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Liam Porter

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Everything posted by Liam Porter

  1. I have highlighted the cause of the problem. It's not proper Lego.
  2. I had (actually still have, fully built under a pile of crap in the loft,) a Lego plane, was about a metre long and wide, could literally throw it down the stairs, and all that ever fell off was the wheels and the propeller on the front. Also had an aircraft carrier about 2 metres long, which only broken once when I fell down the stairs carrying it. Admittedly, they were both modified slightly from the original instructions to make them stronger, but still. The plane's wings would always fall off otherwise, and the aircraft carrier had a weak middle section, so would snap in half.
  3. Lego's fucking indestructible, the pyro would go off, the Lego would contain the full force of it and maybe just bounce off the ground a little. And as soon as someone took a piece of Lego off, the full force of the pyro would come out the gap they created.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Liam Porter

      Liam Porter

      Yeah, there were a few of them on there like that! Also, the title of this from Airsoft World made me laugh: http://www.airsoftworld.net/tokyo-marui-p90tr-high-cycle.html

    3. Henry Wisdom

      Henry Wisdom

      I suppose when you get to Airsoft World's level and start socialising with their buyers on sites such as Facebook you can be a little more informal like that. But the fact they can't even spell *Forest... -_-

    4. M_P


      actionhobbies are always doing stuff like this, not surprised :P I've never really seen them as a proper airsoft retailer for some reason anyway- this gives me a reason :D

  4. The one you linked is much better than a Lenovo Ideapad Z580, regarding specs. I've never heard of 3XS though, so can't comment on anything other than the specs and price. No idea what quality they are or how long they're likely to last. From experience, here's a few brands I'd avoid/look out for; Sony VAIO - I had a Sony VAIO, was my favourite laptop I had. Wasn't the best spec-wise, but build quality and ergonomics, it was amazing. It was also the most expensive I've had. I could play games on it with it being on my bed, without it getting hot and overheating. Reason I got rid of it was because I dropped it and fucked it up. ASUS - Good specs:price ratio, you get more for the same cost as another brand laptop. I'd say poor build quality though, the keyboard/keys were flimsy and the keyboard started to bend inwards in the middle. The speakers went 'rattly' after about a year or so. The subwoofer port stopped working completely, so after just over a year, I returned it to Amazon for a full refund. Toshiba - Had two of these, both the same. Worked well, quite good quality, better than ASUS, worse than Sony VAIO. Bear in mind, these will not survive if you drop them down the stairs, I accidentally tested this twice. HP - Avoid like the plague. My dad had one, my step-dad had one, my brother and sister both had one, my nan and grandad had one. They all, without fail, overheated and fucked the processor within a year. Not the best build quality, no too expensive, but seem to have massive cooling issues. If anyone else wants to go against what I've said, for whatever reason, feel free, this is from my experience, of 1 laptop from each of the brands (apart from Toshiba and HP). Finally, if I was going to get myself another laptop, which I might for Uni, it would definitely be a Sony VAIO.
  5. Ah that's okay then, I still need to get a gunbag. Never had any need for one previously, guns have always gone in the bottom of the car boot, covered with jackets, vests/rigs, then boxes of stuff and food, then covered with the parcel shelf. Anyone recommend me a semi-decent gunbag that will fit an M16, standard vest, and a few other bits and bobs?
  6. Okay, I think I'll leave my L96 at home, will make do with the M16 for a while. Not sure if I should bring with me on moving in day, or wait a few weeks until I go home for a weekend and then bring it then? And, to keep on topic, me being silly with my M16:
  7. Really? I'd give it a go with Nerf imitation weapons. On a completely irrelevant side note Ed, what sites do you mostly play at? CQB or woodland? And what are the FPS limits?
  8. I would say yes as well. I know it's unrealistic, but it's a step in the right direction to getting realistic guns like the rest of the world seem to be allowed. If you had two options: no airsoft at all, or airsoft with Nerf look-a-like airsoft guns, with the possibility to later be allowed IFs, followed by RIFs, what would you choose?
  9. Hmm... To take the guns with me to Uni on the first day, or wait a few weeks and then go home and get them...?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ScoobySnacks


      Liam, you really need to check your tenancy agreement carefully. I know when I was at uni, guns and any other weapons, including replicas and imitations, were totally banned from halls of residence and any other uni buildings/sites. In addition, the tenancy agreements for "headed tenancy" properties banned any type of wepaon in the houses. If you take them along, you might well find you have nowhere to keep them! Where abouts are you going to uni?


    3. Liam Porter

      Liam Porter

      Yeah, I've checked that Scooby, doesn't mention it in there. I won't take them first day, as won't be airsofting for few weeks anyway, so will talk to whoever at my accommodation and see what they say. If they say no, then I'll just have to go home every few weekends to airsoft :P

    4. jcheeseright


      Just make sure it's stored in an appropriate bag/box and kept out of sight. No one has the right to search your room/open your bags without either due cause or a warrant to do so. So no problem as long as no one knows it's there.


