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Everything posted by ParHunter

  1. As I am already running around (actually more crawling and less running) like half a bush I thought I might as well try a sniper rifle. I like the idea of a lightweight sniper rifle like the SSG10 A3 (short) or the Silverback TAC41a. I’ve only seen the TAC41a in real so far and while I think it looks ok I wasn’t impressed by the ‘sharpish’ edges of the plastic close to the barrel. I also found the grip to be quite small for my hand. Does anyone know whether you can replace the grip on the TAC41a? The SSG10 would probably need a TDC 2.0 but that isn’t too expensive. Another gun I like the look of is the SSG96 MK2. I prefer the new hop up they are using in that one so might not need any upgrades early on. But the SSG96 is a lot heavier than the SSG10 A3. If you mainly laying prone it won’t matter but because of my screwed up back I can’t lay prone for too long so I would end up having to lift up the gun a lot of the time. What other lightweight good performing options are there that don’t break the bank (the TAC41 is towards the upper end (actually slightly above) of what I want to pay). Has anyone got first hand experience of any of these snipers? Please don’t give me ‘Novritsch sucks, is just a rebranded JG’ or whatever because you have read it somewhere on the internet. If you have first hand experience then please respond but I don’t want this to be a discussion of the Novritsch brand. I know that a Silverback TAC41 L is coming out later this year which might be an option (can you actually screw a cheekmount on the stock?). Does anyone know the release date and price? I was thinking of moving my Vortex 1-4x LPVO to the sniper, It might look a bit ‘small’ on the bigger sniper rifles.
  2. I am currently thinking of getting a sniper and I quite like the style of the Novritsch SSG10 A3 or the Silverback TAC41a. I had a look at the TAC41a at Surplusstore in Crawley but it seems no shop in the South East seem to stock Novritsch. It is mainly PatrolBase, Skirmshop and Land Warrior that stock Novritsch. I wasn’t too impressed by the plastic on the TAC41a. Felt quite sharp at the edges. I am sure the TAC41 is the better gun out of the box but I guess if you put a TDC 2.0 in the SSG10 you could narrow the gap and still save some money compared to the TAC. But I would like to actually have a look at a SSG10 A3 and I don’t fancy an 8 hour round trip to PatrolBase.
  3. Yeah but then that was Spiderman swinging from tree to tree 😅
  4. I don’t have a problem with wearing them on my upper arm but that is a bit problematic with the Viper hood. Wearing a high viz arm band on your wrist however signals your position a lot more than having it on your upper arm (due to the way you hold your RIF). IMHO the arm bands should not be to spot a player but to identify one once you have spotted them.
  5. I guess you could say that the arm bands are orange but they are for the Red team. Looks like Driver Wood got brand new arm bands as I can’t remember them that bright. I can understand that just putting one on the front of your plate carrier invites friendly fire but what about front and back? Or I might have to accidentally drop my arm bands in the mud and walk all over it while trying to find it 😅
  6. While playing the red team on Sunday and later seeing a picture of myself I was wondering - are teams that have to wear red armbands in the disadvantage compared to players with green armbands? I’ve got a viper hood and a gun wrap to camouflage myself as much as possible without going full ghillie however that means I have to wear the bands on my arm (full ghillie are allowed to wear it on their ankles). As my viper hood hides the arm bands when I wear them on my upper arm I had to wear them near my wrists. Probably the worst place you can put them. What do you think, are red armbands easier to spot than green ones? Where would you wear the arm bands with a Viper hood? Me with red armbands (need to do something about the black circle poking out but that is the least of my worries with those red armbands) Random player with green armbands
  7. I’ve played Driver Wood today and no marshal was wearing cameras. So might only be used when needed.
  8. My son wanted to play this thing ‘Airsoft’ that I never heard of before. He told me that I have to play 3 times and then gift him a RIF. At first I was against it but he convinced me to try it out. I’ve enjoyed it and we’ve been going every month since. My relationship with my son has improved dramatically. Before we didn’t have much in common and now we talk Airsoft, equipment all the time (much to my wife’s annoyance 😉 So I would try to approach your dad from that angle. As Dan already said there are lots of Dad&Son combos on the field. I thought I would be far too old for this but I’ve seen lots of grey middle aged (and older) men out there.
  9. Driver Woods is where I have played the most so far and I quite rate it. The save zone is very good (they have toilets that aren’t disgusting) and the playing area is good as well. The barrel sock rule was made quite clear I thought. I have never seen fights there but then I’ve only been going since last year. I would think the fight was out of the norm and certainly not common.
  10. How would you actually confirm that the UKARA number they give you is valid and not just a random number? Is there some information encoded in it? Does it have a given structure (like a VIN). Does it have a checksum or something?
