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RandomM_YT last won the day on August 21 2022

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  • Guns
    G&G CM16 srs
    TM AK-102 NGRS
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    Gunman Airsoft Tuddenham
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  1. Hello again everyone! I've been gone for quite a while because I wanted to take a break for airsoft. Anyways, I need some help looking for a used/cheap Mac-11. I would like to paint it like Jacket's Piece from payday 2. I've always loved the look of the gun and would definitely want the gun. Thanks everyone!
  2. God bless you all ! You guys made me cry of happiness! 😁
  3. So I decided to rent just to see if I like the game or not. I’m texting whit going to my airsoft game! I’m so excited!
  4. Hi! I love connecting with you guys, y’all are so supportive, thanks! Anyway, when you played your first fps what was your favourite gun?
  5. Just found a gun! Seller said he would save it for me, I’m so excited to get into airsoft!


    seller: https://airsoft-forums.uk/profile/23673-lucaslu1709/



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rogerborg


      Decent seller, but I don't rate the brand. The AKs have issues, dunno about the ARs.  It's been worked on, so might be trouble free.  All airsoft guns are a gamble, new or used.


      Paintjobs are always subjective, that's all I'll say on that subject. ;) 

    3. Cr0-Magnon


      Certainly nice of him to save it for three months.

    4. ak2m4


      Don't know much about the Arcturus M4's but they use the micro-switch design right?  Those switches are known to fail after a certain amount of use and you can't fit in any ETU due to the design.


      The colour scheme isn't for me but as long as you like it that's the main thing.

  6. I’ve finally saved £105 towards my gun, I’m so excited to get into the sport!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RandomM_YT


      Thanks, I really appreciate your support. God bless you.

    3. RandomM_YT


      There’s been a mistake, apparently I only have £55 saved…

    4. Shamal



      You are gonna have to sell your soul I'm afraid. 😉

  7. I mean I posted a few things, still isnt letting me ask for offers 🤷
  8. Hello again it’s me! I just wanted to know what your guy’s first gun was and if you still own it. Thanks!
  9. That’s exactly why I’m trying to buy from this site! 😁
  10. What do you guys think of airsoft because I’m starting on the 20th of August and would love to hear feedback and stories from your airsoft experiences!
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