parts?!

  7. Thinking of selling my M700. I just don't have the time to work on it anymore

  8. well, me having a gas gun with no gas... such wow, much sad.

  9. Worldwide fnx.45 release date-12th September owwwww can't wait

  10. Worldwide fnx.45 release date-12th September owwwww can't wait

  11. -how much is the red dot? -£160, gun is included!

  12. Has anyone here got the bought the G&G combat machine starter pack? Here's a link as I cant find any reviews on the actual starter pack: http://www.proairsoftsupplies.co.uk/acatalog/cm16_transparent_starter_pack.html#SID=239

  13. I think I laughed a bit too hard at this

  14. I know its really skipping ahead but I think I know the type of guns I will one day hopefully own while playing airsoft..........Dayum I wish Id found airsoft earlier.....

  15. I know its really skipping ahead but I think I know the type of guns I will one day hopefully own while playing airsoft..........Dayum I wish Id found airsoft earlier.....

  16. New to this forum, but am very active on Z1 :)

  17. Balance brain retraining is going well, no longer feeling dizzy .. still a little unsteady on feet at times, but getting there slowly.

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