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Posts posted by pyromancer6

  1. WGCShop order with a bunch of nice AK bits arrived today - and despite the dreaded RM email about customs charges it seems I've got lucky and might've dodged them.








    Absolutely made up - everything fits & really makes this thing look amazing now. The new pistol grip is such a massive improvement over the standard and having the choice between the DTK-4 suppressor and DTK-2 muzzlebreak makes the lizard brain happy. Can't wait to field on Sunday!

  2. After much deliberation and plenty of fucking around with UKARA's expiring and TWG/PB email chains - it's here.





    SRC SR-SP - AKA a metal slide TM USP that'll take green gas & c02 out of the box, all for much cheaper than the TM. Sure, it doesn't have the trades (...yet, west laser's looking awfully tempting) nor the probable magic hop fairies but it's a 9MM USP that actually works (unlike my dead in the dumps VFC)

    VFC for comparison.


    Fits the Sepra CQC the VFC sat in just fine and just feels awesome to shoot, super snappy, controls are more positive than the VFC and it just seems a much better pew overall. Shame the VFC mags are too fat to fit so I'll have to order some TM or SRC ones if anybody'd know where they'd be in stock.


    Clears a full mag with a drop from 1.134J to the 0.823 pictured, and it'll probably do another. This was before I took it apart and regreased it so it'll only get better. Made up, awesome piece for the price.

  3. Bought some T8 glock valve/router kits from them and while it took a little while to arrive they came no problem. Price wasn't awful either plus I got a little cool PEQ box keychain lol

  4. Another one - turns out because it's an older gearbox it's either 6mm or 7mm bearings, not 8mm. Gutted. Will have to order some new ones so unfortunately won't be using this pew tomorrow :(


    One amazon payment later:



    7mm. Would've been nice if the info was anywhere but I probably just missed it. I was looking at the current listing for the CM.041J but that's got an actual quick change gearbox and 8mm bushings compared to my older version here. Can get some ordered now at-least and hopefully get this show on the road.

    Still desperately looking for a replacement cocking handle if anybody has any pointers - trust me, I've tried everywhere. I'm getting desperate at this point.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Impulse said:

    I don't usually like getting metal slides for my TM pistols because I love how efficient the plastic slides are... but my hi-capa slide snapped at the front when the front sight was ripped out by some very determined brambles that I was wading through (the bottom part of the Worthing Airsoft site is basically unplayable at the moment...)


    So my hi-capa now has a metal slide. Surprisingly snappy still on green gas at room temperature thanks to the lightweight blowback unit and probably feels the best to shoot due to the fact it's still snappy but the metal slide has some weight to it; might get a bigger recoil spring, but we'll see. Will be running it on propane anyway, so here's hoping it'll be fine in the winter too.



    Not normally a fan of 2011s to be honest but this one has tickled my fancy - any clue where you got that supressor from? Looks ace

  6. 4 hours ago, Colin Allen said:

    A quick spray of WD40 and it will be good to go.

    Bit of PTFE tape and a drilled nozzle should do the trick mate 👍


    Anyway, gave it a clean to get the remains of the bearing and terrible blue alien goop out and was suprised to see the parts are all in good order. Wasn't expecting to see one of those silent style piston heads but it's getting the ak2m4 XT air compression classic regardless so I'm not going to worry about it. Seems to have better internals than the CM.009D M733 that I just did, with a full metal rack, 12:1s etc. It's just not the quick change type unfortunately, so that's going to be a pain in the arse to put back together considering I've never done one before. Still, interested to see how a little re-shimming and proper grease quiets this thing down.

  7. Relocating the motor wires to the rear of the grip has provided a much better sound - and while it's stilll screechy to my ears it'll do for this weekend's game as a loaner to a work friend who's interested in trying airsoft - appreciate all the replies! I'll take the thing apart over the week after the game to replace the gears with these 16:1 CYMA gears I have laying around and I'll try reshimming it a little quieter - it's a lot happier since changing the grip's wiring! - I'll even try ordering some fresh 7mm bearings to quiet the thing down since the XTs did such a good job with the 733 - appreciate it!

  8. Little update - Used a tool to get it shooting right with 0.28s and it's pretty much locked in place so there's no chance of accidental tweaking by curious workmates in the future lmao

    Also decided to take the thing apart - these oldschool rifles are so much fucking easier to take apart it's unreal as the other two I've went inside [a DE UTR-45 and a CYMA CAR-15/M733] have had fancy bolt catch mechanisms, ambi selectors etc. The lack of functionality with regards to a catch etc makes things a lot easier.

