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Dan Robinson

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Everything posted by Dan Robinson

  1. Thinking about it... putting my double Eagle in 3 shot burst mode, with 11.1s and a healthy bit of trigger spamming makes it a total wanker gun. 🤣
  2. It's really weird...I'm gonna have to do another test of all my mags. Yellow tape for the Specna, Maybe green for the l85. By the time I've done the Double Eagle and the boy's M4 based pews, my mag case is going to look like Brighton High Street during an LBTQ++ABCDEFG march. #youdoyoubro
  3. My l85 on 11.1v is borderline wanker pew. But...A... I play woodland sites and it's a handy weedwacker. On the other hand - B....it locks up a lot at these voltages on most of my mags. Don't know why, but why ruin a nice pew when it works perfectly well at 7.4v?
  4. Oh I wish.... they've been the cause of some very expensive repairs to power toys.
  5. Have you any specific information? I’ve been a regular there for over a year, and my only recent criticism is that they have shortened the day and upped the price of the pizza. In my experience, the marshals are fine as long as people aren’t acting like genitals. Although, granted, people can have off days. Not saying you’re wrong, but your review is wildly different from my experience of the place.
  6. Welcome. If you go the goggle route (which I have), make sure you have some form of tooth protection .... I was cocky, and it cost me £300 in dentists bills. I wear a gumshield now.
  7. If you think about it...all a MOSFET is really, is a mini relay that can operate at higher frequencies. Someone the ones I have for work are rated at millions of operations too.
  8. I have ine as a divider in my magazine and bb box too. Gousto is great.
  9. No etus in our ics l85s....just massively chunky relays and fragile trigger return spring bases.
  10. That was my mini pom pom I'll have you know. And not only is it like a dress - it's a bloody heavy dressing gown with special socks (that my feet were too big for; so they had to go to the local Sumo wrestling school to knick a pair of theirs. Fun times.
  11. Here's one of me getting a bollocking off her whilst having a test fit of my wedding Kimono (you'll notice shes up on her toes too)..... ah how things never changed in 20 years. 🤣
  12. These have really been growing on me recently. God damnit
  13. Have you a link to this motor? Not sure that I want a higher ROF, but a better trigger response would be nice. You're definitely right about it being thirsty though!
  14. SWMBO likes a clean house.... we have a Roomba, two cordless Dysons (one long one short), a mains powered Dyson and a steam mop. The latter of which is replacement number 3 in 4 years despite being filled with soft water. *sigh*. Roomba has more miles on her than your average family car. The problem lies in that I am 6' 7". SWMBO is around 5' 2" so I get to see the bits she misses. Really fucks with her OCD when i pick her up to see my POV and she sees the bits she can't reach 🤣🤣🤣🤣.
  15. Mine over spins and locks sporadically on 11.1 so stick with 7.4's would be my advice - the ROF is still enough to dominate if you have the accuracy. This is what I have to go in my A3 - https://www.bztactical.co.uk/nuprol-2200mah-7-4v-lipo-stick Not necessarily from that website though.
  16. Now, really, was there any need for that? LOL. I won't even ask how you had that link so easily to hand.
  17. I have this one currently on my G36, but it was perfect on my M904G. A little cheaper too. https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B08NWZ4MPD/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1
  18. I have a couple of spare motors, not sure what they are, btu can bring them to next Spec Ops if you're going?
  19. Keeps them coming out of the God damn walls.
  20. This is why i keep bottles, so when pouches are better value, I can transfer them in the relative safety of my kitchen. At least the Roomba can go around later looking for any remaining evidence.
  21. Why do people always get their feet in the pictures? I hate feet.
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