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Cannonfodder last won the day on January 7

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Profile Information

  • Guns
    E&L AKS74U
    Galaxy MP5K
    Specna Arms M4
    WE P99
    Mk23 Socom and a few more
  • Loadouts
    It varies depending on my mood or the site
  • Sites
    Wherever I can get a game, yes I'm an airsoft slut
  • Gender
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    Right here

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  1. If reliability is your main concern then the best thing you can do is leave the internals alone. As others have posted use heavier bbs and set the hop up accordingly
  2. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/335733982982?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=KMoA49B7Tk-&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=XZw7p40NRne&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=WHATS_APP
  3. For the GE clones of the 870 you only need to replace the fill valve with one of these https://highpressureairsoft.co.uk/collections/fittings/products/jag-arms-scatter-gun-secutor Would that work for the TM?
  4. Surely the two tone being done with stickers adds to the value😁😁😁
  5. It would help if the muppet could spell Diemaco correctly. Not that they've been called that for 20 years
  6. GE gas are usually listed for around £100 and up depending on what accessories are included
  7. Probably Rift's Blackstone site in Huntington. As for my loadout, here's a picture as I'm feeling lazy and can't be bothered to list everything Photo by Brockys Images/kriosphotography.com
  8. Wow. That's got to be the dumbest thing I've read all year and I've been on quora. That rule is ridiculously open to abuse and would ruin the game. I'm glad your picture included the site name as I know to avoid it
  9. Maybe I can fix stuff, I just don't want the extra hassle of fixing faults on a supposedly working gun as I buy them to use not just hang on a wall or sell on. I've had this more than once (fortunately not here) so I suppose it's a case of once bitten twice shy
  10. I've got one of those and I can happily say he's talking bollocks about the magazines. Mine will fit any STANAG mag. Also good luck finding a battery that'll fit the peq box
  11. I wouldn't buy a second hand gun without seeing it working first unless I know the seller, especially so if it's "FuLlY UgRaDeD" by an unnamed person.
  12. Full disclosure: this isn't from personal experience, only what Google says but multiple sites say the same do I'm taking it as true. Vorsk glocks aren't magazine compatible with other brands standard size mags. The extended ones might fit with modifications to the gun
  13. I use a gas shotgun as my main gun for cqb and have never heard of any site with a blanket ban on them. Rift's Blackstone site do have a rule that they're left on 3 rather than 6 rounds though Yes a pump action shotgun puts more rounds in the air with each trigger pull but making that follow up shot if you miss or there's another target can't be done as quickly. Imo wanker guns like hpa hi cappas with hair triggers are m4 mags are far more of an issue as they're more easily abused. Best to double check with the site but I can't see them having a problem with it
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