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Speedy Sloth

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  • Guns
    L96 - asg aw.308
    G&G Firehawk
    AA combat master
    CYMA M14/21 project

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  1. The housing shortage seems to come for all the decent fields. And the labour government changing the rules to essentially allow development on any land that isn't a park or protected isn't going to help over the next few years. I think we are going to see lots of forest sites posting similar announcements especially those that made it clear they were only their as previously planning was denied.
  2. I know ambush activities do junior Airsoft days, not sure how often but if your in London or further south might be worth a ring if you can't do any normal open days.
  3. We all know that factory stock ones are worth less than (unspecified,) upgraded ones.
  4. That 120n spring is likely overkill, silverback have a chart online but somewhere around a 95-110n spring needed from memory. Best to check online first.
  5. Or replace the contacts and drop down to a 7.4v lipo? Or 9.9v Lifepo4? As they won't burn out a trigger on any rif. Either way it's going to need tech work if you can't do it yourself so best to get a basic MOSFET and keep using your current batteries for overall cost most likely.
  6. Did anyone order one in the end? Apparently the only difference to the Nov is the fan they use. Some noise complaints but than again you lot have posted the same about the branded version.
  7. Could be spammed but than again if someone wants to prove that aren't capable of winning on an even ground they can build most platforms to be stupid rof spam anyway. Send a shame to ban this because of the potential misuse by one or two people. A green cas version would be interesting, lose the umbelical cord and stops spamming as much
  8. I don't like HPA but I think it's a cool innovation, no worse than the spam you get from any other gun in cqb tbh the way some people build rifs. Does seem very pay to win for cqb if allowed though. I wonder if people would be more accepting if it's run at a lower power like 0.6j. Or is it the nature of the spread everyone doesn't like the 8 1j projectiles potentially hitting them? No one seems to complain about gas 6 round shotguns?
  9. May have been a tad optimistic was hoping for about 70m of effective range, given the slow FPS due to the BB weight I would assume it would be also not be generating enough backspin to get that end flick and drop. I'm using the airsoftpro gen 3. Which whilst being a pain to setup has worked reasonably well. Interesting you have some new nubs and thanks for the size confirmation. Got to order some new M4 parts in the near future from you so may order a spare nub to compare. Edit: thanks for the help everyone
  10. @ak2m4 do you know if the XT nub is a different size to the omega nub?
  11. Small spray of Instant contact adhesive or low grab grade loctite on the screw thread's can help. This will glue the screw in but will hold it and with care can be undo in most cases.
  12. Fielded my l96 with a 70° MR hop and the XT 80° nub, on maximum hop it can just about get a .45 to 70 metres.(Rifle was also shooting a hair below 1.6j as the spring seems to have worn in dramatically) The BB didn't have any "lift/jump" at the end of the flight path but did fly pretty level the whole way. Can't complain about consistency it hit every shot on target at the 60m mark without fail. Just can't go beyond it much. Has anyone else had issues with the nub not applying enough hop? Wondering if a ML omega nub might be able to apply more as from the pics I've seen it looks taller? Going to order a new spring but wondering if a new nub might be in order.
  13. Suddenly like 10 listing have appeared so looks like it's open season on budget anti fog unit's on AliExpress. For £13-£20 doesn't matter if the fan is occasionally noisy, would be more annoyed for Nov's price though. Hopefully these aren't terrible QC rejects.
  14. So I was browsing and I found this https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005008123115196.html Looks like a clone/maybe the rejects from the production line for the Nov anti fog unit. £13 seems a steal, but I do wonder if it has the same issue of being made from a weak plastic that can't take a bb strike. Not a fan of having a potential re active lithium target strapped to my head.
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