  11. It finally arrived from China and I’ve setup a makeshift shooting range in the attic. I’ve used a Gusto box for the target with a small window in the hope that it would catch the bbs but you would need something a lot deeper than that. The BBs were bouncing back everywhere. The actual device looks solid. The front seems metal or a very sturdy plastic. The app is a bit limited. It basically just offers two modes - sequential and random. With sequential all targets pop up at once and they stay down until you have hit all or you have random mode where the targets pop up randomly (but not with a random delay). The added light is nice. We’ve switched off the lights and did some shooting. I think the app is letting the target down a bit. It should have random start delays with a beep when it starts and it should have an optional random delay with bringing up the targets (in random mode). I’ve added a close up of the target after about 50-70 hits. You can see some small dents but I recon the target will last a while. You can by replacement targets for it or you could make them yourself. They just screw into the hinge. I guess you could make the target smaller if you want. The target taught me a few things so far I am rubbish at shooting pistols (only tried with pistols so far) Fiber optic iron sights don’t do anything when it is really dark (time to buy a red dot for my aap 😉 The target needs to be recessed a lot further to catch more BBs. One target is not enough, you will need at least 3 to make it more fun (in random mode) BBs don’t survive hitting metal things, I’ve had a lot of shattered BBs lying around. Always wear Eyepro! They will come back to you but not with force.
  12. Interesting, Specna Arms is coming out with a Bluetooth target which looks like a re-branded WoSporT target. The screenshot is from a video from IWA 2024 of new Specna Arms Products https://specnaarms.com/accessories/ The app is not yet on the App Store so I can’t tell whether it is the same app just rebranded but it is a good sign that the WoSporT won’t be obsolete soon. It is selling on GunFire for €75 (too expensive IMHO)
  13. Have a joint account and then each one has their own account as well. My wife doesn’t ask what I’ve spent on Golf or Airsoft and I don’t ask how much the latest handbag was. Otherwise I would have been in deep trouble last year 😆
  14. I could have written that! My son was two years older but he as well came from Nerf guns and found Airsoft videos on YouTube. I was surprised by how much I liked it. It reminded me of the fun part of my army days without the cluster f&@k from who ever could shout the loudest and had more stripes than you. Playing Airsoft with my son has improved our relationship immensely. Before that we didn’t really have any thing to talk about. I tried to get him into Golf (my other expensive hobby) but he didn’t like it. So he got me into his hobby instead. My wife doesn’t know who is more nuts about Airsoft now, my son or myself. I do more research while he does more larping. Last month my son managed to recruit 6 other boy soldiers from his year group. Let’s see how many will join us for the next skirmish.
  15. Where did you see one for £30. Mine got to £46 incl VAT in the end
  16. That would certainly be in the spirit of the Olympic Games 😉 But it would also be a block buster on TV. Just imagine the USA playing Russia!
  17. I’ve heard read that so often on social media now that it must be true …. While that might have been how they started I think they now improving on existing ideas. They haven’t come out with some groundbreaking new stuff but I think they are doing incremental improvements. I don’t have much from Novritch but the stuff I have is well thought through (e.g. dump pouch or magazine pouches) or of good quality (I’ve mainly got Camo stuff from them, e.g. rifle wrap, leaves, raffia and burlap). I’ve got one of the WoSporT Target on order from AliExpress and will report back. If I like it I will order a couple more initially so that random mode makes sense. Overall you can have 32 targets
  18. Hi, I am thinking of setting up a small Airsoft shooting range in the loft and was looking for bluetooth targets that can give you timing and pop up randomly. I can see that there are basically 2 options, the Eshooter Serenity 2 (£59 on PatrolBase) or the WoSporT Target (you can get it from around £45 from AliExpress - a few sites are selling it in the UK but only in a set with 3 targets + tracer + control unit for about £190). Both have phone apps to control them. Given that the WoSporT is £15 cheaper than the Serenity 2 I am tempting to go with that one (you can have up to 32 targets but I am only aiming for 3 at the moment). Has anyone used one of these? Can you have random start times? Btw. There is now a Novritch bluetooth target as well but that can only give you timing, it doesn’t pop up randomly and costs in the same range as the serenity one.
  19. I guess fixed vs foldable stock? The full size one will probably be a bit heavier Actually just checked. The full version is 4.7Kg while the para is 4.9??? But the full one is quite long at 107cm while the para is between 79 and 92 cm
  20. This user big brother seems dodgy. 4 posts since 2019 and all promoting this website
  21. Where did you get your’s from? I might order a couple more if I like them during play. I did some feed testing today by doing full auto into a Gusto box (filled with Hello Fresh insulation material) and they worked flawless.
  22. To all that bought bipods, are you still using them after a couple of games or have they been retired? I’ve got Krytac Trident SPR with an LPVO , a suppressor and low profile mags, so from the looks a bipod would go with this RIF but I am not sure whether it will be a good addition or just a useless weight addition (to an already heavy gun). I do like going prone but I would say that is only about 30% of the time (and less if it is wet and muddy), Back in the days when going prone I never used to hold the gun (a real G3) up with my left arm but we would rest the gun on something and then provide support with both elbows on the ground and the left hand pushing the stock into the shoulder (the G3 had a real kick). I know you don’t need to do that with airsoft guns but your left arm doesn’t get tired holding up the gun.
  23. I just saw these stats for rain over the last few years (for Surrey) 2019 – 780mm 2020 – 887mm 2021 – 982mm 2022 – 1156mm 2023 – 1642mm Yeah, definitely no climate change going on here …
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