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  • Guns
    E&L AK74N at the moment...
  • Loadouts
    Wear Swedish M90 Splinter Camo as no one else seems to, but it's not a loadout.
  • Sites
    Battle Stations Activity Centre
  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Airsoft (obvs), classic and custom cars and bikes

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  1. We bought my eldest a Glock pistol and a grenade along with a dummy knife for CQB, he’s stoked. The Mrs bought me KWA Skorpion with additional larger mag, leg holster, grenade and a large gun case. The eldest bought me a dummy knife too. I’ve done bloody well!! Now trying to plan my ‘pluck’ foam interior layout.
  2. The Mrs bought me a new toy, KWA Skorpion with a larger mag, can’t wait to try it out! She also got me a gun case (and a few other goodies) so I’m planning out the ‘pluck foam’ layout.
  3. Got to try out my new AK at Battle Stations Activity Centre, Thetford on Sunday afternoon and was gutted when I was told it was running a bit hot after chrono 😢. They advised to speak to their gun tech and he said that I could play as long as I wasn't a dick with it as it wasn't over chrono by much and that it needed to get a few mags through it to bed in. Really happy with how it shot and arrow straight with the iron sites too, well happy. Pity that there were a few folks spoiling the games by not taking their hits though, having said that the marshals dealt with them and we had a great day. Although my son did want to mag dump on one of the dudes for not taking his hits! 😃
  4. Got myself an E&L AK74N, bloody love it and can’t wait to use it:
  5. It arrived!! it looks bloody lovely (to me) and is REALLY well made, zero wobble or rattles and I can’t wait to use it.
  6. ** UPDATE ** Ah well I've bitten the bullet (well the BB in the case of my last skirmish - note to self purchase lower face mesh!) and ordered an E & L AK74N. Well I should say re-ordered as the first shop failed to tell me they were out of stock even though they took my monies! Should be here today/tomorrow!
  7. I've found this as a noob. I was originally thinking of getting a CYMA AK but there is minimal stock of them about for the model I want. Talking to the owner at my local site he said that they used to pay around £1500 for a shipping container and thats now gone up to around £5/6k!! The price hikes are massive and will no doubt get passed down the line to customers eventually, so lack of stock and price increases look like they'll be the norm for a while.
  8. Hi y'all, beginner here (played a few games with rental gear and now have my defence) and in the market for my first AEG and i'm really wanting to go the AK route. I've been doing a fair bit of research and reading up and was pretty settled on going for a CYMA CM.048 (with the full wood stock etc) or my 2nd choice was another CYMA but this time the CYMA CM.045A - AKS-74U or Krink as the yanks call it.... But what with brexit etc and the lack of stock of guns available in the UK at the mo. and for the foreseeable future i'm kinda re-thinking going the CYMA route as no one seems to have them and I don't fancy risking ordering from overseas as I was going to give taiwan gun co. a look but have read about folks issues with them and delivery/customs etc. I guess my budget for gun (alone) is around £350 tops. As I said i've been doing a fair bit of research/looking around and I have found an E&L ELAKM from their 'Essential' range, which is apparently their new 'budget' range when compared to their Platinum Range. Has anyone got any real hands on experience of these E & L Essential Range AEGs or can offer any pro's/cons etc. Also any advice on which AK platform to go for within my budget would be welcome. I prefer the old-school looking wood, versus tactical rails everywhere (but having said that I do love the build for sale on here based on the AKS-74U covered in rails for £600!!). I'd prefer something that I can keep standard and don't have to replace parts on until they wear out and I need to. I would like the opportunity to add a trad looking side rail and optic of some kind at some point though. And i've noticed that the E&L ELAKM doesn't have the side mount option.... GAHHH!!! Advise me please but ideally based on real experiences as im getting sick of all the same style uTube 'reviews'. Thanks in advance.
  9. Yeah sometimes the Mrs is worse than me for splashing cash on hobbies, so yup that'll deffo help! Sorry shouldn't laugh as I know how it feels getting stingy hits after getting shot in the neck from under 2mtrs on the CQB site and jump-scaring the dude, i thought I was sweating but I was actually wiping away blood! MEDIC!! Yup deffo instilling safety into them all and our eye/face-pro has been top priority so far. Am certainly reading loads at the mo. Oh and thanks for the welcome!
  10. Morning y'all, been lurking on here a bit and reading up on plenty of articles so though that I should register and say "Hi" so that I can bombard y'all with questions etc. and bore the arse of you! I'm totally new to the sport and have only played 2x games so far and hopefully have my 3rd booked for this Saturday so i'm on my way to getting my UKARA defence so that I can look at purchasing my first RIF. I took my eldest 2x sons (14 and 15) to Battle Stations Activity Centre in Snetterton as it's near to where we live (Norwich) and we had a great time, hence it slowly consuming all my time on various sites researching everything from camo, loadouts, guns to BBs and attachments! We were all raving about it so much that the wife decided to join us for our second visit there and she too now has the bug, so I can see this getting expensive as we've already started to purchase some gear. I would say that 'the family that shoots together, stays together' but thats not true as my wife 'accidentally' shot our 14 year old in the dick and now he's now not sure if he wants to continue playing!! I have suggested that he carries on but with additional protection but he's still not 100% sure... I have a number of hobbies and always tend to do my own thing within various groups and this sport seems to be the same for me. I wanted some camo gear, but I wanted something different from what i've seen at games and in various facebook groups so i've gone for some Swedish M90 Splinter camo and I purchased a fast style helmet along with some good quality goggles that attach to it. I have the crap combo of wearing glasses and sport a beard, so eye/face protection has taken some consideration. I tend to sweat loads when running around, so want to use a minimal loadout so i'm also thinking of a minimal chest rig, something like a Trojan to hold some extra mags, battery, basic tool kit etc. RIFs - Part of me not wanting to follow the crowd and my love of old classic cars and all things mechanical means that i'm heavily leaning towards the AK platform, with the CYMA being a good contender at the moment due to bang for buck that i've read it offers. I've probably already bored the arse of y'all so erm yeah.... "Hi" and maybe see some of you at site in the future?
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