      Obviously this it teaching grandma how to suck eggs as you've been at this a long time, but there's no harm in reminding someone of their rights!

  10. It's the small things that are annoying, like an M16A3 with a RIS front end. EDIT: Holy crap, that's a large picture...
  11. Would be nice if there was more than 1 populated Project Reality server with a playable ping...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. AirsoftTed


      Other way round I got myself confused, drakeling's good at 2 in the morning, NWA good at this time of night.

    3. Liam Porter

      Liam Porter

      Okay, thanks. Got work tomorrow, so won't be playing at 2am. Although last day Saturday, so I can play all night every night next week :P

    4. AirsoftTed


      Oh god, I went through a phase of doing that. Things got so dire I had to resort to playing co-op but I had some good games tbh

  12. Well, back from France, to be honest, I didn't miss the Internet at all...

    1. Airsoft-Ed


      Only enough to mention how you didn't miss it...


      Learn to lie better, noob! :P

    2. Liam Porter

      Liam Porter

      Well, I didn't miss it much. Back home and rather bored already.

  13. Well that's enough Internet for today...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AirsoftTed


      What has been seen cannot be unseen.

    3. adam bussey
    4. Liam Porter

      Liam Porter

      I do apologise. I have also now allowed myself back on the internet.

  14. Great. Remove Teflon tape from M16 = FPS goes up by 5. Now getting 370. Got any ideas on quickly lowering FPS without opening the gearbox?

    1. TacMaster


      Pierce the air nozzle with a pin? That's what I did with my MP5, brought it down by 30

    2. Liam Porter

      Liam Porter

      The air nozzle's already got a hole in it (drilled as it's a metal nozzle), which Fire Support did because it came shooting 360, that lowered it to 340, and now it's gone back up again...

    3. adam bussey

      adam bussey

      clean the nozzle's hole with a pin

  15. Well, my step-dad's being stupid once again, he's convinced he gets a higher MPG out of his car by putting magnets on the fuel line...

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Liam Porter

      Liam Porter

      two_zero, what polarity in fuel molecules? :P

    3. two_zero


      the reversed extra polarity.

    4. Liam Porter
  16. Well I have a problem; convincing my friend to do airsoft for his birthday over paintball. I don't really want to pay £50 for 1000 shots of inaccurate paint, and have to wear the full face mask and silly overalls...

    1. Alex The Destroyer

      Alex The Destroyer

      show him some videos, seeing the amount of realism should get him to like it. Well thats what happened to me :P

    2. M_P


      Tell him you get full auto, realistic guns, more ammo and it's much cheaper. There is no real advantage to paintball at all as far as I can see.

    3. TacMaster


      Only advantage to paintball is that people don't look at you like a weirdo when you mention it

  17. Oh, it would be so nice if every (or at least every worthwhile) company stuck to standard specifications for parts. Or, even better, if companies made guns that didn't need so many parts replacing.
  18. I just sanded it down holding it between finger and thumb. How many mags do you have? Could just be a crappy one? And I think I saw a replacement feeding tube thing for the TM version somewhere, maybe there's one for the ARES, or the TM could even fit? They can't be too different.
  19. You want to get really, really fine sandpaper, wrap it around an Allen key or cleaning/in jamming rod, and sand the inside down so it matches the curvature of the BB. For the nub, you'll still want one that's the same length as the patch, so the whole patch pushes down evenly, otherwise you may as well just use a normal hop. Another thing, how smooth is the part where you removed the nub on the inside of the hop rubber? Mine wasn't very, although I tried really hard. To solve it, I also removed the fin (that makes the rubber only go on one way), twisted the rubber 90 degrees and then put it on. For your hop, it may be worthwhile for you to do the TDC mod, although that'd require drilling a larger whole into the top of your barrel and having a screw poke out the top. It makes for easier adjustment on the go, and is apparently very stable and consistent, although I'm yet to try it.
  20. Did you sand down the patch, I've had to do quite a lot of sanding on mine. A normal nub is no good, you want one that's flat and covers the same area as the R-Hop patch. I use a piece of rubber band cut to size, with a small piece of milk bottle glued onto the top of it, so the hop levers push down the whole patch equally.
  21. Found a good use for some of my A Level work from last year - a full length paper barrel spacer.

  22. Did you remove the little 'nub' from inside the bucking? And you should use a flat, soft nub for R-Hop, the regular nub is probably what was giving you bad results.
  23. When you did R-Hop, what nub and bucking did you use? How's the hop adjusted? Is it the same as the Well/Warrior, with an Allen key in the bottom of the gun?
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