    With regards to the motor & grip - it seems that the 'high torque motor' that was mentioned actually is a ZCI HT, which feels pretty pokey and hard to move which is a good sign.


    One problem, however - is that somebody's dearest (as it says DAD on the bottom of the grip) decided to superglue the motor adjustment screw in so it can't be moved at all 😅, so a new pistol grip or baseplate needs to be ordered.

    One finaly question however - anybody know what size these bushings/bearings are? They're obviously smaller than 8mm but I haven't a set of calipers to hand and finding any technical info about this gun that isn't just a copypasted description about the joys of 'CQB Hi Cap Action!!!' from ASG's website 15 years ago is impossible. I'm guessing 6mm?


    I'm pretty sure it's just a rebranded Classic Army gearbox in a plastic reciever so if anybody has more info I'm all ears. Cheers!

  9. 3 minutes ago, ak2m4 said:

    As for your problem maybe take the upper off, turn upside-down, fit the rotary and barrel and try to see where the wheel is rubbing.  A customer did mention this before I remember and it was the gearbox case.

    Will give it a go over the weekend when I'm intending to crack on with this thing.

    4 minutes ago, ak2m4 said:

    The wheel on the ZCI rotary isn't the greatest design, so much so I'm looking to get my own one molded that's a little smaller and with better notches so you can at least count the turns etc.

    This sounds fantastic, please do-tell if you ever get around to it so I can order like.. five 😅 (also big thank you for throwing in that ARL spring in my most recent order, completely slipped my mind!)

  10. 3 hours ago, Lozart said:

    It's a very old design so was never really intended for a rotary hop unit. You might have better luck with a decent quality traditional style hop unit as it's slimmer overall. Alternatively (with my engineering head on) you could try filing the adjuster ring down to a smaller size and cutting new knurls on it for grip.

    The one that came out of it is some sort of strange slim design 'rotary' unit rather than the water-mill looking one you're probably thinking of - I think I'll give it a go at sanding the wheel when I get time to see if I can get just a little more purchase on it. I don't mind the hop being fixed to a certain weight without a tool I just want to make sure it's applying it evenly on the arm.

  11. 32 minutes ago, Johndaniel4863 said:

    Finally managed to get a retro MP5 PDW stock to swap out all the modern hideousness on my Cyma CM041L so it's gone from this monstrosity to this classic but with the amazing range and rate of fire 😁IMG_20240724_204634.jpg.1a633a7c8aff8f7cdb895a4769023e56.jpg



    Please do tell where you found a classic style cocking lever - I've tried the guarder steel one [didn't fit] and the VFC one [was too big] and I'm completely at my wits end looking for one. It's to the point where I might even order the gopping modern styled one just to have one again (or, if you've still got it around, I'd be happy to take it off your hands for a few quid)

    I'm begging at this point. Looks awesome, by the way.

  12. Hi all,


    Recently brought a friend's CYMA CM.009D back from the grave and had a blast fixing it up with a new board, gears etc to the point where it's shooting lovely which we've then sold for a really decent price (as in a good deal, we're not merchants 😅) to friend who's the entire reason we got into the sport in the first place so he finally has something 'competitive' to play with.


    As payment for the tech work - I got to have his old ASG M4 and a bunch of other goodies which I'm more than happy with because it's always shot pretty lethargically and I was confident that I could do some work to it to make it a cheap little burner gun I can loan out to friends without worrying about the expensive and more unreliable pews breaking.

    So, I chrono'd the thing and as he said - it's pretty lethargic and is shooting low power with it's very old hop system/design which would explain his frustrations with it.



    So, I popped in a XT 380mm 6.00 tightbore in it, alongside a ZCI rotary with a ML macaron and already there's much better results.


    This is great, it still sounds like a rusty sewing machine being pushed down a staircase mind but it's now up to power - with only one drawback that I can tell so far. The clearancing with the new hop unit is so tight that I can't move the hop dial by hand whatsoever and I have to instead use a tool to scrape it up or down, which while incredibly inconvienient also means that I've got doubts on whether or not it's playing nice with actually applying the hop.


    Any ideas on clearancing the unit? I wouldn't know where to start filling so I thought I'd ask for advice.

