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Everything posted by Nickona

  1. what is it with you today calling everyone n00bs? but we're off topic.. back to loadouts
  2. yea basically craig and by saying all the stuff like, well actually thats.... etc, it pisses them off
  3. haha, sorry i insulted you i forgot CoD copied the dolphin dives from you
  4. haha, well done Dave I need to pay Finius and then after i will get a patch, happy? haha, doing some CoD dolphin dives???
  5. just to be clear.... http://www.flickr.com/photos/63613999@N02/.../in/photostream also this is my current loadout.. what you guys think? http://www.flickr.com/photos/63613999@N02/...in/photostream/
  6. haha, i searched, lower back to show everyone where i mean
  7. haha, thats a lot! i think it would be cool to have a smg mp5 or mp7 here where his hand is running horizontal: EDIT: before anyone asks its from a back pain website
  8. yea i would like a MP5K as a side arm possitioned on my lower back with a colt in a holster
  9. yea, lol, but it would be a sweet side arm in a holster, probs without the stock though
  10. thats awesome... "oh no, I've run out" "haha, you only have a pistol" "oh wait, this is my side arm..." .............
  11. looks, good! what chest rig are you running
  12. OMG I love it! If i get the top M4 from Finius (pg. 16) I'm going to look at turning it into one similar, I may have a stab at the Sanderson look but I preffer Hoots gun
  13. you need to spray the for sight, and the sling doesn't attach there but i'm sure you got it covered lookiong awesome!!!!
  14. make sure you upload some pics sounds sweet
  15. Looking good but I don't like the Union Flag on that ACU kit anyway as a fellow BHD fan why don't you go for a BHD loadout?
  16. I recently purchased a UBCAS from them and it was quick and hassle free, excelent I'd say
  17. yea but they're not the main camo pattern, i would prefer OD to digi, also you can camo the rest of that
  18. well firstly you should get rid of that horrible digital stuff, it doesn't work as camo, where in nature do you see lots of little squares?
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