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Dan Robinson

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  1. Like
    Dan Robinson got a reaction from Cannonfodder in UK Airsoft Federation   
    Those who want to govern are possibly least suited for it.
  2. Like
    Dan Robinson got a reaction from Cannonfodder in UK Airsoft Federation   
    They need to proof read it all again.  It is a litany of spelling, grammatical and stylistic disasters.
  3. Like
    Dan Robinson got a reaction from DanBow in UKAF and/or UKAPU   
    The first two are covered by the universal law of "don't be a genital".
    The third one is more or less covered by private enterprise and forums such as this.
    Seems that once hit critical mass it tends to turn to shyte - NAF seems to cover this by all accounts.
  4. Like
    Dan Robinson got a reaction from DanBow in UK Airsoft Federation   
    Back in the day, we in the heating and plumbing industry were pissed off with CORGI (Council of registered Gas Installers) who were the licensed body in charge of registrations and making sure we were all qualified and under some form of authority should we fuck up.  It had developed into not much more than a pain in the backside and were flogging insurance on the side using the data we were compelled to provide from our customers.  So a few people got together and formed ARGI (Association for Registered Gas Installers) to try and defend the interests of small businesses and sole traders.
    The parallels to these UK Airsoft bodies is striking - it was little more than a knitting circle that had the right intentions, but no clue what to do and even less authority to do it.  Certainly made no difference to the industry or the rules and regulations.  It ended up imploding with the key players arguing like drunken housewives.
  5. Like
    Dan Robinson got a reaction from Colin Allen in UK Airsoft Federation   
    Back in the day, we in the heating and plumbing industry were pissed off with CORGI (Council of registered Gas Installers) who were the licensed body in charge of registrations and making sure we were all qualified and under some form of authority should we fuck up.  It had developed into not much more than a pain in the backside and were flogging insurance on the side using the data we were compelled to provide from our customers.  So a few people got together and formed ARGI (Association for Registered Gas Installers) to try and defend the interests of small businesses and sole traders.
    The parallels to these UK Airsoft bodies is striking - it was little more than a knitting circle that had the right intentions, but no clue what to do and even less authority to do it.  Certainly made no difference to the industry or the rules and regulations.  It ended up imploding with the key players arguing like drunken housewives.
  6. Like
    Dan Robinson got a reaction from Pseudotectonic in UK Airsoft Federation   
    Back in the day, we in the heating and plumbing industry were pissed off with CORGI (Council of registered Gas Installers) who were the licensed body in charge of registrations and making sure we were all qualified and under some form of authority should we fuck up.  It had developed into not much more than a pain in the backside and were flogging insurance on the side using the data we were compelled to provide from our customers.  So a few people got together and formed ARGI (Association for Registered Gas Installers) to try and defend the interests of small businesses and sole traders.
    The parallels to these UK Airsoft bodies is striking - it was little more than a knitting circle that had the right intentions, but no clue what to do and even less authority to do it.  Certainly made no difference to the industry or the rules and regulations.  It ended up imploding with the key players arguing like drunken housewives.
  7. Haha
    Dan Robinson reacted to mightyjebus in UKAF and/or UKAPU   
    I think the person with the most confirmed hits or the biggest gun collection should represent airsoft, not some bunch of blokes who feel important enough to start their own "body" and like John Snow, know nothing.
  8. Haha
    Dan Robinson got a reaction from _K4MF_ in Suggestion - Require approval on new threads for new users (i.e less than 10 posts)   
    I saw that lot pop up in real time last night...  I was still sober enough not to be tempted to click the link.
  9. Like
    Dan Robinson got a reaction from _K4MF_ in Suggestion - Require approval on new threads for new users (i.e less than 10 posts)   
    I'm wondering what these nimrods get out of it....  Surely no one ever clicks the links.  Especially on rather niche forums like this.... I mean - I for one have never missed a period.
  10. Like
    Dan Robinson reacted to Leo Greer in What brand BBs are best nowadays? Bang for buck.   
    Myself and a few others did some testing a little while back. Here's the results we got:
  11. Like
    Dan Robinson reacted to Sewdhull in What brand BBs are best nowadays? Bang for buck.   
    You can't put much faith in scales unless your paying hundreds of pounds.
    Mine cost a tenner tho
    As an example I weighed 6 .25g bbs.
    2 were .25 and 4 were .27.
    4 together were 1.00g
    6 together were 1.52g
    Repeatability was good but it looks like the error in each measurement is likely similar meaning much more at low weights.
    Worth getting a calibration weight or two if it matters to you.
    Or weighing in batches.
  12. Like
    Dan Robinson reacted to Mr Dellski in Macks airsoft dreamers of the week thread   
    It's only right mate.