    Any more info on this thing would also be incredibly appreciated as searching the markings/model just leads me to various retailers advertising it with the same copy pasted description so I'm unsure on what size the bearings are etc. The pistol grip's adjustment screw also seems to be welded in place for some reason, so I guess a new pistol grip is a good idea?


  13. 100% agree with everything above - get some decent ankle supporting footwear like some combat/hiking boots/shoes and make sure your eyepro is up to snuff, everything else is up to you honestly but I would 100% try a few games out first to see if you end up sticking with the hobby before spending a fortune on it. Chrono is a great idea as there's nothing worse than showing up on the game day and being turnt away because your gun's a little too spicy.

    Just remember that in airsoft it's a complete coin flip when you're buying stuff sometimes - sometimes cheap isn't nasty and expensive ends up being shit, make sure to do your research and check out reviews and threads before buying anything, esp. if it's a new pew. You don't want to be spending hundreds on something that will just drive you up the wall after all lol

  14. Finally a good mag option for the AUG. 180 rounds is incredible for the platform and although the MAG and JG ones got close - having a reliable seller of midcaps that have really good customer support attached to them is a massive win for everybody.


    While I'm not the biggest fan of novritsch's 'M-LOK EVERYTHING' styling on their pews I'm unoffended by the A2 and dressed up it kind of looks awesome. I've got a mate with a snow wolf that he was prepared to send off and get a silly amount of money thrown at it but honestly with this coming out I can see him picking one up (and by proxy, I get to have a go haha)

  15. If this finally gives us a good AUG midcap that isn't unobtanium that'd be incredible. Rumours of it having the excellent Begadi hop unit or a licenced version/clone of it are hopefully true too + it'd be nice to finally have some spare part support for AUGs as snow wolf/tm stuff is kind of a pain in the ass to get ahold of (still can't find a barrel release button that fell off my mate's one when I was using it)

  16. 3 hours ago, Skara said:

    b) start with the motor HIGH, that way should anything happen it'll just stop instead of shredding something.

    This is what I started with when I was orginally attempting to adjust the height pre lockup - it was when lowering it the issue happened.

    3 hours ago, Skara said:

    Keep adjusting (read unscrewing) by a quarter turn at the time until the sound is crisp/not as scratchy, if you keep going you'll hear the sound change to a low-ish note of scratching, this means you've gone too far and the motor is now too low. Find the sweet spot in the middle.


    Thought it'd be easier to just compile everything into a video.


    One thing to note is that the motor doesn't want to drop into place/spring freely without the baseplate on which I'm assuming means either the ARL is being a bugger or the gears are that jammed that there's either a piece of gear jamming the action or one of the bushings/bearings has exploded. Come to think of it - when it first happened the fire selector became awfully stiff (spur gear or spur bushing?)


    Regardless - I've ordered a few parts and I'll crack it open when I've finshed the other pew that's in bits to see what's actually going on. Appreciate all the input

  17. 1 minute ago, gavinkempsell said:

    Take the gearbox out and give it a rattle, move the gears with your finger and feel for any roughness as they turn.


    as a last port of call open the gearbox and check... if you're comfortable doing that.

    Fully open to taking the thing apart - was going to upgrade the compression and do the usual ak2m4 goodies like I did with the UTR & M733 that I'm currently working on, just wanted a second opinion on the things that it could be (appreciate the input on the profile post and here btw) so I could order them without ordering extra things I might not need in the end. Will give that a try though - moving the gears manually to see where it gets stuck might indicate what's actually causing the lock-up

  18. 1 hour ago, Sewdhull said:

    Pull the motor out and examine the gear on the end.


    if it looks ok, put it back in and readjust it.

    Id pull out the grip and box too. You may have a chunk of gear in there perhaps

    Should've mentioned that in the OP - the motor pinion seems completely fine. No matter how it's screwed in it still makes the same god-awful sound. I was thinking the cut-off might be knackered but I wanted to put this thread out for feelers and a second opinion

  19. Hi all,


    Just following up from my previous profile post bitching about my guns being broken - I was adjusting the motor height on my completely standard CYMA High Cycle MP5 because it was sounding a little screechy and ended up pushing the motor in too high, to which I then lowered it back down to near-about where it used to be.

    But, the moment after doing that and ever since it produces a horrible screeching sound on firing and I was wondering if anybody here would have any info on what it could be before I start ordering a bunch of replacement parts that I might not actually need.


    If it helps - I tried plugging in the motor without it being within the grip and it seems to be spinning freely - what could be causing the lockup inside?




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