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  • Guns
    Tm 416delta ngrs, Tm 416custom, Tm M4 cqbr gbbr, Tm Mp7 gbbr, Umerex Glock 19x, Umerex Glock 17 gen4
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    Anzio, The Mill, Level 2
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  1. I got a charge back from the bank as I was unable to make contact with Frv they wouldn't answer emails or calls.... I've purchased from deadly customs instead.....
  2. Why lie to people telling them there orders will be with them in a couple of weeks, honesty would probly have been the best policy rather than piss people off and ignore them.....
  3. Well after 7weeks waiting and 10 + emails nothing not a single reply I'll be nipping into the bank this morning and sorting out a charge back ..... what an absolute shit show.... these types of business don't deserve customers.....🤯
  4. Made the mistake of ordering from frv ..... there shite customer service and comms are poor won't be ordering off them again ..... they seem like an admin nightmare they need to get it sorted
  5. Hey Gamble .... I'm sure it will all come good. Sure send me a link to your channel always looking for new tips and advice...
  6. Hey and welcome New also to the forum and reasonable new to airsoft .....👋
  7. Good evening Could anyone tell me if they have modified a current british issue radar holster so it can be used with an umerex g17 gen4 or even if its possable .... it fits but its exceptionally tight..... to the point where I got my pistol stuck 45mins of faffing later I managed to remove it.... any help or advice much appreciated....
  8. Hey shamal New to both 12months airsofting , sorry I'm abit of a technophobe still trying to navigate my way round oops 😬
  9. Good evening all I'm new to the forum just thought I say a quick hello to everyone..... please bear with me with the posting malaky as I'm pretty new to forums to..... Daz
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