General rule of thumb it seems from sites like BBguns4less and justbbguns, the guns which they sell are not consistent, meaning that one gun may be in good working order, while another will fall apart as soon as the pull the trigger, although it seems the second option is more common.
I have personaly made a purchase from each of these sites.
From BBguns for less i purchased two of the following items
these were for a simple weekend up a friends farm so we could have a bit of fun, with the additional intention to use them as additional props for some filming as it was cheaper then paying for a good brand AEG.
the items in question took 2 weeks before they were delivered, i was not overly fussed on this fact, but the guns them selfs proved to be of very poor quality, parts such as the shroud and stock were very loss, and one of the guns didnt even make it to the end of our weekend before the entire barrel broke off.
The order made from JustBBguns was for a Shotgun
again this was purchased with intentions for film prop, but although its shooting condition failed fairly quickly, the structure remained sound so was still able to use it for a prop.
If you aim is simple a bit of quick fun with friends, then id say go cheap, as there is no need to pay more then you need for these guns which are of quality which is sub par to what most airsofters would expect.