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Everything posted by Galvatron

  1. Yes, that's the Epic Weekender. I attended that one last year in September and that went down very well. Smaller scale but well run and received.
  2. I don't recall claiming UKARA was required for possession. I do agree that there is excessive zeal with the rules though. Who said the world has to make sense all the time? Laws aren't always reflective of trying to make sense, they are often reflective of the wealthy and the well-connected being able to sway government policy to suit their agendas. Airguns are easier to acquire because there are shooting clubs with the power to lobby at a time when airsoft wasn't anywhere near as big as it is today.
  3. I can vouch having been attended this year and last year. I had a blast and I like to think the general feel was hugely favourable. @joshcowin You should keep an eye on RIFT Airsoft's website and social media pages for updates. It will probably be around Jan/Feb next year that the dates are confirmed but you should expect the last weekend of May, give or take a week, to be the dates to save.
  4. What could possibly go wrong? I respect the sites I've played at having done not just the chrono tests at the start of the day but an unplanned chrono test later to confirm people were still in the limits, especially as the heatwave did risk putting some of us above the limit by the afternoon. "Everyone's a winner" Great tune by Hot Chocolate but I don't think anyone losing sight in one eye will consider themselves a winner.
  5. When you consider the VCRA may have banned the sale and possibly ownership of RIFs, one can imagine that UKARA opted to keep a long record of its members to satisfy the government agreeing to the compromise, if any of those members (current or expired) were stupid enough to open-carry a RIF in public. GDPR does permit the retention of personally-identifiable information for as long as it's deemed necessary or justifiable until you explicitly request your personal data be removed or be rendered anonymous. In my case, it was from UKARA. May this year.
  6. Alternatively, is it not feasible to feed a buttstock sling loop adapter through that slit then attach your two-point sling to it along with a QD mount on either of the QD points on the handguard? https://www.ant-supplies.uk/gun-sling-fittings/universal-buttstock-sling-adapter.html
  7. I got an email a month before mine was due to expire.
  8. I'm sure I saw this on another used airsoft site recently. Still an optimistic appraisal with the cosmetic issues in mind.
  9. Welcome aboard! You're right in thinking a chrono is a good purchase given that you may play at a site with different energy limits than the one your family member played at. Is the visor of your helmet rated for airsoft? If it's suitable for paintball, you should be fine with airsoft too. Suitable footwear is important too for the short term, particularly boots with good ankle support. They're not guaranteed to save you from foot & ankle injuries but they can certainly make them less serious. I'm reluctant to recommend anything for the medium term until you've played a few games and decide you're keen on playing for much longer. You may find you have a different playing style where some recommendations may not be suited to it. I assume your visor is up to spec (check with you family member what brand and model for peace of mind) so getting suitable footwear is definitely the best recommendation I can think of for now.
  10. https://www.usedairsoft.co.uk/two-tone-replicas/cyma-cm-518-m4-custom-muzzle-two-tone-blue_i63606 £120 for a "barely used" two-tone where I can get the same IF or even the RIF delivered for the same money with (relative) peace of mind. https://bbguns4less.co.uk/products/cyma-cm518-m4-sia-custom-muzzle-break-in-blue.html https://bbguns4less.co.uk/products/cyma-cm518-m4-sia-custom-muzzle-break-in-black.html
  11. https://www.usedairsoft.co.uk/rif-s/electric-powered/krytac-warsport-gpr-cc-assault-rifle_i62502 Sorry, that replica PEQ box won't keep a two-tone Krytac at 75% of its retail price, nor will the RDS do much either. Someone watched too many YouTube videos before getting a UKARA defence sorted out, didn't they?
  12. How "low" energy are your BBs firing that you think chasing the site limit will make you shoot better? Is your chrono test different from the last time you asked about "more fps" without being able to qualify how it would benefit you? Energy/FPS limits are just that, not a target. Like Adolf Hamster said, unless you're comically low, skill and experience will do you more good than getting a hard-on for more FPS and doing arbitrary "upgrades" in that pursuit. It's actually beneficial to have a little buffer below the site limit because you may chase that limit only to find you have 2 out of 5 shots (for argument's sake) going above it during chrono testing, in which case a decent marshal will either not allow you to play at all with that gun or ask you to modify it to shoot lower an retest it. The Maple Leaf bucking is a good choice. I did have to trim it to fit my pew as it would have otherwise prevented BBs feeding from mid-cap magazines in my case. I use the 6.02mm XT barrel myself and the accuracy past 30m is much better now.
  13. To prey on people's sympathies claiming to be a grieving sibling takes a special kind of scumbag. It's a shame we have to be even more vigilant.
  14. Not a conventional rail, mate, but you can clip a torch on to the groove of either side of the pistol, mate.
  15. I don't suppose you use a Surefire torch on your USP? If so, there is a Deadly Customs holster that gets around most limitations of wider pistols by gripping on to the torch rather than the pistol itself. The tracer variant would allow up to 35mm at the muzzle end.
  16. Welcome back to the money pit!
  17. I wonder if those are the same BBs I sold my MP5 SD6 with about 20 years ago.
  18. It's marketed as a speedy boi gun so I assume that's the target demographic.
  19. Rather optimistic resale percentage and the price on the scratched up two-tone pistol bothers me more than I should let it. 😂 https://prefired.co.uk/ads/used-m4-starter-kit/ https://prefired.co.uk/ads/used-pistol-starter-kit/
  20. This is the battery I'd recommend depending on whether your P90 has a Deans or Tamiya battery connector. I caveat the recommendation on assuming Classic Army P90 has the very similar if not the same height, depth and width in the battery compartment as the TM clones - I've seen this with Double Bell, JG Works and Cyma. https://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/vapex-111v-1300mah-25c-lipo-battery-dean-connector-fitted https://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/vapex-111v-1300mah-25c-lipo-battery-mini-tamiya https://www.socomtactical.net/vapex-11-1v-1300mah-lipo-25c-continuous-discharge-stick/ Depending on the game rules and how trigger-happy your daughter is, it may get you through a whole day's worth of play.
  21. I agree with the shop about the 11.1v battery. I assume your model is the Proline, in which case it has a MOSFET so you can run 11.1v batteries without worrying about wearing down the internals more quickly. You may want to look at the VP Racing 1300mAh 11.1v 3-cell stick battery. Much more capacity and while it's a shorter battery, it's a bit more chunky than most stick batteries so it's perfect for the P90.
  22. The hi-cap P90 mag is by far the worst hi-cap I've used on any platform because it feeds so badly and it's so impractical to wind up. My experience is similar getting no more than 30-50 shots before having to be wound again. I've switched to TM and CYMA low-caps so I don't get feeding problems. I do like the "tacticool" dummy rounds inside them as well. Krytac's 50/200 round mag is the unicorn I'm after but what little supply of them there is disappears quickly. When you said the gun doesn't shoot properly with the smaller battery, are you talking about the feeding problems or a separate problem? Before doing the MOSFET upgrade, I used this battery in my P90 though I don't know if the Classic Army version has the same amount of space. https://www.bespokeairsoft.co.uk/big-foot-heat-lipo-battery-2200-mah-7-4c-25c
  23. EDIT: seller woke up from his dream as the price was dropped to something more realistic
  24. Actually, that does help. You probably have a Well version of the L96 so you're looking at £100-120 for the whole kit. The slide lock will help preserve some value but when you said the sidearm leaks since it was dropped, was that the CO2 mag leaking as soon as you screwed in the capsule or when you inserted the mag into the gun itself? The more you information you can give, the more value you can retain as a buyer will take less of a gamble trying to repair it.
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