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Wavey_Gravey last won the day on October 21 2024

Wavey_Gravey had the most liked content!


Profile Information

  • Guns
    Tokyo Marui MWS + Spare uppers.
  • Loadouts
    Function comfort, funcfort.
  • Sites
    Strike force CQB
    UCAP Vendetta
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  1. You either need a new cover / pouch or your going to have to get creative. Use some of that bungee to keep the Velcro supported.
  2. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    Clearing out a little box of bits, would like them gone in bulk. - Reptilia CQG grips. - Deadly customs holster dangler. - Zparts Warcomp. - One seven six patch. (Copy i think) - Black diamond carabiner. - PTT retainer. - Yellow chems. £40.


  3. Fuck me whoever two toned that MWS is a mong.
  4. Bargain considering the price new 🤙🏻
  5. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • As new

    Crye JPC 2.0 - Small SAPI - MCB. Crye triple flap front panel - MCB. Both genuine, as new condition. Don’t be put off by the small size, it’s only 1 inch smaller in height and width than a medium. £250 plus post.


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    • Wanted
    • As new

    Looking for a JPC 2.0 - Multicam, medium. SAPI or swimmers cut, standard or maritime, show me what you goooot.


  7. You’d be better of stripping the accessories and selling them as just the rifles IMO.
  8. Wavey_Gravey

    FMA opscore

    If you split the AMPS ill have the lid cover 🤙🏻
  9. Rifle mag pouches on both sides of the belt is wild, you must have some long ass arms.
  10. I like those movie accurate suppressors, more aesthetically pleasing that the Allen engineering one they actually used at the time… Maybe it’s just imprinted in my brain from watching it a gazillion times over the years.
  11. Can you not stick it on a barrel and twist it off? Shame if it’s properly stuck, they’re nice.
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