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Cannonfodder last won the day on February 26

Cannonfodder had the most liked content!

Profile Information

  • Guns
    E&L AKS74U
    Galaxy MP5K
    Specna Arms M4
    WE P99
    Mk23 Socom and a few more
  • Loadouts
    It varies depending on my mood or the site
  • Sites
    Wherever I can get a game, yes I'm an airsoft slut
  • Gender
  • Location
    Right here

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  1. I've always found catcrap works well. One application in the morning and maybe another at lunch on particularly hot or humid days is enough to keep everything clear What eye protection are you using at the moment?
  2. If you looked at your previous posts you'd see that you've already been told where to post the adverts
  3. My CQB loadout Photo courtesy of Brockys images
  4. I find selling body parts is easier if they're not your own
  5. From his old profile I think I might've met him in person once along with the ex. If it was him I remember getting the impression he was a twat and the mrs didn't seem too happy with him
  6. Tell me you didn't read the forum rules without saying you didn't read the forum rules
  7. If only there was a part of the forum dedicated to sales. It could even be broken up into sections depending on what people want to sell
  8. The letters/numbers on the ukara database were the site membership, the site just didn't charge you for it. The only difference is that they now charge for it but throw in extras such as discounts on game fees. Also it only lasts for 12 months so if it hadn't been renewed since then you'll need to go through the whole 3 games in no less than 2 months again
  9. Eh? Your site membership is what goes onto the ukara database
  10. The short answer is no The long answer is nooooooooooo Bear in mind that for many site owners running the site isn't their full time job so might have more important things to do. Patience is a virtue
  11. Sorry bu cqb site I thought you meant an indoor site or a kill house rather than a field with some barricades. You've been quite vague about what you want to achieve and have ignored given advice so it's not that surprising people aren't rushing to help
  12. Didn't he originally use a different account? Something I'm sure is a no no
  13. Where do I start? Maybe with they're rare because they were discontinued as they didn't sell well due to being crap and unreliable so good luck to anyone who wants spare parts or extra magazines. Or maybe that they were £100 new. Oh and they never had a bolt hold open so the crap repair makes no difference
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