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Liam Porter

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Everything posted by Liam Porter

  1. I don't suppose anyone is selling an internally broken/internal-less M16, that is compatible with G&P parts?

  2. Anyone know if/how it's possible to get a G36 stock onto an M4/M16?

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Bottledtorment


      Just a thought but what about dremmelling out a channel for the tube in the Stock and slipping it onto that?

      (May sound dumb but just an idea)


    3. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      I think the diameter of the tube would be wider than the stock, but I don't know. You wouldn't be able to fold it either if it was slipped over the buffer tube.

    4. Liam Porter

      Liam Porter

      I'm not worried about it folding, just want it the look. Needs to be somewhat functional though, don't want it falling off or snapping whenever I shoulder the rifle.

  3. Okay thanks, I've not been yet, plan on going when I next get a Sunday off work.
  4. I know the FPS limits and MEDs for DMRs and bolt action rifles, but are there any rules other than those? For example, some sites don't allow DMRs/snipers to be fired in buildings (e.g. down corridors), but do allow them to be shot out of buildings to engage outside targets.
  5. Commenting for notifications so I don't forget.
  6. Okay, because of that and comparisons between a Gen2 G&G and a G&P, I would recommend G&P over G&G any day.
  7. What changed from G&G Gen2 to G&G Gen3, apart from the addition of the MOSFET?
  8. It may be the collar of the rubber. I have a Prometheus red rubber which I've tried to use in sniper rifle and AEG, and it simply doesn't work. In my AEG, it doesn't feed, and the nozzle/tappet plate isn't strong enough to force the BB through. In the sniper though, it's fed by the force of me pushing the bolt forwards, so if I apply enough force, it will feed. The issue is, when I do this, the nozzle either dents the BBs loads, making them jam or fire extremely inaccurately, or it shatters the BB and leaves fragments in the barrel. I've just stopped using Prometheus rubbers and stick to the MadBull blue ones. If you cut a bit of the collar/lip off and make it so that when you have just the barrel and hop rubber (out the gun), you can easily roll a BB through, then it should work, but I've not tried that, just what I've read of other people doing.
  9. I'm pretty sure it is subjectable to VAT, as it's a service?
  10. I thought shipping was subject to tax at the same rate as the product?
  11. I've done it with a stock G&P rubber, MadBull blue, MadBull red and I tried it with a Prometheus red (I think). No idea on the sandpaper, was some stuff I found in the shed, was the finest stuff I could find though. I did it when I was experimenting with r-hops, used the same sandpaper on the r-hop patches and on the nub I made out of a small slice of a thick rubber band and a small patch of milk bottle plastic to keep it rigid. Was easiest to do on the G&P one, the two MadBulls I had a bit of trouble turning inside out, had to cover them in grease and then use a small pair of pliers to actually get grip on them. The Prometheus wouldn't even turn inside out, was a harder rubber, but whatever I tried, it wouldn't go, didn't want to pull too hard as it'd rip. When I tried that rubber in my L96, the end bit actually stopped BBs from being able to enter the barrel, was an awful rubber, wouldn't buy another hard rubber at all from that experience. Only bought it because someone recommended it to lift heavy BBs, but a larger/different shape nub allows soft rubbers to lift heavy ammo, and soft rubbers are easier to work with and give a better air seal anyway.
  12. Or you could turn your current one inside out, by putting it on backwards on the wrong end of the barrel, and then use sandpaper to remove the bump from it, or to reduce the size of the bump. It's quite fiddly, easy to make a mistake and tear the rubber, and much, much easier to do with a soft rubber, especially the turning inside out bit.
  13. I've tried MadBull Shark nubs, which are similar to H nubs, just more curved, and they caused massive overhop with everything, in every gun I tried. My L96 was throwing .4s behind me nearly.
  14. Oh come on Nick! It's not even half 11 and I'm already at the weird end of YouTube!
  15. Anyone know of any airsoft 80s or 90s sight, either red-dot or up to 4x zoom, to stick on top of an M4, either carry handle mounted, or mounted onto a rail on a carry handle?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. AirsoftTed


      I had a google about and around 93' an Aimpoint 3000 or Aimpoint comp would have been in use with Delta if thats any good to you. There is an Aimpoint 3000 up on ebay atm http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Aimpoint-3000-red-dot-gun-sight-/191122721431?pt=UK_SportingGoods_Hunting_ShootingSports_ET&hash=item2c7fcd4a97 Will need a paint job!

    3. AirsoftTed


      an aimpoint 5000 would also do the job!

    4. Liam Porter

      Liam Porter

      Thanks, I had a look around, and I believe the sight in the picture I linked above is an Aimpoint Electronic Mk III, or at least it's very similar. May get that one, although I haven't even got the gun yet, not 100% decided.

  16. What radios require a licence to be used?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Liam Porter

      Liam Porter

      That's what I thought, thank you

    3. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      I second that, you need it to he a PMR 446 radio or else you need a business licence or something.

    4. geoffreym


      PMR 446 frequencies, and it has to be 0.5 watts or under.

  17. That will be the most ridiculous-looking thing ever. Why not just get a lower half and then pull it down to your neck when you want food/drink/smoke?
  18. Fair enough, the only way I'd get a gas sniper is if it ran on HPA. Wow, if only you could use that at sites in the UK. Oh, I thought you meant inner barrel. PDI advertise their L96 outer barrels as being more accurate as they're thicker metal than the stock barrels, and therefore less movement/vibrations when you shoot. I think I may get a new gun before the NAE, stuck between a few options though. - Old school M4, with the M16A1 receiver, standard handguard, Car-15 stock etc. - DMR, M14 most likely and upgrading it to the max FPS allowed. - Lightweight sniper, such as a VSR, upgraded a little but not fully kitted out with PDI.
  19. Ahh, gas snipers, how can people do that!? The power output of each shot reduces slightly as you empty the CO2 capsule, giving you the opposite to what you want in a sniper - consistency.
  20. Anyone know if a G&P M16A1 lower receiver will fit onto any G&P upper receivers other than the old-style M16 ones?

    1. M_P


      I'd expect they should, I think that's what some people do for l119a1s as some had the old style colt markings on their lowers- better get conformation from elsewhere as well though

    2. Liam Porter

      Liam Porter

      That's what I thought, want confirmation though as I've read somewhere that the older style receivers are thinner, so was thinking it either wouldn't fit or that the upper would wobble on the lower.

  21. What FPS will an M200 give you? Also, what steel barrel? Nice, sounds like it's shooting really well. Makes me want to fix mine, but I've kinda given up on it. Been sat completely disassembled since before Christmas. Needs a new bolt housing before I can do anything with it at all.
  22. You realise you can wear what you want and play how you want (within the rules) on any team, right? In that case, I may be seeing you in my scope. How's the sniper shooting now? You done much to it since last year at the NAE?
  23. Does anyone have team preferences again this year? I'm pretty certain I'm going delta again with Arden.
  24. Nah, it works on a basic skirmish basis, using tags/colours to identify teams rather than kits and weapons.
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