    I've no time for blaggers myself. As soon as that discrepancy was brought to my attention, was rectified.
    World is full of 🔔🔚's and I don't intend on being one 😆
  13. Haha
    Dan Robinson got a reaction from Enid_Puceflange in Suggestion - Require approval on new threads for new users (i.e less than 10 posts)   
    I saw that lot pop up in real time last night...  I was still sober enough not to be tempted to click the link.
  14. Haha
    Dan Robinson got a reaction from Tackle in Suggestion - Require approval on new threads for new users (i.e less than 10 posts)   
    I saw that lot pop up in real time last night...  I was still sober enough not to be tempted to click the link.
  15. Like
    Dan Robinson reacted to Jamsandwich in Suggestion - Require approval on new threads for new users (i.e less than 10 posts)   
    😫 Oh no! I've never had a period, should I see a doctor?  Should I click the link??
    But more seriously, it takes them very little effort to just run the tool and have it spam everywhere.  It's probably targeting the host or tool used by this forum rather than the forum itself.  The more spam they more chance they'll find an idiot.
  16. Haha
    Dan Robinson got a reaction from Tackle in Suggestion - Require approval on new threads for new users (i.e less than 10 posts)   
    I'm wondering what these nimrods get out of it....  Surely no one ever clicks the links.  Especially on rather niche forums like this.... I mean - I for one have never missed a period.
  17. CoolAF
    Dan Robinson reacted to The_Roach in Load-Out / Loadout Picture topic   
    Pictures courtesy of Daniel D. Wiltshire at RedAlert's BattleSim Lite yesterday.
    Shirt & Trousers : Arktis Greek Lizard
    Chest : Arktis 2REP Crossrig
    Shooters belt : bits and bobs incl. IMIDefense holster, Arktis ammo pouches, UK Tactical dump pouch

  18. Haha
    Dan Robinson got a reaction from _K4MF_ in Macks airsoft dreamers of the week thread   
    But just look at how much quality you're getting with that charger!!!!!
    Not too sure about the carpet though.   ooof.
  19. Like
    Dan Robinson got a reaction from Tackle in Macks airsoft dreamers of the week thread   
    It's a hideous gun anyway (IMHO).
  20. Haha
    Dan Robinson got a reaction from Galvatron in Macks airsoft dreamers of the week thread   
    But just look at how much quality you're getting with that charger!!!!!
    Not too sure about the carpet though.   ooof.
  21. Sad
    Dan Robinson got a reaction from Rogerborg in Hand Grenade etiquette   
    It was either that or Budweizer.  Bloody football sports bar with their nasty lightweight drinks....  Rugby is far superior. 
  22. Like
    Dan Robinson got a reaction from Galvatron in G&G gear box   
    Have you got the anti reversal latch in the right way?
    Post up some pics of it taken apart and just before you put the case back together.
  23. Haha
    Dan Robinson reacted to Cannonfodder in Hand Grenade etiquette   
    My deepest sympathies 
  24. Haha
    Dan Robinson reacted to Cannonfodder in Hand Grenade etiquette   
    Then you deserve it for drinking that piss
  25. Like
    Dan Robinson got a reaction from _K4MF_ in Hand Grenade etiquette   
    Not with my hangover... I managed a chocolate milkshake and 40 minutes shut eye. 😰
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