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Everything posted by Nickona

  1. 1980's to 1990's even post Falklands is very vague, you'd need to give tighter timings and a theatre If you're going, I have this kit and want a realistic loadout for it then thats not the best way about doing it, I speak from experience there!
  2. Does anyone have any experience of Absolute Airsofts reading site?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nickona


      theres apparently one in reading as well

      Whats the marshalling, gameplay, players like?


    3. Esoterick


      Heard they are rubbish and their membership comes with discount at SAS haha.

    4. Nickona


      cheers, I recently found out they were quite close to me but then realised I'd never heard of them so probably not a good sign

  3. Nickona

    Camouflage Tape

    playing once would not constitute a legal defence. The convention is you need to be a member of a site. if you phoned up a store and said i've played a few times I highly doubt they'd sell you a RIF
  4. Yes you certainly would!! There's nothing there that would really donate Vietnam except maybe the general feel, for £80 you could probably do a far better and more realistic Vietnam loadout, look on http://www.sofmilitary.co.uk/ as they have lots of good Nam gear. For £70 you can get £rd pattern jacket and trousers Its a nice loaodut just wouldn't say its Vietnam
  5. Nickona

    Camouflage Tape

    Longshot, he is only able to paint his gun after he is a proven airsofter which normally entails site membership of some short and 3 or more games which is the convention. As for tape while you're playing at a site is fine, at some sites its mandatory, but take ti off before you get in your car to go home
  6. Ive been debating about going for a while, but as people say, its largely for the social aspect and game play in't great so would prefer to spend money on a milsim or other weekender events
  7. What was the name of the guy who was making custom foam plates for carriers?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. M_P


      Just cut up a roll mat, sorted.

    3. Tariq


      I used magazines. Heavy as fook though :P

    4. Nickona


      Thanks Mack it was J-Tac

      I actually needed him for something else but couldn't remember his name just knew he did foam plates

  8. Unless you're getting something magnified theres not much point in anything other than irons For CQB a dot can be useful but the distances are so close its not going to make a big difference Also remember a sight it only ever good if its zero'd
  9. Xsite run a similar Rourke's Drift type game at the beginning where you have all but about 6-8 so anywhere form 60+ defending while the 6-8 attack. Everyone who is hit is defending joins the attack and the attack have unlimited lives from a respawn
  10. To be fair I would never expect to be refunded for any membership as you buy membership for a year and thats the transaction done, like buying any other good. Otherwise they could just have people sign on, buy a RIF and then cancel. Qlimax you should probably have paid and seen if they would have noticed a different name on the payment. Also I highly doubt anyone outside of the airsoft world would be able to fake a UKARA e-mail or even know they exist and whats included, granted they should have double checked anyway
  11. On a serious note though that would be an awesome game!! Politically correct maybe not, but if we did Iswandwana as well it'd be fine
  12. There needs to be some good African games! Large light woodland area with plenty of vehicles and huts with a large militia group and some civ pop to prevent the SADF from just shooting on sight. Also a proper Rourkes drift would be good. Small number of troops with semi auto and bolt action against a massive force armed with melee weapons
  13. I think people need to know exactly what a "codsofter" is They are not necessarily (although usually are) new players and they are not elitists, in the traditional sense of the word They are basically usually younger players, who have played CoD and then have decided to go out and play airsoft without reading much about it and then think because they played CoD they are suddenly all knowledgeable and think everything works like it does in CoD, so they go around being obnoxious and doing things like no scoping, blind firing and generally thinking they'll be as good in airsoft as they are in the game and anyone who beats them must be "hacking" They are not by any means common and many people join the sport are perfectly few, its just a small minority who happen to do it
  14. For those of you who might be interested in a bit of Africa, I have just set up a page for African Bush Wars Airsoft including all African conflicts from WWII North Africa to modern day Congo and everything in between. If you're interested please feel free to join: Hope to see you there, TIA! https://www.facebook.com/groups/478964418902737/

  15. If you could do this to a M9 I'd be interested
  16. Well it depends on when they fail you if you can return them.. if its a couple of weeks should be fine but much longer, without a guarantee or warrenty it gets a lot harder
  17. My Mechanix are full fingered but I can still do pretty much everything I would normally do in the field without taking them off including loading shotguns and using grenades.
  18. I use Mechanix originals and they're absolutely brilliant! Very hard wearing having survived 6 laps of the Nuts Challenge assault course. They also dry very quickly and are very dexterous compared to many other gloves
  19. I don't understand why.. having the sights closer together makes the gun far less accurate as your point of references have less difference so the rifle will be harder to align properly.. its part of the reason why the AK is a lot less accurate than the M16, the sight is so far down the gun I just did some reading and it apparently make target acquisition faster with more peripheral vision but your accuracy is massively reduced making it only good for close quarters whereas a long gap is good for both close and medium/long distance encounters
  20. I'm seen an MP5 with a grenade launcher before (one of the silly madbull ones) and it looks weird and just really uneasy to use
  21. I just noticed where the rear sight is and my puritanical self shuddered
  22. Figured it would be relevent here.. All genuine SADF or SANDF SADF Leather boots SANDF S2000 Bush Jacket (very rare!) SADF Sleepingbag SADF R4 Rifle Sling SADF Toiletries Bag SADF 2l Water bottle and dixie tin set SADF Poncho
  23. Here are some bits I recently got from South Africa. All genuine SADF or SANDF SADF Leather boots SANDF S2000 Bush Jacket (very rare!) SADF Sleepingbag SADF R4 Rifle Sling SADF Toiletries Bag SADF 2l Water bottle and dixie tin set SADF Poncho
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